Dear Applicant,

The Transition Fair Committee is pleased to announce Youth in Transition Scholarship Fundis now accepting applications for the 2007-08 school year. One scholarship will be awarded for the 2007-08 school year; the recipientscholarship award is in the amount of $500.00 (one time award). Scholarship funds are to provide financial assistance to youth with disabilities in transition from high school to higher education.

The Youth in TransitionScholarship is to assist graduating seniors who are planning to attend an accredited institute of higher learning, identified as, a university; community college; trade and/or culinary school.

Youth in TransitionScholarship Fund was established in 2000 by the Transition Fair Committee which represents various community organizations. The goals of the Transition Fair Committee are to address the following:

* To provide financial assistance to the underserved students with disabilities;

* Encourage and acknowledge the academic achievement and community involvement of students with disabilities;

* To establish a support system for students with disabilities, at the same time encouraging higher education attainment; and

* To seek additional funding support fromlocal businesses, both public and private, while acknowledging the needs and accomplishments of the student with disabilities.

For the 2007-2008 school year, one scholarship is available. The following criteria must be met: 1.) Financial assistance will be provided to a graduating senior with a disability, who is in transition and planning to attend an accredited institute of higher learning (see examples above); 2.) Scholarship application must be complete and contain the necessary information requested (incomplete applications will not be considered); 3.) Official Transcript (unopened) must be attached; 4.) Provide three letters of recommendation and; 5.) Be willing to submit receipt for use of funds and periodic follow-up on educational progress as needed.

Scholarship deadline for submission is May 18th 2007

Applications can be mailed to:

Transition Fair Scholarship Fund

c/o DIRECT Center for Independence, Inc.

1023 N. Tyndall Ave.

Tucson, Arizona85719

or download application at (

Applications will be reviewed and evaluated by the Scholarship Selection Committee. Awards will be announced on Friday, May 31, 2007. Recipients will be notified of the award by mail. Scholarship recipient must agree to the guidelines as stated in the scholarship application.

Applications are available by contacting local high school counselors, or attending the annual Transition Fair on Wednesday, April 25, 2007 at Arizona Schools for the Deaf and Blind, 1200 W. Speedway Blvd., 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m., or by calling DIRECT Center for Independence at (520) 624-6452.


Scholarship Fund Chair

Transition Fair Committee



Applicant Information

(Please type or print)

Full Name: Date: Address: City:

State: Zip:

Home Phone: ( ) Msg.Phone: ( ) Cell: ( )

Social Security Number: / /

Birth date: / /

Parent/Legal Guardian: Approval of Student Request

(One or both parent/guardian consent required)

Print Mother/Guardian NamePrint Father/Guardian Name

Mother/Guardian Signature Father/Guardian Signature


(If not the same as above)(If not the same as above)

City: Zip: City: Zip:

Phone Number(s):Phone Number(s):

Home: Home:

Work: Work:

Racial/Ethnic Characteristics: White Black/African American Asian American Indian/Alaskan Native

Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander Asian & White American Indian/Alaskan Native & White

Black/African American & White American Indian/Alaskan Native & Black/African American

Hispanic (you may choose this ethnic category, if applicable, in addition to only one of the above race categories)


Applicant’s Personal History



Applicant’s Personal Statement

I agree to submit a receipt for use of funds and to provide periodic follow-up information to the Transition Fair Committee.

Print Name - ApplicantApplicant’s Signature
