STATUS (Strategic, Service Delivery Information)


1.1To consider on street pay and display parking atSandbanks - in Brownsea Road, Grasmere Road, Haven Road, Seacombe Road, Salter Road and Panorama Road.

1.2The council’s Medium Term Financial Plan aims to direct resources towards the Council’s priorities providing an appropriate financial framework over a rolling three year period

1.3Along with Council Tax car parking charges provide a significant income towards the Council’s finances to enable it to deliver these priorities. By the end of October 2010, the car park income budget for the current year has a forecast end of year deficit of £485k.

1.4It is reasonable to assume that future income targets will similarly not be achieved unless further action is taken to redress this. Charging for parking in areas where parking demand is high is one way of achieving additional income.

1.5Implementing demand management parking policies outlined in Local Transport Plan2 for South East Dorset will encourage use of sustainable modes of travel


It is recommended that the Area Committee give their views on these proposals to the Transportation Advisory Group who will be considering this matter further


3.1The Corporate Parking Efficiency Review Programme (ERP) in November 2010 examined a number of options for raising additional income in the parking area in order to address the current deficit and to achieve future targets set out in the MTFP. The introduction of charges where this is high demand for parking is one way to achieve this.

3.2Currently charges apply in Sandbanks car park and Banks Road / Shore Road for which there is high demand for most of the year. The opportunity exists to consider paid parking on the Sandbanks peninsula therefore due to the close proximity of the beaches and ferry to the Purbecks. Furthermore this offer of free parking inevitably results in extra traffic movements as drivers search for free parking in the first instance.

3.3Within the Sandbanks peninsula there are 246 on street spaceswhich are marked out in bays. Subject to approval the conversion to charged parking would be achieved relatively simply by change of signage and the installation of approximately 25 solar power payment machines.


3.4The parking layout throughout Sandbanks was established in the early 1990s. If paid parking were to be introduced it is proposed that the opportunity be taken to regularise the parking to better represent the existing arrangements , including removal of bays which are smaller than an average car length together with introducing new lengths of parking where appropriate. It is proposed that the identification of these locations be delegated to officers in consultation with local ward members. Representations arising from the advertisement of these orders would be brought back to this Area Committee for consideration.

3.5It is proposed that on charges would be the same as the existing in the beaches area, ie

  • Summer : £1.50 per hour during the day, £1.50 overnight
  • Winter : £1 for up to one hour, £2 for more than one hour
  • Annual beach permits ( £65 for Poole residents and £185 for non – Poole residents ) can be used.

3.6This report was first presented to TAG on 6th January 2011, where from the discussion on the night it was clear that there were going to be a number of issues - particularly around satisfying the requirements of the local businesses in the vicinity. Approval was given to proceed to the next stage to formally advertise and consult wider on these proposals, of which the Area Committee is a very important part of this process. The intention is that these views will be brought back to the next meeting of TAG to assist them reaching a decision on this.


4.1.The Councils Medium Term Financial Plan required an additional £370,000 of parking income to be raised in 2010/11 over the previous year. However due to a number of factors there is a current forecasted deficit of £485k which needs to be addressed if further service cuts are to be avoided.

4.2.Currently, there are 442 on street pay and display spaces along Shore Road and Banks Road generating £152k per annum in 2009/10 ( £344 per space). It is anticipated that the 246 spaces on Sandbanks will generate approx 70% of this ( £241 per space ), achieving a total of £59k

4.3.The Business case model (Appendix A) identifies the following:

a)Capital cost of £62.5k - funded fromwithin the Units existing reservebudget, achieved by savings elsewhere in Transportation budgets

b)The annual operational costs after 12 months of £10k can be found from within the existing car parks expenditure budget.

c)Anticipated income from these new on street pay and display locations is £59k per annum

d)The payback period would be 14-16 months

e)Ongoing surplus after year 1 would be £49k per annum.


5.1 Implementation of parking charges requires a new Traffic Regulation Order. The process is to advertise the proposals in the press and place notices on site for a 28 day period. Any subsequent representations made would be brought back to the Transportation Advisory Group for consideration before the order can be made.


6.1Financial Risk –

a)As this would be a new area of charging there is no accurate data on which projected income can be calculated with any certainty. Figures shown in the business model are calculated asa proportion of the nearest areas of paid parking, namely Shore Road and Banks Road. A further reduction factor has been applied to represent the likely resistance of drivers to pay charges.

b)It is likely that the car parks in the areas will achieve a small uplift from motorists who accepting having to pay for parking would want to park closer to beach.

c)Failure to achieve associated financial targets would create a budget pressure within Transportation, requiring management actions which could include cuts in other areas of the service.

d)Car parking income in the beach area is inevitably affected by the weather. The income forecast has been based on previous generally poor summer periods. A better summer would enhance income forecasts.

e)In order to meet 2011/12 budget income targets, the scheme needs to be in place by June 2011.


6.2Acceptance –

a)Previous experience has shown that there is likely to be resistance to the introduction of pay and display machines from residents living in the roads affected. However modern ticket machines are very much smaller and less conspicuous than the older type, and there should be only a small increase in signage. Furthermore the fact that the machines are now solar powered means that there is no disruption in having to make an electrical connection.

Most properties have off road parking, although some residents are still likely to utilise the current free on street parking

b)It is inevitable that most visitors have enjoyed free parking and would prefer not to have to pay. However the fact that there are world class beaches within walking distance it would not seem unreasonable to expect a charge. Furthermore annual beach season tickets still offer very good value to Poole residents

c)Local employers who currently enjoy free parking for their employees will be adversely affected


7.1None – an Equalities Impact Assessment (EQIA) is not required


8.1The main elements of the business case are:

  1. The financial pressures on the Transportation budget caused by the £485k forecasted parking income deficit has meant that other areas of charging must be considered if further cuts in service are to be avoided
  1. New charges will generate additional income of £49k per annum

Report Author Jason Benjamin

Contact officer: Jason Benjamin (Tel: 01202 262150)

Background Papers

Appendix A - Business case for on street pay and display scheme

Appendix B – Layout Plan

Rev date : 13 January 2011



Business case for on street pay and display in Sandbanks

Number of Spaces / No. Of machines / Installation cost (£k) / Operation
per annum (£k) / Additional
Income (£k)
Brownsea Road / 47 / 5 / 12.5 / 2 / 11
Grasmere Road / 38 / 4 / 10 / 1.6 / 9
Seacombe Road / 32 / 3 / 7.5 / 1.2 / 8
Salter Road / 39 / 4 / 10 / 1.6 / 9
Panorama Road / 90 / 9 / 22.5 / 3.6 / 22
TOTAL / 246 / 25 / 62.5 / 10.0 / 59

Source: Parking Efficiency Review Programme Report November 2010