Plainfield High School

Course Syllabus


Course: Honors English IV – 1 credit

Teacher: Mrs. Bethany Wagner



Phone: (860)564-6422 x2103

Plainfield High School Mission Statement:

The mission of Plainfield High School is to promote academic excellence and personal development. In conjunction with rigorous instruction and high expectations, we will work collaboratively with families and the community for our students to develop skills necessary to succeed in college or career choice, challenging them to become lifelong learners and responsible, productive citizens.

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English Department Academic Expectations (AE):

Students at Plainfield High School will:

·  AE1: Read, write, listen and speak for effective communication.

·  AE2: Use technology and other sources to gather, analyze, interpret and synthesize information effectively.

·  AE3: Demonstrate problem solving and critical thinking skills

English Department Social Expectations (SE):

Students at Plainfield High School will:

·  SE1: Demonstrate respect for themselves, others, diversity, and property.

·  SE3: Demonstrate honesty, integrity and personal responsibility.

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Required Materials:

·  3 ring binder with dividers and filler paper or a notebook

·  Agenda Book

·  Pens/pencils

·  Independent Reading (student choice)

Assignment Overview:

·  Beowulf (poem and film); assessments include monument/ode creation and point of view piece

·  The Canterbury Tales by Geoffrey Chaucer - assessments include a modern tale composition

·  William Shakespeare’s Macbeth – assessments include comparison of evil (essay)

·  Pride and Prejudice(film) and poetry – assessments include title analysis (essay)

·  Brave New World by Aldous Huxley and The Book Thief by Mark Zusak – assessments include video presentation and analysis paper, creative project on the power of words

·  The Kite Runner by Khalid Hosseini/ view documentary God Grew Tired of Us – assessments include creative reading project, research paper and character analysis

·  Grammar, Punctuation and Mechanics – We will thoroughly examine the rules and regulations of grammar, punctuation, and mechanics.


·  Homework, missed assignments and test policy

o  Homework can be turned in one day late for partial credit.

o  Vocabulary quiz and grammar test retakes are available for a student who is unsatisfied with his/her performance; after school only. Please do not ask to do so during a study hall, etc. This score will be averaged with the original to equal a new grade.

o  Projects and essays will be accepted late with the penalty of ten points per day; after five days the assignment will not be accepted.

o  If you are absent on the day that a test or quiz is given, you are expected to take it the day you return.

o  If you are absent on the day that an assignment is due, you are expected to turn it in the day you return; otherwise, it will receive the penalty above.

·  Tardy policy

o  First offense – verbal warning

o  Second offense – after school detention (2:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.)

o  Third offense – office referral

·  Class rules:

o  Please be in your seat and ready to go when the bell rings. Coming into the class after the bell is not acceptable behavior.

o  Please be prepared for class with books, paper, pen, etc. I do not loan out writing utensils. Please do not ask.

o  Do not have newspapers, magazines, makeup, CD players, electronic toys, cellular phones, etc. out in class. You will be warned once, and then the items will be taken. (Parents, please do not text message or call students during class.) Also all bags and purses should be placed on the floor or hanging on the back of the chair to allow for open working space on desks. Following these rules will be part of your participation each day; if I have to ask you to put something away, you will not receive the credit.

o  Respect yourself, your peers, your teacher, the school and the classroom.

·  Extra Help:

o  I am available after school from 2:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. Monday through Thursday for extra help.

·  Parent Contact :

o  If regular parent/teacher communication is desired, I ask that an introductory email be sent to me.

o  I will reply within two days of having received the introductory email and this will allow me to save the parent/guardian email address and communicate student progress on a weekly basis.

o  Also, please consider creating a parent engrade account in which one can view student assignments, grades, etc.


·  When a student is absent 7 or more times from class in any semester, he/she will receive a 10 point reduction in grade.

·  If this course is held during block 1, a student must be present by 8:10 a.m. If a student arrives after this time, it counts as one absence.

·  If this course is held during block 4, a student must be present until 1:14 p.m. If a student is dismissed before this time, it counts as one absence.


·  Projects/Essays/Tests – 40%

·  Quizzes – 30 %

·  Class work, activities and participation – 15% (please note, participation is a 100 point assignment each quarter, your participation in class discussion is marked daily at the front podium).

·  Homework – 15%

______Detach and return to Mrs. Wagner no later than Wednesday, September 4, 2013______

As the parent/guardian of ______, I have been made aware of the course expectations, consequences if my child fails to meet those expectations, materials needed and the opportunity for regular email contact with my child’s teacher. Also, my signature will be used as permission for my child to read/view all content and texts included in the attached syllabus.


Parent/Guardian Signature Date

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