4201 Winfield Road, Warrenville, IL 60555
Navistar/ Data2Logistics
Carrier Reference Manual
10.01.10, Version 6
I. Where to send invoices ...………….…….3
II. Required information …………..…………..…….4
A. Origin
B. Destination
C. Bill to location
D. Navistar Location List
III. Accessorial Charges ………………....…………..5
IV. Third Party Moves …………………..…..………..6
V. Stop Off/ Milk Runs/ Round Trips ……….…..6
VI. Aging ………………………………………………..……6
VII. Remittance Advice ……………………….……….6
VIII. “Return” invoices …………………….……………7
IX. Resolving invoices …………………….……………9
A. Balance Due
B. Supporting Documentation
C. Rates
D. Payment
X. Contact information …………………….……..10
XI. Trouble Shooting ………………………….……...11
I. Where to send invoices;
Data2Logistics is the auditor and processor of Navistar freight bills.
Electronic billing (EDI) is the preferred method of transmission for all Navistar transportation providers.
Implementing EDI
Navistar, Data2Logistics or carriers may raise the idea of implementing EDI. Once the Carrier and contact is identified, volumes will be confirmed. To process traditional EDI in the ANSI standard format their must be a minimum of 50 moves per week. Data2Logistics has the ability to accept a “CSV” file for carriers who cannot transmit traditional EDI. Once the volume is verified, a Data2Logistics EDI request is submitted. A Data2Logistics EDI Specialists will send requirements to the designated carrier contact. A test file containing no less than 30 shipments will be requested from the carrier. Once a carrier submits the test file, the Data2Logistics processing team will confirm the format of the invoice/ shipment number (must be the same as on a paper invoice), terms, addresses, weights, charges are populating correctly in the Data2Logistics processing system. Once the Data2Logistics processing team signs off on the test file, the Carrier and Data2Logistics will agree on a “Go Live Ship Date”. This date will represent the date Data2Logistics will begin processing EDI for the carrier. The only paper invoices that will be processed are third party billings (neither shipper, nor consignee is a Navistar location), balance dues (clearly marked) or other specifically noted invoices.
Under no circumstances should 3rd party shipments be sent via EDI. They must be hardcopy with bill of lading attached sent to Data2Logistics. Please see Third Party billing requirements.
EDI implementations can be requested by contacting Data2Logistics Client Relationship Manager directly at 801.287.8418 or
Paper invoices are to be sent to the following address:
C/O Navistar
PO Box 57990-0990
Salt Lake City, UT 84107
Courier Only
C/O Navistar
6056 S. Fashion Square Drive STE 300
Salt Lake City, UT 84107
Do not attempt to fax or email your invoices. These will not be processed without prior authorization.
II. Requirements;
Complete origin (shipper) and destination (consignee) and payment terms (prepaid, collect, or third party) and legible back up documentation (bill of lading/ proof of delivery) are required on ALL invoices, including accessorial charges, balance dues and corrected invoices. Complete means Name, Street Address, City, State, Postal Code, Country and Keywords. Origin/ Destination information must match the Navistar Location list. It is highly recommended that carriers access the location list via the Internet at least monthly. The link is;
A. Origin / Shipper Information
This field identifies a point from which the shipment originates. It must reflect a complete name, physical address, city, state, zip code and country. If Navistar is the shipper, and responsible for the move, the terms should be prepaid.
B. Destination/ Consignee Information
This field identifies the place to which a shipment is delivered. It must reflect a complete name, physical address, city, state, zip code and country. If Navistar is the consignee, and responsible for the move, the terms should be collect.
C. Bill To / Owner Information
This field identifies which specific Navistar location is accountable for the freight charges on third party invoice. It must reflect a complete name, physical address, city, state, zip code and country.
D. Navistar Location List
This table is maintained by Data2Logistics. It contains complete name, address, city, state, zip and Keyword information.
All locations (origin, destination, bill to) are validated with zip code / state / city / address / and name information. These fields must match the information on the Navistar location table.
If the name is different the carrier must convert it to match the Navistar location table prior to billing, otherwise there will be no guarantee that your bills will be processed. Bills that do not match or get returned (explained further below), will be identified/communicated in 2 ways to the carrier:
1. The Carrier remittance advice that is received with funding will identify the pro number/invoice, rejection code and reason.
2., Carrier Portal and then go to freight bill inquiry. Carriers can obtain a check remittance by entering your check number. Carriers can retrieve status on bills by entering one or many invoice numbers.
III. Accessorial charges –
Accessorial charges need to be sent directly to Data2Logistics on a separate paper invoice from freight charges according to the following list. Accessorial invoices must include complete Shipper/ Origin and Consignee/ Destination information. If this information is not provided, the invoice will be “returned” and delay your payment.
INSTRUCTIONSCode / Description / Use / Include Accessorial Charge on EDI or Paper Invoice for Line Haul Charge / Reflect Accessorial Charge on Paper Invoice with Supporting Documentation and Send to D2L for Processing (*)
014 / Saturday Delivery / Self-Explanatory / X
040 / Beyond Charges / Self-Explanatory / X
013 / Fuel Surcharge / Self-Explanatory / X
070 / Goods and Services Tax / Self-Explanatory / X
007 / Hazardous Material / Self-Explanatory / X
102 / Protect from Freezing / Self-Explanatory / X
048 / Special Equipment / Pallet Jack / X
051 / Stop Off / Self-Explanatory / X
101 / Sort / Sort / Segregate - LTL / X
097 / Tarp Charge / Self-Explanatory / X
023 / Detention/ Demurrage / Trailer Detention/ Only Trailer / X
047 / Empty Move / Repositioning / X
049 / Waiting / Driver Waiting / X
104 / Truck order not used / Self- Explanatory / X
030 / Driver Assist/ Unload Charge / Self-Explanatory / X
029 / Reconsignment / Self-Explanatory / X
020 / Boarder Processing Service Charge / Border Detention / X
(*) Invoices for these types of accessorial charges must be submitted in hard-copy paper format.
IV. Third Party moves
Navistar pre-approved moves where neither the shipper, nor consignee is a Navistar location need to be sent to the responsible Navistar location for an ATP. Many of these moves are listed on the Navistar Third Party Recurring list, (link below). If a move is not on this list, the third party invoice needs to be submitted to the responsible Navistar location. The Navistar location will attach an ATP (Authorization to Process form) to the invoice and submit to Data2Logistics.
1. The carrier is accountable to obtain from the shipper the name and location of the authorizing Navistar location.
2. Attach a copy of the bill of lading/ delivery receipt to the freight invoice.
3. Send the freight invoice and bill of lading / delivery receipt to the specific Navistar employee who authorized the third party shipment (the shipper should note this information on the bill of lading).
4. The authorizing Navistar employee will prepare an ‘Authorization To Process’ (ATP) and submit the invoice directly to D2L for processing.
Any third party invoice for non-recurring moves that is submitted to D2L without an ATP will be “returned” to the carrier
V. Stop Off/ Milk Runs/ Round Trips.
If a move contains stops, complete (see above section one) origin (shipper), destination (consignee) and weight is needed for each part of the move. A bill of lading is required for each stop.
VI. Aging.
Invoices are processed for payment after a correct (EDI) and legible (Paper) invoice has been received by Data2Logistics. Per Navistar direction, invoices are not released for payment until aging terms have been met. Carriers can expect payment with in 30 days after Data2Logistics has received your invoice. All invoices, including balance dues and corrected bills are “Aged”.
VII. Remittance Advice-
Your remittance advice is available with your check. You can also obtain information on the Data2Logistics website by entering the check number in the carrier payment inquiry tool.
VIII. Returned invoices
Non Compliant Bills will be “returned” to the carrier for resolution.
When Data2Logistics cannot process an invoice (for instance the terms on a bill are prepaid, but the shipper is not a Navistar location) the invoice is flagged as “Returned to Carrier”. A reason for the “return” is associated with the invoice. The above example would “return” with reason code “046”. The invoice number and return reason code are listed on the carrier remittance. The actual paper invoice is NOT actually returned, just the return reason code.
It is the responsibility of the carrier to review the remittance for these codes. If a code is associated with an invoice, the carrier can either accept that this is not a Navistar invoice or correct the invoice and resubmit it to Data2Logistics to be reprocessed.
The “return” information is also available on the Data2Logistics web in the carrier portal, freight bill inquiry.
If a carrier feels it has been “returned” in error, the carrier can contact Peggy Bell at 810.881.0661. If a carrier has a dispute with a rate reduction, they can contact Jami Howard at 810.496.1876.
The return and reduction codes in the table below are the only codes authorized for use on the Navistar account.
The five codes highlighted in green are the only codes authorized by International for FedEx and code 004 must be used exclusively for FedEx and no other carrier.
Reason Category / Reason Code / Reason Description / When UsedReturn Codes
Return / 004 / Not Company Bill / FedEx only: Terms PP, CC or TP but no match (either on address/zip or keyword if required) per location list
Return / 046 / Not our clients bill to pay per pmt terms billed / Terms PP or CC but no shipper (PP) / consignee (CC) address / zip match per location list
Return / 00K / Complete Shipper/Consignee Name/Addr Info Required / Missing or incomplete shipper / consignee name / address/ VIN information
Return / 0E / PP Need Shipper Key Words Per Location List / Terms PP, shipper address/zip match per location list, but need keyword (multiple locations at same address)
Return / 0H / PP No Shipper Addr/Zip Match Per Location List / Terms PP, but no shipper address/zip match per location list
Return / 0D / CC Need Consignee Key Words Per Location List / Terms CC, consignee address/zip match per location list, but need keyword (multiple locations at same address)
Return / 0I / CC No Consignee Addr/Zip Match Per Location List / Terms CC, but no consignee address/zip match per location list
Return / 0C / TP Need Bill To Key Words Per Location List / Terms TP, bill to address/zip match per location list, but need keyword (multiple locations at same address);
Bax only in Phase 1
Return / 0J / TP No Bill To Addr/Zip Match Per Location List / Terms TP, but no bill to address/zip match per location list; Bax only in Phase 1
Return / 0F / Incorrect Currency Billed / Self explanatory
Return / 0G / Need Paper Copy of Invoice to Perform Audit / Self explanatory
Return / 072 / Weight and Inspection Report is Required / Manual LTL bills without reweigh documentation
Return / 078 / Balance Due Declined / Auditor feels invoice paid properly first time around
Return / 00L / Balance Due Declined-No Supporting Documentation / Missing documentation to support balance due
Return / 001 / Duplicate / Self explanatory
Return / 091 / Need Legible BOL / BOL missing or illegible
Return / 090 / Client Approval Needed / Accessorial and third party bills requiring facility approval; bills with no rates on file sent to International for review
Return / 00M / Currency Not Specified / Inter US/CN manual invoices or intra CN manual invoices where the currency type is not specified
Reduction Codes
Accessorial / 021 / Accessorial Charge Error / An approved accessorial is billed at the wrong amount
Accessorial / 058 / Incorrect Capacity Load/Linear Foot Rule Charge / is this there’s
Accessorial / 062 / Incorrect Detention Charge / Self explanatory
Accessorial / 018 / Incorrect Fuel Surcharge / Self explanatory
Duties & Taxes / 009 / Incorrect GST Tax / Self explanatory
Rate Errors / 023 / Discount Error / Self explanatory
Rate Errors / 019 / Incorrect Classification / Self explanatory
Rate Errors / 064 / Incorrect Interlined Discount / Self explanatory
Rate Errors / 020 / Incorrect Mileage/Kilometers / Self explanatory
Rate Errors / 063 / Incorrect Minimum Charge / Self explanatory
Rate Errors / 002 / Pricing Error / Default reduction code
Rate Errors / 076 / Minimum Charge Applies / Self explanatory
IX. Resolving Invoices
A. Balance Due, for invoices where the amount paid is disputed, first validate that the original invoice is correct. If the original invoice is correct, send the balance due invoice (clearly marked ‘balance due’) and supporting documentation to D2L for processing
B. Supporting documentation is defined as a specific contract reference or Re-Weigh Ticket and / or Weight and Inspection Sheet (provide accurate dimensions and weights when the issue is PCF). Attach a copy of the documentation and explanation of your interpretation, or provide text on the face of the balance due invoice to include specific contract verbiage to support the charges, as well as any applicable contract reference e.g. contract number, date, revision, schedule or rule
C. Rate Information
Data2Logistics may only accept contracts or rates from Navistar.
D. Payment:
Once Data2Logistics processes a bill and ages it according to the terms of the contract, a weekly processing file (check file) is transmitted to Navistar. Manual checks are mailed on Fridays by Navistar. If the Data2Logistics webpage reads, “PENDING CLIENT FUNDING”, Data2Logistics and Navistar are in the process of creating checks. Navistar pays carriers; they do not fund Data2Logistics to pay carriers. If you have not received your check, please contact Peggy Bell at 810.881.0661 or