Personal Data:
First name and surname: Cristian Ioan D. HERA
Date and place of birth: 18 December 1933, Ploiesti, Prahova County, Romania
Home address: 32, Spatar N. Milescu Str., Bucharest, Romania
Phone/fax: (40-21) 318.44.50/318.44.78
Parents: Dumitru and Maria HERA, both teachers in Brazi/Batesti commune, Prahova County (deceased)
Civil status: married - two children.
Spouse - Georgia HERA (maiden name GHEORGHIU)
Mathematician / scientific researcher / university professor, retired
- Cristian Marius HERA, electronics engineer, D.Sc. from 1999 working at Natural MicroSystems, Framingham/ Boston, MA., USA.
- Rodica Lavinia Ioana HERA (BENYA by marriage), chemist engineer and diploma in International Relations, master in international management, presently clerk/diplomat, State Department, Washington DC, USA.
Study, specializations and scientific documentations:
Elementary, secondary school, university and post-university studies
1940-1944 Elementary school in Brazi/Batesti Commune, Prahova County
1944-1948 Secondary school "Petru and Pavel", Ploiesti
1948-1952 Secondary school "Sfantul Gheorghe", Bucharest
1952-1953 Faculty of Agriculture/Section of Pedology and Agrochemistry, Agronomical
Institute “Nicolae Balcescu”, Bucharest (first year)
1953-1957 Faculty of Agrochemistry and Pedology - Academy of Agricultural Sciences "K.A.Timiriazev" Moscow (years II-V), Qualification "Agronomical engineer", specialty "Agrochemistry" with the recommendation to work in the field of scientific research.
1969 Doctor in agronomy, Dissertation topic: "The influence of different nitrogen
fertilizers on the chemical transformations in soil and plant and on the yields
obtained for the main field crops". Scientific coordinator - Acad. David Davidescu, Ph.D;D.Sc.
1973 Doctor in sciences - “Original results obtained in researches carried out between 1967-1973 on soil fertility studies and differentiated utilization of chemical fertilizers.”
Post-university specializations:
1958 Democratic Republic of Germany - two months
The Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Institute for Mineral Fertilizers, Leipzig; Institute for Plant Nutrition, Halle
Þ Utilization of chemical fertilizers in agriculture of D. R Germany
Þ The relationships soil – plants – fertilizers
Prof A. Kundler, Dr. J. Ansorge; Prof. W. Bergman, Prof. K. Kolbe, Prof. K.Schmalfuss
1962 France - three weeks
National Institute of Agricultural Research (INRA), Versailles,
Seminar: “Differentiation of fertilizers rates for field crops”
Prof. G. Druineau, Prof. L. Gachon, Prof. R. Schaminade, Dr. M. Coppnet
1963 Sweden - three weeks
Uppsala University
“The correlation of results on soil analysis and fertilizer requirements”
Prof. L. Wiklander, Prof. H. Egner, Prof. R. Janson, prof. W. Oslander
1965 U.S.A. and Canada - six months (FAO grant)
Urbana University – Illinois
Raleigh University- North Carolina
Institute of Soil Science, Ottawa, Canada
“Fertilizers use, especially liquid nitrogen fertilizers. Interactions soil – plant – fertilizer”
Prof. L. T. Kurtz, Prof. A. Paar, Prof. J. Fits, W.V. Barttolomew, Prof. E.I. Kamprath, Prof. E. McLean.
Scientific documentations (initiated and sponsored by IAEA Vienna):
1986 Australia and New Zealand - one month
Þ The Council for the Reorganisation of Science, Industry and Research (CSIRO), Canberra and Adelaide, Australia;
Þ Research Station for Soil Science and Plant Crops - Ruakura, New Zealand.
1990 China and Japan - one month
· Saporo University, Hokkaido, Kyoto University, Japan
“Nuclear techniques in agriculture”
· Universities and Research Institutes in Beijing, Dalian, Shenyang and Harbin/China;
“Soil fertility, plant nutrition, fertilizer use and environmental protection study”
- attending to the 14th International Congress of Soil Science.
Scientific Titles:
1969 Doctor in Agronomy, Agronomic Institute “Nicolae Balcescu”, Bucharest
1973 Doctor in Science, Agronomic Institute “Nicolae Balcescu” (AINB), Bucharest
1982 Corresponding member of the Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences (AAFS)
1990 Full member of AAFS
1995 Corresponding member of the Romanian Academy
1995 Honorary Professor of the Chinese Academy for Agricultural Sciences, Institute for Atomic Energy Applications
1999 Doctor Honoris Causa - University of Agronomic Science and Veterinary Medicine (UASVM), Cluj-Napoca
2002 Doctor Honoris Causa - University of Agronomic Science and Veterinary Medicine (UASVM), Bucharest
2003 Honorary Member –Accademia dei Georgofili, Italy, on the anniversary of 250 years since the foundation of the Academy
2004 Foreign honorary member of the Russian Academy of Agricultural
2004 Doctor Honoris Causa - University “Alexandru Ioan Cuza”, Iaşi
2004 Doctor Honoris Causa - University of Agronomic Science and Veterinary Medicine (UASVM), Iaşi
2004 Doctor Honoris Causa - Academy of Agricultural Sciences "K.A.
Timiriazev", Moscow
2004 Full member of Romanian Academy
2007 Doctor Honoris Causa – University “Ştefan cel Mare”, Suceava
2008 Doctor Honoris Causa - University “Transilvania”, Brasov
2008 Doctor Honoris Causa - University “Ovidius” Constanta
Foreign languages:
English, Russian, French, German.
Professional and administrative-management functions:
v In Romania:
Þ In research:
1957-1960 Research assistant, Agricultural Research Institute of Romania (ARIR), Bucharest
1960-1962 Scientific researcher, ARIR, Bucharest
1962-1965 Senior scientific researcher, Research Institute for Cereals and Industrial Crops (RICIC), Fundulea
1965-1969 Laboratory head (senior scientific researcher, second degree), RICIC, Fundulea
1969-1991 Head of department (senior scientific researcher, first degree) RICIC, Fundulea.
1964-1982 Scientific researcher coordinator for Romania of the research programmes organized by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
Vienna, on the use of stable and radioactive isotopes aiming to improve the
fertilizer utilization
1970-1981 Scientific manager, RICIC, Fundulea
1982-1991 General manager, RICIC, Fundulea
1982-1991 Member in Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences Presidium
1985-1991 President of "Field Crops" Section - AAFS
1997-2001 President of "Field Crops" Section – AAFS
2001-present President of AAFS (elected by the General Assembly of AAFS on 5 November 2001, re-elected by GA of AAFS on 8 December 2005)
2002-2005 Vice-president of the National Council of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forests and Rural Development (MAFRD)
2004-present Vice-president of the National College for Research-Development-Innovation of the Ministry of Education and Research (MER) (elected by secret vote).
2004-2006 Vice-president of the National Confirmation Council for university degrees, titles, diplomas and certificates of MER
2007 – present President of the National Ethics University Council (MER)
2008 - present President of the “Agricultural and Forestry Sciences” Section –
Romanian Academy
2008 - present Member of the Romanian Academy Presidium
In Higher Education:
1958-1969 Assistant professor and lector (part-time), Agrochemistry Section, Agronomic Institute "Nicolae Balcescu" (AINB), Bucharest
1974-present Doctor's degree scientific coordinator, specialty Agrochemistry
1990-1991 Associate professor, AINB Bucharest, Agrochemistry Section
1997-1998 Professor, University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine (UASVM), Bucharest
1999-present Consulting professor, UASVM, Bucharest
2002-present Honorary member of UASVM Senate, Bucharest
2007 – present Honorary member of the University “Stefan cel Mare” Senate, Suceava
Other Functions:
v In Romania
1960-1961 Scientific Secretary, Romanian Academy (part-time), Section of Biological and Agricultural Sciences (Section President - acad. Gheorghe Ionescu-Sisesti)
1968-1984 President of the 4th Commission "Soil fertility and plants nutrition" of the Romanian National Society of Soil Science (RNSSS).
1974-1994 Vice-president of RNSSS.
1999-present President of the Commission for Soil Protection of the Romanian Academy.
2004-present President of the Patrimony Commission, Romanian Academy
v In international organisms:
1961-1964 Scientific secretary of the IVth Commission "Soil fertility and plants nutrition" - International Society for Soil Science (ISSS).
1964-1982 Scientific researcher, responsible for research international programs coordinated by IAEA, regarding utilization of stable and radioactive isotopes in rational use of fertilizers: wheat crop (1964-1968), corn crop (1968-1972), leguminous crop for beans (1972-1982).
1968-1991 Expert of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) - Vienna, guiding the specialists from different countries all over the world in the field of stable isotopes and radioactive use in the study of soil fertilization and fertilizers use
1971 President of the XIIth General Assembly of the European Conference on
Chemical Fertilizers, Bucharest.
1972 President of the United Nations Organization for Industry Development)
(UNIDO) Conference “Chemical fertilizers and phytopharmaceutic
substances production and utilization”
1974-1978 President of the IVth Commission "Soil fertilization and plants nutrition" - ISSS - elected at the Xth World Congress in Soil Science - Moscow, 1974
1978-1982 Re-elected President of the IVth Commission of ISSS at the XIth World Congress organized in Edmonton, Canada.
1986-1996 Member in Executive Committee of “The International Scientific Center for Fertilizers" (CIEC, elected (for 4 years) at the IXth World Congress for Fertilizers, Budapest, Hungary (then re-elected)
1991-1997 Head of the Research Section - "Isotopes use in the study of plants
nutrition, fertilizers applying and water use, in vegetal production"
Joint Division F AO /IAEA, IAEA, Vienna, Austria
1991-1997 Memberin Commissions for Professor Titles Confirmation (Kuala Lumpur - Malaysia, Gent - Belgium, Braunschweig - Germany, Budapest - Hungary).
1996 President of International Scientific Center for Fertilizer" (CIEC) elected as provisory president by the CIEC Presidium at Vienna, Austria June, 1996;
1997 Elected President at the XIth CIEC World Congress for Fertilizers, Gent, Belgium, in August, 1997.
2001-present Re-elected as President of CIEC at the XIIth World Congress, Beijing, China, August, 2001
2002-present Member in IFA (International Fertilizer Association) Evaluation Commission for awarding the International Prizes of Fertilizer
2002-present Member in the Steering Committee of the Union of European Academies of Agricultural Sciences (UEAA); elected at Paris, France, October, 2002.
2005 Vice-President of the Union of European Academies of Agricultural Sciences (UEAA), Sankt Petersburg, Russia
2006 Re-elected as President of CIEC at the XIVth International Congress for
Fertilizers, Chiang Mai, Thailand
2006-2008 President of the Union of the European Academies of Agricultural
Sciences, elected in Bucharest, June, 2006, Romania
Editorial activity in Romania:
1958-1962 Member in Editorial Committee - ARIR Annals
1962-1972 Member in Editorial Committee - RICIC Fundulea Annals.
1964 Member in Editorial Committee - volume IV "Soil fertilization and plants nutrition" - published on the occasion of the VIIIth World Congress in Soil Science - Bucharest.
1973-1981 Assistant head editor - RICIC Fundulea Annals.
1978-1992 Main editor and the founder of the "Theoretical and applied agro-phyto-
technical problems", Review Bucharest
1982-1991 Head Editor - RICIC Fundulea Annals
1984-1990 Member in Editorial Committee - "Vegetal production - Cereals and Technical Plants" Review, Bucharest.
1998-present Member in Editorial Committee - "Cereals and Technical Plants" Review, AGRIS Publishing House, Bucharest
International Editorial Activity
1964 Member in Editorial Committee and author of "Soil Science Dictionary", published in Romanian, English, French, German and Russian
1991-1997 Head Editor of the "Soils Newsletter" Review, IAEA - Vienna, Austria.
1997- present Member in Editorial Committee of the "Journal of Crop Production", New York, USA.
Scientific activity initiated, organized, analyzed and evaluated in the framework of the technical assistance and scientific research programs, financed by IAEA Vienna between 1991-1996 in the following countries:
1991 Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, Egypt.
1992 Uruguay, Chile, Ecuador, Venezuela, Pakistan.
1993 Cameron, Turkey, Jordan
1994 Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Oman, United Arabian Emirates, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Portugal
1995 China, Turkey.
1996 Syria, Myanmar, Iraq, Egypt, Ivory Coast, Ethiopia.
Regional and interregional courses initiated, organized and coordinated for the training of researchers and university professors, participants in the technical assistance and scientific research programs financed by IAEA Vienna:
1992 Santiago - Chile (regional – for Latin America);
1993 Seibersdorf, Austria (interregional).
1994 Ankara, Turkey (regional – for Europe and or Middle Orient)
1995 Seibersdorf, Austria (interregional)
1996 Bangkok, Thailand (regional – for Asia and the Pacific Area)
1997 Seibersdorf, Austria (interregional)
1998 Addis Abeba - Ethiopia (regional – for Africa)
1999 Irapuato - Mexico (regional – for Latin America)
Published scientific papers (as author and co-author):
- Books - Treaties - Monographs 25
- Scientific papers published in scientific journals 235
- Scientific papers published in foreign language 87
- Contributions with Scientific papers at international reunions 64
- Articles for the popularization and introduction of technical progress 62
- Technical-scientific handbooks 8
- Patents - innovations 9
National and international manifestations organized and coordinated
1970-2000 Agrophytotechnique Annual National Conferences in different areas in Romania
1991-1997 IAEA conferences and symposia, including Acapulco Symposium, Mexico, 1994
1996 CIEC Xth International Symposium, Braunschweig, Germany
1997 XIth Fertilizers World Congress, Gent, Belgium
1998 CIEC XIth International Symposium, Pulawy, Poland
2000 CIEC XIIth International Symposium, Suceava, Romania
2001 CIEC XIIth Fertilizers World Congress, Beijing, China
2001 National Debate “Rational utilization and conservation of Romanian Soils”, Romanian Academy, under President of Romania’s patronage
2001 National Debate “Scientific research and sustainable agriculture” - AAFS
2002 CIEC XIIIth International Symposium, Tokat, Turkey
2002 Second Symposium of Field Crops Section – AAFS, “Field crops research methods in Romania”
2002 Symposium dedicated to the anniversary of 115 years from the birth of academician Gheorghe Ionescu-Sisesti, “Priorities of research science for field crops”, AAFS, Bucharest, Romania
2003 National Debate “Agriculture present problems in the context of European integration and globalization”, AAFS
2003 CIEC XIVth International Symposium, Debrecen, Hungary
2003 National symposium dedicated to the anniversary of 75 years since the foundation of the Agricultural Research Institute of Romania (ARIR)
2004 CIEC XVth International Symposium, Pretoria, South Africa
2005 National Debate “The Romanian village – today and tomorrow”,
Romanian Academy
2006 CIEC XIVth International Congress, Chiang Mai
2006 The IVth General Assembly of UEAA, Bucharest, Romania
2007 CIEC XVIth International Symposium, Gent, Belgium
2007 Meeting of the UEAA, Simferopol, Ukraine
2007 Scientific Jubilee Session on the occasion of the 80 years since the
foundation of the Agricultural Research Institute of Romania (ARIR),
Bucharest, Romania
2008 The Vth UEAA General Assembly, Riga, Latvia
2008 BSBA Conference “Biotechnology-Science and Advance in the Black Sea
Subregion”, Albena, Bulgaria
2008 CIEC XVIIth International Symposium, Cairo, Egipt `
Main research themes and fields:
q Improvement of soil analysis methods and elaboration of theoretical bases for fertilizer necessary settlement