Buckswood St. George’s Development Plan
Academic Vision of Buckswood St. Georges
To drive every scholar to reach their academic potential according to their ability by employing a tracked and monitored, adaptive teaching and learning approach together with enhanced extra-curricular activities.
Strategic Plan for 2017/18
Aim 1: Developing Teaching and Learning
- Employment of new staff
- Improve quality of teaching by
Aim 2: Improving Welfare and Safeguarding Provision
- Review and Compliance Check
- Social Programme
- Work Experience Placements
Aim 3: Managing success and Guidance
- Managerial Roadmaps
- Student Profile
- Review and update Admissions Process to include stronger pre-assessment
- Budgets
- Quarterly Reviews from Internal Oversight
The School Improvement Plan sets out the school’s strategy and development planning for the two years from 2017-19. It also sets out specific Action Points for the year ahead (2017-18)
The Plan is developed through discussion by, and consultation with, Senior Management and is informed by School Self-evaluation
School Self-evaluation may lead to amendment of the plan throughout the year.
The plan will be reviewed termly
Aim 1: Developing Teaching and Learning
Key Action Points:
- Employment of new staff
- Improve quality of teaching by
Employment of new staff:
- Principal (Experienced DoS who is TEFLQ)
- ESOL teachers (Experienced: min TEFLI, pref TEFLQ)
- Experienced teachers of Business/Economics (preferably with practical experience of the business world)
Improve quality of teaching by:
1)Develop a culture of regular peer and subject leader observations, to inform and share good practice and..
2)Develop a senior leader monitoring culture via weekly learning walks
3)Encourage all staff to use our IRIS observation tool and give some feedback to ADoS/HTL re how it has informed their practice
4)Develop a culture of ongoing development, particularly re areas of identified weakness (eg consistent meaningful lesson objectives and outcomes, marking for independent learning, differentiation, etc)
5)Develop a team of teaching mentors who can help new/struggling teachers improve the quality of their teaching
6)Structure teacher appraisals via
a)T&L Head observation and goal setting
b)Setting goals with teachers: (for themselves, for subject and for whole college) that raise achievement
7)Develop a structure for subject reviews
8)Ensure that lessons are effectively planned and are following SoW (via obs and monitoring students’ notebooks. Shift culture of teaching from ‘tell’ to ‘discover, elicit, practice and reflect’
9)Ensure each subject area has and maintains data re public examinations /internal assessments and uses this data to plan effectively, term by term and develop strategies to raise achievement
10)Ensure weaker teachers are monitored and mentored to improve the quality of their teaching
11) Ensure all teachers undertake some CPD apart from in-house INSET (via FutureLearn, exam board training, subject specific webinars etc)
12)Through all of the above, eradicate teaching that is less than good
13)Ensure each subject area sets purposeful and sufficiently challenging prep and that the quality and presentation of students’ work in their books is consistently improving through high quality feedback from teachers and peers to help students develop as independent learners
Aim 2: Improving Welfare and Safeguarding Provision
Key Action Points
- Review and Compliance Check
- Social Programme
- Work Experience Placements
Review and Compliance Check
- Implement a quarterly Schedule of Review - To review all welfare issues and weakness, checks for updates on new Safeguarding and Welfare legislation.
- Identify areas for improvement – through a more structured review and feedback process provide a budgeted action plan for areas of improvement and building on areas of success, with KPIs to ensure delivery.
- Internal Feedback - Increase participation in internal feedback to be more reflective of student and staff opinion and identify areas of improvement as well as enhancing areas of success.
Social Programme
- Calendar of Events - To plan, promote and enhance a more detail social calendar for the student body, ensuring a mix of activities to suit the student body. This will need to include a variety of costs to aid participation.
- Linking of Academics to Activities - To ensure that the programme, includes activities suitable for all students, that is aligned with their academic courses to strengthen the link between Academics and Activities
- Student Led Activities - To encourage great responsibility on the students, to plan and run a number of activities internally. The idea of allowing students to run activities is to encourage students to share their culture and social norms.
- Slice of Britain – Using the Buckswood Slice of Britain, encourage students to learn, explore and develop a greater understand of the UK, as well as learning cultural and social ‘norms’.
Work Experience Placements
- Work Experience Programme – to implement a more formal work experience programme for students to undertake. Each placement is subject to review, and students will be required to produce a report on the work undertaken as part of their work experience.
Aim 3: Managing Success and Guidance
Key Action Points:
- Managerial Roadmaps
- Student Profile
- Review and update Admissions Process to include stronger pre-assessment
- Quarterly Reviews from Internal Oversight
Managerial Road Maps – To increase guidance on direction and support in delivery a new Managerial Road Map is being developed to support each manager/head of department as to the planned methods of operation. This will form part of the Quarterly Review to ensure the College is on track whilst identifying areas of needs and success.
Student Profile - To diversify the nationalities recruited to the college, encouraging more Europeans,enhancing the social and geographic profile of the College. This will allow for a greater understanding of culture within the student body.
Admission Process – New assessment procedures are being implemented to better support academic preparation and planning. As part of the process the Admissions department will provide all students with an online pre-arrival test, this will be followed up with a more in-depth placement test.
Senior Manager Support – as the college has recently undergone a restructuring, Managers will be subject to greater review and development. The HTL will have more time allocated to support the academic team as well as providing more skills and training.
Quarterly Reviews - to formalise a whole College review process to better identify areas of need, improvement and success. These quarterly reviews will also aim to guide the Academic, Welfare and Management Team at the college ensuring each department is delivering agreed goals.
- Monitor and evaluate all ideas from 2017-18. Use this data to reformulate/modify this strategy
- Develop a growth mind-set culture within the college, where both students and teachers have consistently high aspirations. Do this by whole college training at INSET and implementing the approach/methodology throughout the school
- Ensure that teacher-student feedback is motivating and developing our students as independent learners
- Monitor and evaluate all subject areal improvement plans, in consultation with subject leaders
- Monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of teaching mentors
- Ensure all classrooms are safe, stimulating learning environments that support good teaching and that, where possible, the outside environment is used to support teaching, too.
- Ensure teachers and subject leaders display high quality student work to inspire others.
- Evaluate ‘Growth Mind-set’ approach. If it’s working, develop and embed this
- Review yearly feedback to identify areas of improvement
- Review and check all welfare and safeguarding policies and process
- Review and check all Welfare and Safeguarding incidents ensuring appropriate action is taken to prevent any similar instance in the next academic year.
- Evaluate and develop Social Calendar based on the success/failure of 2017/2018
Evaluate all previous Quarterly reviews to assist in:
- Identify major areas of focus for 2019/20
- Identify and support managers and teachers in areas of need as well as potential trainings that can be provided to encourage skill set growth.
- Identify and develop areas of success
- Ensure progress in line with College aims and vision, highlights areas of focus.
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