TIME Person of the Year
Every year since 1927, TIME has chosen a Person of the Year that influenced the world, for better or worse.In 1927, Time began choosing a “Man of the Year” and since then, individuals, groups of people, the computer and “Endangered Earth” have been selected for this highly anticipated annual year-end issue. In 1999, the title was changed to “Person of the Year.”
Choose a person (or entity), in the U.S. or elsewhere, whom you believe deserves to earn the title “Person of the Year 2016.”
Research your choice, collecting SIX articles about the person and analyzing each one briefly, summarizing the information you learned about the individual. Prove you read the article by writing in your own words and clarifying your opinion.
You may replace two articles with TWO videos (CSPAN, You Tube, NBC, FOX News, CNN, BBC, PBS, etc.) and complete the video overview worksheet attached.
Organize this background information in a folder or small binder. This is the research component of project. The folder of binder will include your final product (described later) as well.
Important Dates:
Monday 11/22 (a) & Tuesday 11/23 (b)
Wednesday 1/18 (a) & Thursday 1/19 (b)
Friday Feb 10 – PROAR 3 – gallery walk for Person of the Year 2:45 Library
During the early phase of your research (begin today!), your preliminary choice must be made by M 11/22 (A) & T 11/23 (B). This is the preliminary phase component of the project. Complete the write up below. This is a summative grade, not included on the final rubric grade for the project.
PERSON OF THE YEAR 2016:______
I chose this person because
I was most surprised to learn that
I think this person has most influenced
If am most excited about my choice because
Questions or confusion I have about this project:
Time Person of the Year FINAL PRODUCT Due Wednesday 1/18 (a) & Thursday 1/19 (b)
Once you have identified your Person of the Year, design a cover for TIME MAGAZINE. Use exemplars from the website to format your cover. It may be hand drawn or computer designed. Be sure you have 2-3 sentences briefly outlining the influence of the person or her/his major accomplishment. The actual publication simply has the person’s name and maybe a nickname, so be sure to include this information. This the cover design component of the project.
Finally, write an article (300-500 words) glorifying your choice. Use accurate and strong details about the influence(s) of this person (or entity). Use quotations (from your articles) to support your choice. MLA bibliography/works cited page should be included too. This should by double-spaced and typed in Time New Roman 12 pt. font. with 1 inch margins. This is the essay component of the project. Staple your essay to your cover. Include it with the articles and video write-ups in the folder or binder.
We will use your covers to conduct a poll/survey with the junior class during P-ROAR on February 10 to determine who they believe should be Time Person of the Year (this is when your cover explanation of what the person has done will be important). The winner will be announced on Feature Friday.
Not present Present, but needs Good use Mastery
Development Keep practicing
2 4 6 8
Research Component:
2 4 6 8
- Includes SIX articles ORFOUR articles and TWO videos
- If using videos, video worksheet is completed accurately
- Articles are summarized and include an analytical opinion in student words
- Information is not overly repetitive between articles, proving that student is engaged is furthering knowledge of the Person of the Year
Cover Component:
2 4 6 8
- Cover is neat, well-organized, and visually eye-catching
- Cover includes name and picture of Person of the Year
- 2-3 sentence explanation of influence included on cover
Article Component:
2 4 6 8
- Accurately presents information about Person of the Year
- Uses details to describe the influences of the chosen person (or entity)
- Uses good word choice, fluency, and voice
- Choose good transitions between paragraphs
- Establishes and maintains a strong focus with well-organized paragraphs
- In text citation included and MLA Works Cited page attached
TOTAL:/24 x 3 = /72
Video Worksheet Person of the Year: ______
#1 Video / Newscast: (include web access information, air date, time & source):
Summary/Notes: / Analysis – What did you learn? What does this information say about the influence of your person? How can you apply this information to society? / Visual Diagram / Illustration#2 Video / Newscast: (include web access information, air date, time & source):
Summary/Notes: / Analysis – What did you learn? What does this information say about the influence of your person? How can you apply this information to society? / Visual Diagram / Illustration