CEPI Steering Committee Meeting
December 13, 2006
EFWC Boardroom
Eskasoni, NS
10:00 a.m.
Draft Minutes
Chief Charlie Dennis (Eskasoni/UINR), Shelley Porter (UINR-CEPI), Melissa Nevin (UINR), Bruce Hatcher (CBU), Kevin Squires (BBDFG), Pat Bates (BSS), Rick McCready (CBRM), Sharon Carter (NSDEL), Ian Green (Destination Richmond), Guy Rochon (EC), Holley Grant (ACAP-Cape Breton), Fred Baechler (ADI Ltd.), Jerry Wolchuk (INAC), Gary Koziel (NSAFA), Vera Pierro (DFO Sydney), Steve MacCormack (LNG), Shelley Denny (UINR), Jason Naug (DFO)
Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 10:00 a.m. by Chair, Chief Charlie Dennis.
Opening Prayer
Chief Charlie Dennis opened meeting with a prayer.
Roundtable introductions were done for those who were new to the table.
Additions/Deletions to the Agenda
There were no changes to the agenda.
Review and Approval of Minutes
The minutes were amended.
Motion: Motion moved by Bruce Hatcher seconded by Steve MacCormack to approve the minutes from December 13, 2006. All Approved. Motion Carried.
Business Arising
There was no business arising from the past minutes.
Senior Council Meeting (Shelley Porter)
- Shelley Porter stated that the Senior Council meeting in November was very successful. Shelley Porter stated that there were commitments in principle for funding, and the support of the Senior Council to continue with the initiative by CEPI. Shelley Porter handed out notes from the Senior Council meeting. Shelley Porter asked if any changes needed to be made.
- ?? stated that one question that came up at the meeting was the contingency funding and whether we would be able to use the funding from INAC after the fiscal year. Shelley Porter stated that she was under the impression that INAC would allow CEPI to carry over those funds into the next fiscal year. Chief Charlie Dennis asked what Environment Canada’s policy was on carrying over funding to the next fiscal year. Guy Rochon stated that Environment Canada requires you to spend the funding within the current fiscal year. Jerry Wolchuk stated that there was a problem with one of the reports, but it has been taken care of.
- Sharon Carter stated that CEPI had got the commitments in principle, but asked if CEPI had followed it up with a formal request.
- Action Item: Shelley Porter stated that she has not, but she will write letters to all of the Senior Council formally requesting funding for CEPI.
- Sharon Carter stated that one of the things that came out of the Senior Council meeting was dealing with the surplus that CEPI, and it would be a good idea to inform the Senior Council on how CEPI plans to spend those funds. Sharon Carter stated that it would be a good idea to discuss what we plan to do with the funding before putting in a formal request. Shelley Porter stated that Jason Naug thought that CEPI could hire a watershed planner. Shelley Porter stated that we have as a contingency to hire a research assistant who could do some of the watershed planning, and work on gaps in the survey.
CSI Developments (Shelley Porter)
- Shelley Porter stated that CSI is continuing as a management planning team, and the team has had two meetings since our last CEPI meeting. Shelley Porter stated that the CSI Committee seems to be progressing, and are looking into getting their own funding. Shelley Porter stated that she hopes the CSI Committee becomes both independent and successful.
- Has the committee decided to work within all of CapeBreton? Shelley Porter stated yes, and the committee has brought on DFO representatives from both Gulf and Scotia-Fundy regions.
- Shelley Porter stated that at the last meeting the committee was discussing the types of resources that were available.
Eel Project Proposal: Letter of Support (Shelley Denny)
- Shelley Denny stated that she is submitting three different proposals to Habitat Stewardship Program, Aboriginal Critical Habitat Protection Program, and Aboriginal Capacity Building Fund. Shelley Denny stated that in the past couple of years it has been recognized that there is a need to do research on elvers (juvenile eels), because they are of special concern, especially to aboriginal people.
- Shelley Denny stated one of the first things that she proposed was the assessment of critical habitat. Shelley stated that a study needs to done on the near shore environment. Shelley Denny stated that she wants to concentrate on the 76 km of shoreline belonging to the First Nation communities on the Brasd’OrLakes. Once we have this information completed, we can expand to other areas of the Brasd’OrLakes. Shelley Denny stated that DFO has a $100 000 worth of equipment, and we will have another $53 000. Shelley stated that this is a one-year proposal, and after that year, we can do other areas of the Brasd’OrLakes.
- Jason asked if that 76 km includes only First Nation communities. Shelley Denny stated yes. Jason Naug asked Shelley Denny if she was looking at areas of natural habitat or no habitat. Shelley Denny stated that she is looking at the shoreline, identifying habitat, and map it. Shelley Denny stated that once they have it mapped they could sub-sample to determine elver abundance. Jason Naug asked if the focus was on just First Nation communities. Shelley Denny stated yes, because they wanted to be able to do the research, evaluate the information obtain, and create by-laws in the First Nation communities to prevent any further destruction to the elver habitat.
- Shelley Denny stated that they are able to complete 10 km a day, and next year we can possibly look at other areas to do the more mapping.
- Fred Baechler asked once you accumulated that data could this be tied into John Shaw’s existing work on depth. Shelley Denny stated yes, but they do not have the data for the near shore environment. Fred Baechler asked if John would be involved in the project, and asked how the project would tie into what John has done. Shelley Denny stated John would not be involved, because he was working on another project. Shelley Denny stated that she is not sure these two projects would tie in together. Fred Baechler asked if John had the digital file. Shelley Denny stated that they had the digital file themselves.
- Bruce Hatcher stated that DFO already has side-scan sonar that Herb has been running, and asked if this is an in-kind contribution by DFO to use that sonar. Shelley Denny stated that yes, but they purchased a sonar where it has 100 percent coverage whereas the side-scan only gives 30 percent coverage. Bruce Hatcher asked if that acoustic sonar was $78 000. Shelley Denny stated that the $ 58 000 is for equipment, travel, to hire someone to work with DFO, and administrative funds for UINR.
- Shelley Denny stated that the second project is to build capacity in UINR on elver/eel ecology. Shelley Denny stated that they would be talking with First Nation communities, and contractors, to try to mitigate some of the impact on elvers and eels.
- Shelley Denny stated that the third project would be identifying critical habitat using satellite imagery, and aerial photography. Shelley Denny stated that using this technology they are able to do an analysis of areas are susceptible to sedimentation. Shelley Denny stated that she will be focusing on the First Nation areas, but will have information for all of the Brasd’OrLakes that can be used by CEPI.
- Bruce Hatcher asked what centre they were using. Shelley Denny stated that the Membertou Geomatics will be to doing this work and will be analyzing the sedimentation going into the lakes. Bruce Hatcher asked if they where going to have aircraft surveys. Shelley Denny stated yes. Fred Baechler asked if the aerial photography would be done for the coastline. Shelley Denny stated that this would depend on areas that have been prioritized.
- Bruce Hatcher asked what would be the main question that you are asking for this project. Bruce Hatcher asked if the question for this project is where is how much and where is the elver habitat and then map your findings. Shelley Denny stated that she wants to map the habitat, and sub-sample the habitat to see how these habitats are been affected from sedimentation. Bruce Hatcher asked if she was going to quantify the species. Shelley Denny stated that no, she would not be doing this type of research this year.
- Bruce Hatcher asked who would be analyzing the landsat imagery, and aerial imagery. Shelley Denny stated that Membertou Geomatics would be analyzing this aspect of the project. Shelley Denny stated that she does not have a list of past work they have done, but Membertou Geomatics has been in operations for approximately 3 years. Membertou Geomatics have been getting a series of contracts over that period of time and they could complete the project in about 6 weeks.
- Shelley Denny stated that she is looking for two letters of support from CEPI, and has a draft letter from the CEPI committee which she would like approved.
- Motion: Motion moved by Rick McCready and seconded by Kevin Squires to accept the letters of support for the eel/elver project. All approved. Motion carried.
SOE Planning (Guy Rochon)
- Guy Rochon presented on “A Frame work for Developing Goals, Objectives, and Indicators of Ecosystem Health: Tools for Ecosystem-Based Management.”
- Fred Baechler stated that one of your first steps was to get information on the ecosystem so you can than define those objects and indicators. Guy Rochon stated that the CEPISteering Committeewill needto developmore explicitobjectives related to the Goals under the CEPI Charter througha visioning exercise with theSteering Committee members, building on the consultations that have been conducted in the past and making sure that we build upon what has already been done to date.This visioning will greatly help place all the information gathered (to date) for a comprehensive State of the Environment Report.Guy Rochonhas suggested the use of the CCME environmental planning framework, using the ecosystem approach,for deriving the State of the Bras d'Or Environment Report. Guy Rochon stated that SOE reports in the early eighties only showed the information that they were currentlyconducting through research, and not the actual state of the environment. Guy Rochon stated that we have to get out of this reactive mode, and become more proactive so we can start targeting where areas of research can occur. Guy Rochon will be working with SC members in conducting the visioning exercise for the SOE report.
- Fred Baechler asked where we should go with these SOE reports. Guy Rochon stated that the SOE reports will become very useful to CEPI. Guy Rochon stated that when he looked at the SOE reports that he did not see any answers to the questions that were being asked, and the information is not being tied back to anything explicitly articulated. Guy Rochon stated that CEPI would like to state the concerns of the Brasd’OrLakes, state the information CEPI has, and state the response CEPI is going to take.
- Jason Naug stated that he is concern the CEPI will start collecting a enormous amount of information that is not relevant to CEPI. Guy Rochon stated that CEPI should focus on its stated objectives, and then decide whether CEPI needs to go out and do more research.
- Fred Baechler stated that the SOE reports are still a valid approach to continue with, and the visioning exercise is allowing CEPI to refine specific questions. Guy Rochon stated that the visioning exercise should reflect the concerns of the public. Shelley Porter stated that this process is a lot like ACAP. Guy Rochon stated that ACAP is one of the models that he specifically looks at for local community groups.
- Guy Rochon stated that we need to know what key indicators we should be developing, and have scientific research to back up these indicators.
- Bruce Hatcher stated that the SOE reports are not a linear process. Bruce Hatcher stated that CEPI would be continuing to complete SOE reports and at the same time starting the measurement of indicators, setting targets, and developing management plans.
- Shelley Porter stated Environment Canada is willing to pay for a visioning exercise, and wanted to know if the CEPI Committee is willing to agree to have this visioning exercise.
- Action Item: The presentation will be reviewed by the committee and this issue will be revisited at the next CEPI meeting. A decision on the vision exercise should be made at the January meeting.
- Fred Baechler asked who was on the SOE task team. Shelley Porter stated that this process has not started yet. Bruce Hatcher stated that the task team would possibly include Shelley Porter, Shelley Denny, Jason Naug, Guy Rochon, Kevin Squires, Fred Baechler, Bruce Hatcher, Rick McCready, and Charlie Dennis. Jason Naugsuggested that someone from NSDNR be on the task team, possibly Dave Harris.
Concept for PR release for national media (Pat Bates)
- Pat Bates handed out “Bras d’Or LakeManagement – A Canadian Model” to the CEPI Committee to discuss the national media coverage of CEPI.
- Bruce Hatcher stated that Pat Bates emphasized that the process of four levels of government and a diverse group of empowered agencies reach a point where they agree to work on a development plan together. Bruce Hatcher stated that is the story, and should that story go national it would not put people off or jeopardize the local aspect.
- Shelley Porter stated that this PR release should follow the launch of the CEPI website.
- Weldon Bona stated that he still feels that it would be best to have local press release prior to a national press release.
- Chief Charlie Dennis stated that he agrees with both Bruce Hatcher, and Weldon Bona. Chief Charlie Dennis stated that he agrees with Bruce Hatcher that the CEPI Committee should be broadcasted international for the work that has been done for all groups that sit at this table, but at the same time, it is appropriate that people at the local level learn of CEPI’s initiative first.
- Weldon Bona stated that it is just a matter of time before we get national and international attention, but the timing was not right.
Communications Plan and Website updates (Shelley Porter/Weldon Bona)
- Weldon Bona Stated that the communications plan is ready to go, but is waiting on one person to get the information before distributing it to the committee. Shelley Porter asked if we would have the communications plan for the next CEPI meeting.
- Action Item: Weldon Bona will have the communications plan for the next meeting.
- Jason Naug asked when is the website launch, and asked if there was any feedback on the CEPI Charter within the press. Weldon Bona stated that the signing of the CEPI Charter was in the Cape Breton Post, and Halifax Herald. Weldon Bona stated that the January meeting CEPI would approve the website to be launched.
Biosphere Reserve Progress (Jason Naug)
- Jason Naug stated that there should be a clear communications link between CEPI and the Biosphere Reserve association. There are concerns that CEPI and the Biosphere Reserve are very similar, and there is a lot of overlap within these organizations. Jason Naug is concerned, because they both fall under a sensitive process and may raise concerns within the general public. Jason Naug asked how CEPI could help to contribute to the Biosphere Reserve, and how CEPI should offer its support.
- Bruce Hatcher agreed with Jason Naug in regards to the confusion about the relationship between CEPI and the Biosphere Reserve designation process. Bruce Hatcher stated that there was a consensus of support from the Senior Council members.
- Jason Naug stated that the Biosphere Reserve never formally asked for assistance from CEPI. Jason Naug asked how CEPI would participate in the Biosphere Reserve process.
- Action Item: It was suggested that CEPI distinguish itself from the Biosphere Reserve, and that Shelley Porter would attend the Biosphere Reserve Board meetings to represent the interests of CEPI Committee.
Sub-watershed Planning (Jason Naug)
- Jason Naug stated that CEPI should to hire a research assistant or planner to do the framework of the management plan. Shelley Porter stated that a job description should be developed for this position and put together a team to put this job description together. Jason Naug stated that there is no office or no administrative support for this position.
- Action Item: Rick McCready and Shelley Porter will set up to discuss the sub-watershed plan with the municipal planners, which could include Pat Bates, Charlie Dennis, Jason Naug, Bruce Hatcher, Shelley Porter, and Rick McCready.
Other Business