The Early Childhood Center
at Gregory Hill
“Building a Positive Foundation to Learn, Live, Play and prepare for Kindergarten”
ECC January2017Newsletter
Important Dates:
January 4th – School Resumes
January 11th–PTO Meeting 8:15 AM & 12:15 PM
January 16th – Martin Luther King Day –No School
January 18th – Motheread/Fatheread – 8:15 AM & 12:15 PM – Room 15
January 25th–Parent Coffee – 8:15 AM & 12:15 PM – Room 15
January 31st–Field Trip, AM Students Only (no school for PM students)
February 2nd–Field Trip, PM Students Only (no school for AM students)
Message from the Coordinator:
Welcome back everyone!
I hope everyone had a wonderful winter break and was able to spend lots of time with family and friends. I would like to thank Santa (Gary Slocum) for visiting with all of our students. It was a pleasure seeing all of their excited faces. I would also like to thank the many PTO volunteers who got together during brake to wrap up gifts, and had a sweet surprise waiting for our kiddos, when they came back from break. Lastly, I would like to thank all of our awesome ECC parents for continuing to work with your children at home and joining us for all our winter activities.
Have a wonderful and Happy New Year!
Jennifer Keyes
ECC Coordinator
Donation Request:
We are in need of boy’s and girl’s clothing. We really need underwear in sizes 3T, 4T and 5T (new ones preferred) and elastic waist/sweat pants or shorts. If your child has outgrown any of these items, or you have any extra at home, we would appreciate it if you would donate them to the ECC. Thank you!
P.T.O. News:
PTA members voted to dissolve as a PTA and become a PTO during the December meeting. PTO officers would like to thank all the volunteers that helped out and made activities possible in 2016 and are looking forward to a great 2017! There are many opportunities coming up for you to help out if you would like to get involved. Our next PT0 meeting will be January11th at 8:15am & 12:15pm in Room 15. Hope to see new and returning faces there!
Happy New Year and Welcome Back!
Motheread/Fatheread will complete their 10-weekweekly class in January. Motheread/Fatheread will continue to be offered monthly, on the 3rd Wednesday of every month.
Parent Coffee Meetings:
Please join us at our next Parent Coffee on January 25that 8:15am & 12:15 pm in Room 15.
It is that time of year when we need to start thinking about registering for the 2017-2018 school year.
- If you have a student who will be 5 by October 1st, 2017, then they are of age to attend Kindergarten in Westminster Public Schools. At this point, you should be making contact with your child’s home school and making sure they know you will be bringing your student.
2. If your child will be returning to preschool, you will need to reregister online. Look for more information later this month. Returning students that register for next school year will get preference over new students.
3. If you (or someone you know) will be registering a new preschool student at the ECC next year, we will begin taking new registrations starting late January.Our program will be filled on a first-come, first-served basis and students will be notified of their placement in our program by late May or early June.
Building News
This month, the preschool staff continued out work on math instruction. Teachers worked hard creating a math progression using all the preschool objectives.
This month, our trainings helped support the following “We Agree” district wide statements…
- We Agree to customize and demonstrate a balance of best instructional practices as outlined in the Westminster Public Schools’ Learner-centered, Competency Based Instructional Model.