Ministry of Education
Mubarak Al Kabeer Edu. Area
Khalid Sou'd Al-ZeidSecondary School
English Department
Grade : 12
First Period : Module : 1
( New Types of Questions and Literature Time )
2012 - 2013
Prepared & Edited by : Mohammed Mohsen El-Kilany
Revised by H. O. D. :Mr. Ahmed Ahmed Abdullah
Supervised by : Mr. Ahmed Saad El-Din
School Principal : Mr.Essam Badr Ahmed
Khalid Sou'd Al-ZeidSecondary School Mubarak Al Kabeer Edu. Area
Department of English Prepared & Edited By: Moh. El-Kilany
Revised by H. O. D. : Mr. Ahmed Abdullah Supervised by : Ahmed Saad El-Din
Grade 12 First Period 21st term Module 1 Units 1, 2& 3
NO / Word / Definitions / Meaning1- / Adoption (n) / The action or fact of legally taking another's child and bring it up as one's own / تبني
2- / Civil (adj) / Relating to private relations between members of a community ; noncriminal / مدني
3- / Code of law (n) / A set of rules and standards adhered to by a society / مجموعة قوانين
4- / Consultation (n) / The action or process of formally consulting or discussing / استشارة - تشاور
5- / Define (v) / To state or describe exactly the nature , scope , or meaning of / يحدد – يعين - يعرف
6- / Enforce (v) / To put into practice ; to carry out / يفرض بالقوة- ينفذ
7- / Govern (v) / To control / يحكم -
8- / Guilty (adj) / Responsible for a crime / مذنب
9- / Impose (v) / To require ( a duty , charge , or penalty ) to be undertaken or paid / يفرض
10- / Innocent (adj) / Not guilty of a crime or offense / بريء
11- / Judiciary (n) / The judicial authorities of a country ; judges collectively / السلطة القضائية
12- / Jury (n) / Group of people in court who decide whether someone is guilty / هيئة المحلفين
13- / Legal (adj) / Appointed or required by the law / قانوني
14- / Penalty (n) / A punishment imposed for breaking a law / عقاب – غرامة - جزاء
15- / Persuasion (n) / A belief or set of beliefs / معتقد
16- / Principle (n) / Rule ; belief / قاعدة - مبدأ
17- / Property (n) / Something valuable which belongs to someone / ملكية – خاصية - ملك
18- / Prove (v) / To show that something is true by providing facts , information / يبرهن - يثبت
19- / Tolerant (adj) / Showing willingness to allow the existence of opinions or behavior that one does not necessarily agree with / متسامح
20- / Violence (n) / The unlawful exercise of physical force or intimidation by the exhibition of such force / عنف – أذي – شدة - قسوة
21- / Welfare (n) / The health , happiness , and fortunes of a person or group / سعادة – رفاهية -
22- / Break into (v) / To enter by force / يقتحم
23- / Fake (adj) / Not real and seeming to be something it is not , in order to deceive / مزيف
24- / Invisible (adj) / Can not be seen / خفي – محجوب – غير منظور
25- / Techno-criminal
(n) / A person who has committed a crime using technology / مجرم تكنولوجي
26- / Worthless (adj) / Having no value , importance or use / عديم القيمة - تافه
27- / Bench (n) / 1-A long seat for several people , typically made of wood or stone
2- a seat in Parliament for politicians of a specified party or position
3- ( the bench ) the office of judge or magistrate / مقعد – منصة – مقعد القاضي
28- / Brief (n / adj ) / 1- a digest or synopsis of a larger document or group of documents
2- an outline or summary , for example , of a book
3- an outline of how a legal case will be argued , together with evidence and supporting statements , submitted by an attorney to a court prior to a trial / مختصر – موجز – مذكرة – أمر قضائي
29- / Case (n) / A legal action , esp. one to be decided in a court of law 2 a flat , rectangular container , typically made of leather , for putting your things in it . / دعوي – قضية - صندوق
30- / Defence (n) / 1- the action of defending from or resisting attack 2- ( usu. The defence ) the counsel for the council for the defendant in a lawsuit / دفاع
31- / Handcuffs (n) / A pair of lockable linked metal rings for securing a prisoner's wrists / الأصفاد - قييود
32- / Note (n/v) / 1- a brief record of facts , topics , or thoughts , written down as an aid to memory . 2- an official letter sent from the representative of one government to another .
3- Brit . a banknote : a ten-pound note .
4- a single tone of definite pitch made by a musical instrument or the human voice / ملاحظة - ورقة نقدية - نغمة موسيقية - سجع
33- / Prosecute (v) / To institute legal proceedings against ( a person or organization ) / يقاضي – يحاكم – يرفع دعوي
34- / Row ( n / v ) / 1- things or people that are arranged in a line that is usually straight , or the line itself . 2- a line of seats in a theater , lecture hall , or similar public place / صف
35- / Spring (n / v ) / 1- to move or jump suddenly or rapidly upward or forward 2- to originate or arise from / ينبثق – ينشأ - يثب
36 / Claim (v) / To state or assert that something is the case , typically without providing evidence or proof / يطالب - يدعي
37- / Clog up (v) / To prevent things from being dealt with as quickly as usual / يعيق – يسد – ينسد – يغيق
38- / Contend (v) / To assert something as a position in an argument / يتنافس - يتباري - يجادل - يؤكد
39- / Grievance (n) / An official statement of a complaint over something believed to be wrong or unfair / مظلمة - شكوي
40- / In favour of
( expression ) / To the advantage of / لمصلحة -
41- / Intend (v) / To have ( a course of action ) as one's purpose or objective ; plan / يعني – يقصد - ينوي
42- / Litigation (n) / The process of taking claims to a court law / يرفع دعوي – يقاضي – دعوي قضائية
43- / Petty (adj) / Of little importance ; trivial / صغير – تافه - حقير
44- / Regardless (adv) / Without being affected by something / بغض النظر عن – مهما يكن
45- / Residential area
(n) / A part of a town that consists of private houses , with no offices or factories / منطقة سكنية
46- / Speed limit (n) / The fastest speed allowed by law on a particular piece of road / السرعة المحددة – حدود السرعة
47- / Sue (v) / To make a legal claim against someone , especially for money , because they have harmed you in some way / يقاضي
48- / Supporter (n) / Someone who agrees with a particular person , group , or plan / المؤيد - المساند
49- / Ultimately (adv) / Finally , after everything else has been done or considered / في النهاية
50- / Afford (v) / To provide something or allow something to happen / يمنح – يعطي – يقدر علي شراء
51- / Boom (n) / Increase in business / ازدهار
52- / Decimate (v) / To destroy a large part of something / يتلف – يهلك القسم أو الجزء الأكبر
53- / Deteriorate (v) / To become worse / يفسد - يتدهور
54- / Emigrate (v) / To leave your own country in order to live in another country / يهاجر - ينزح
55- / Famine (n) / A situation in which a large number of people have little or no food for a long time and many people die / مجاعة
56- / Foreign (adj) / From or relating to a country that is not your own / أجنبي
57- / Hard-pressed
(adj) / Having a lot of problems and not enough money or time / عالق في المشاكل
58- / High-tech (adj) / Using advanced technology / ذو تقنية عالية
59- / Necessitate (v) / To make it necessary for you to do something / يوجب – يحتم - يستلزم
60- / Seek ( v ) / To try to achieve or get something / يبحث عن – يطلب – ينشد – يحاول- يلتمس
61- / Unfortunately
( adv ) / Used when you are mentioning a fact that you wish were not true / لسوء الحظ -
62- / Instead ( adv ) / As an alternative or substitute / بدلا - عوضا
63- / Periodic ( adj ) / Happening a number of times usually at regular times / دوري – متكرر في دورات نظامية
64- / Plenty of
(pronoun ) / A large quantity that is enough or more than enough / وفرة - كثرة – الكثير من
65- / Swallow ( n ) / A migratory swift-flying songbird with a forked tail and long pointed wings , feeding on insects in fight / طائر السنونو
66- / Disgruntled
( adj ) / Annoyed or disappointed , especially because things have not happened in the way that you wanted / ساخط - مستاء
67- / Displace ( v ) / To make a group of people or animals have to leave the place where they normally live / يزيح – يشرد - يحل محل – يستبدل
يغير مكان شخص
68- / Mass ( adj ) / Involving or intended for a very large number of people / عدد أو مقدار كبير – جمهور- ضخم
69- / Meticulous ( adj ) / Very careful about small details , and always making sure that everything is done correctly / دقيق – موسوس - مهتم بأدق التفاصيل
70- / Migrant ( n ) / Someone who goes to live in another area or country , especially in order to find work / مهاجر
71- / Obliterate ( v ) / To destroy something completely so that nothing remains / يطمس – يمحو - يلغي
72- / Perturbed ( adj ) / Worried about something that has happened or will happen / قلق - مشوش
73- / Resort ( n ) / A place where a lot of people go for holidays / منتجع
74- / Rift ( n ) / A crack or narrow opening in a large mass of rock / صدع - شق
75 / Animated ( adj ) / Showing a lot of interest and energy / حي – مفعم بالحيوية - نشط
76- / Arduous ( adj ) / Involving a lot of strength and effort / شاق - متعب
77- / Engage in ( v ) / To be involved in something , especially something that continues for a long time / ينهمك في – يشارك في
78- / Major ( adj ) / Very large or important , when compared to other things or people of a similar kind / هام - رئيسي
79- / Minor ( adj ) / Small and not very important or serious , especially when compared with other things / ثانوي - غير هام
80- / Nervously ( adv) / anxiously / بشكل عصبي - بحدة
81- / Rent ( v ) / To regular pay money to live in a house or room that belongs to someone else , or to use something that belongs to someone else / يستأجر - يؤجر
82- / Reside ( v ) / To live in a particular place / يقيم – يسكن
83- / Strenuous ( adj ) / Needing a lot of effort or strength / شاق – عنيف - مضني
84- / Take a breather
( expression ) / Take a brief pause for rest / يستريح
85- / Abuse ( n ) / Cruel and violent treatment of a person / يسئ معاملة - إساءة المعاملة
86- / Anthropologist
( n ) / A person who studies people their societies , cultures , / عالم الإنسانيات
87- / Apparent ( adj ) / Clearly visible or understood / مرئي – واضح - جلي
88- / Attribute ( n ) / A quality or feature regarded as a characteristics or inherent part of someone or something / يعزو أو ينسب إلي – خاصية – سمة - صفة
89- / Charitable (adj ) / Of or relating to the assistance of those in need / محسن – خيري
90- / Compassion ( n ) / Sympathetic pity and concern for the sufferings or misfortunes of others / شفقة
91- / Discrimination
( n ) / The unjust or prejudicial treatment of different categories of people esp. on the grounds of race , age , or gender / تمييز عنصري – تفرقة عنصرية
92- / Diversity ( n ) / The state of being diverse ; variety ; a range of different things / تنوع – اختلاف
93- / Empathy ( n ) / The ability to understand and share the feelings of another / تعاطف – تقمص عاطفي
94- / Ethnographer
( n ) / A person whose job is to describe the customs of individual peoples and cultures / عالم بوصف الأجناس البشرية
95- / Impulse ( n ) / A sudden strong and unreflective urge to act / اندفاع -
96- / Incapable ( adj ) / Not able to do something / عاجز
97- / Inevitable ( adj ) / Certain to happen ; unavoidable / محتوم
98- / Legislation ( n ) / Laws , considered collectively / تشريع – شرائع - قوانين
99- / Liberty ( n ) / The state of being free within society from oppressive restrictions imposed by authority on one's way of life , behaviour or political / حرية
100- / Minority ( n ) / The small number or part , especially a number that is less than half the whole number / أقلية -
101- / Overview ( n ) / A general review or summary of a subject / نظرة عامة
102- / Tolerance ( n ) / The ability or willingness to accept something ; in particular the existence of opinions or behaviour that one does not necessarily agree with / التسامح
103- / Universal ( adj ) / Applicable to all cases / عام – شامل – كلي – جامع - عالمي
104- / Value ( V ) / Consider ( someone or something ) to be important or beneficial ; have a high opinion of / يقيم – يقدر -يثمن
105- / Value ( N ) / A person's principle or standards of behaviour;one's judgment of what is important in life / قيمة – قدر - أهمية
106- / Aftermath ( n ) / The consequences of an event , especially a disastrous one , or the period of time during which these consequences are felt / نتائج – أثار– في أعقاب
107- / Deploy ( v ) / To put something to use / ينشر – ينتشر - يوزع
108- / Ethnicity ( n ) / Ethnic affiliation or distinctiveness / الانتماء العرقي
109- / Hardship ( n ) / Difficulty or suffering caused by a lack of something , especially money / شدة – ضيق - مشقة
110- / Voluntary ( adj ) / Done or given freely with no promise of money or other recompense strongly / اختياري - طوعي
111- / Vulnerable (adj ) / Suspectible to physical or emotional attack or harm / حساس -
112- / Aggressive (adj ) / Ready or likely to attack or confront ; characterized by or resulting from hostile or violent behaviour / عدواني
113- / Compassionately
( adv ) / sympathetically / علي نحو رحيم – بتعاطف - بحنان
114 / Cry over split milk (idiom ) / To regret something after it is too late / يبكي على شيء تافه
115 / Enfranchisement
( n ) / The act of giving a group of people the right to vote / منح حق الاقتراع
116 / Extravagant (adj ) / Exceeding what is reasonable or appropriate ; absurd / مفرط –مسرف - باهظ
117 / Frail (adj ) / Weak and delicate / سهل المكسر -
118 / Over a barrel (idiom ) / In a helpless position / في وضع سيء
119 / Over the hill (idiom ) / Old and past one's prime / طاعن في السن
120 / Over the top
(idiom ) / To an excessive or exaggerated degree , in particular so as to go beyond reasonable or acceptable limits / مبالغ فيه
121 / Suffrage ( N ) / The right to vote in political elections / حق الاقتراع
122 / Tide someone over / Help out , assist , aid / يقيّد شخص ما
123 / Alleviate ( V ) / To make ( suffering , deficiency ,or a problem ) less severe / يخفف – يسكن - يلطف
124 / Appeal (n ) / A serious or urgent request , typically one made to the public / مناشدة
125 / Avert ( v ) / To prevent or ward off ( an undesirable occurrence ) / يجنّب
126 / Campaign (n ) / An organized course of action to achieve a particular goal / حملة
127 / Commitment
(n ) / An engagement or obligation that restricts freedom of action / إلتزام
128 / Dire (adj ) / ( of a situation or event ) extremely serious or urgent / رهيب / شنيع
129 / Donate ( V ) / To give ( money or goods ) for a good cause , for example to a charity / يتبرّع بـ
130 / Extensive (adj ) / Large in size , amount or degree / مكثف / مركّز
131 / Humanitarian (adj ) / Concerned with or seeking to promote human welfare / إنـــساني
132 / In leaps and bounds (idiom ) / Rapidly , swiftly / على قدم و ســاق
133 / underprivileged
(adj ) / Deprived of many of the rights and privileges enjoyed by most people in society , usually as a result of poverty / محروم الحقوق
Prepared & Edited by : Mohammed Mohsen El-Kilany
وزارة التربية
التوجيه الفني العام للغة الإنجليزية
( قائمة المفردات الخاصة بسؤال التعريف فقط )
Vocabulary list for the definition question only
Grade Twelve
Over to You
First Period ( الفترةالأولى ) العام الدراسي : 2012 /2013
No / WORD / DEFINITION / /U/p.Legal (adj) / Appointed or required by the law / 1/p13
Apparent (adj) / clearly visible or understood / 1/3/p25
Petty (adj) / Of little importance ; trivial / 1/p17
Arduous ( adj ) / Difficult , needing a lot of effort and strength / 2/p23
Disgruntled (adj) / Annoyed or disappointed / 2/p21
Frail (adj) / weak and delicate / 2//p23
Animated ( adj ) / Showing a lot of interest and energy / 2/.29
extensive / large in size, amount or degree / 3/p29
Invisible (adj) / Can not be seen / 1/4.WB
enforce / to put into practice / 1/p13
Note (n) / To notice or pay particular attention / 1/3/p29
Reside ( v ) / To live in a particular place / 2/p23
Obliterate ( v ) / To destroy something completely so that nothing remains / 2/p21
Seek ( V ) / to try to achieve or get something / 2/p19
Alleviate ( V ) / To make ( suffering , deficiency ,or a problem ) less severe / 3/p29
Deploy ( v ) / To put something to use / 3/p16WB
Avert ( v ) / To prevent or ward off ( an undesirable occurrence ) avoid / 3/p29
Penalty (n) / a punishment imposed for breaking a law / 1/p13
Case (n) / A legal action , esp. one to be decided in a court / 1/p15
Supporter (n) / Someone who agrees with a person or, group . / 1/p17
boom / increase in business / 2/p19
Resort ( n ) / A place where a lot of people go for holidays / 2/p21
Hardship ( n ) / Difficulty or suffering / 3/p16WB
Diversity ( n ) / variety ; a range of different things / 3/p25
Appeal (n ) / A serious or urgent request / 3/p29
abuse / cruel and violent treatment of a person / 3/p25
( adv ) / sympathetically / 3/p27
nervously / anxiously / 2/p25
( adv ) / Disappointing or has a bad effect / 2/p19
ultimately / Finally, after everything else has been done / 1/p17
Grade 12 1st Period words to be used in meaningful sentences
1 / Aggressive (adj )عدواني / 6 / Govern (v)يحكم / 11 / Liberty ( n )حرية2 / Universal ( adj)عالمي / 7 / Emigrate (v)يهاجر / 12 / Defence (n)دفاع
3 / Major ( adj ) رئيسي - هام / 8 / Seek ( v )يطلب - يبحث / 13 / campaign (n) حملة
4 / Civil (adj)مدني / 9 / Intend (v)ينوي / 14 / Unfortunately
( adv )لسوء الحظ
5 / Enforce (v)يفرض بالقوة / 10 / Resort ( n )منتجع / 15 / Compassionately
( adv ) بتعاطف- بحنان
1- Men tend to be more aggressive than women.
2- Freedom and tolerance are universal human values .
3- Smoking is one of the major causes of cancer.
4- Many civil cases can be settled out of court.
5- Governments make laws and the police enforce them.
6- The universe is governed by the laws of physics.
7- People emigrate because of wars and famine .
8- Many workers come to Kuwait to seek a better life .
9- I intend to spend my holiday in Kuwait .
10- Al-Khiran is a beautiful resort in Kuwait .
11- They were fighting for liberty and equality.
12- The defence asked for more time to prepare their arguments .
13- Students will start a campaign to clean the beaches .
14- Unfortunately , a lot of people were killed in the accident.
15- People in need should be treated compassionately .
Module One Unit 1
Lesson 1 & 2
1- " Although different countries have different codes of law, some actions have always
been crimes almost everywhere ."
a) Suggest some actions that everyone in every country thinks are wrong .
Theft and murder .
b) Who do you think makes the laws in most societies ?
The governments
2- " The earliest code of law we know about was established nearly four thousand years ago by the Middle –Eastren ruler Hammurabi .This consisted of 282 laws."
a) Mention some types of law …………….
criminal law , civil law , family law , property law
b- Define " law "
Rules which control society .
3- "The law affects every area of people's daily lives , from driving their cars to paying tax.But to work effectively laws must be backed by penalities and punishments imposed by courts ."
a) Mention some types of courts or judiciary system in Kuwait. Or " What are the
judiciary system of Kuwait composed of ?
a) summary courts b) military courts c) religious courts
b- Who do you think makes sure people obey codes of law ?
The police and the judges.
4-"Just like in the rest of the world, Kuwaiti laws are made to protect the individuals
rights of people living there"
a) Where did Kuwait draw its law mainly from?
The law is drawn from the teachings of the Holy Quran,
b) How do you think the society will look like in the absence of law ?
The society will be in a mess.
5- " Kuwait has a well-structured and clearly-defined judiciary , composed of summary , military and religious courts , amongst others ."
a) What is the main purpose of sending people to prison ?.
To punish them and to protect the society .
b) Why areKuwaiti laws made ?
1-To protect the rights of the people 2- to ensure a safe , just and tolerant society
6- " The Emir , in consultation with the Justice Ministry , appoints judges in the regular courts .
a) Why do you think the Islamic values influence the system of laws in Kuwait ?
- As the Kuwaiti law is drawn from the teachings of the Holy Quran .
- It ensures a safe , just and tolerant society .
b) Mention the type of law which deals with murder and theft .
The criminal law.
c- There are basic principles of most systems of law . Mention one of these principles .
A person is innocent until someone proves that they are guilty .
W B Lesson 3
1-" Increasingly , criminals re using computers to help them commit new crimes and to make it easier to commit old ones ."
a- Give examples of the old and the new crimes .
1) old crimes : theft - fraud 2) new crimes : identity theft
b- Criminals use the Internet to communicate with each other . Give reasons .
1) To pass on confidential information 2) To plan crimes
2-" Unfortunately . computer crimes are often more difficult to solve than traditional crimes".
a- Computer crime is on the increase for many reasons . Explain .
Because the number of people who use Internet websites , to buy things , to book holidays or
to access their bank accounts , is growing .
b- What makes computer crime more difficult to solve than traditional crime ?
1) Criminals are often invisible 2) Their actions may be impossible to prove.
c- From your point of view how can we prevent computer crimes ?
a) Imposing large fines b) jail sentence
Unit 1 Lesson 7&8
1-" The amount of litigation brought against everyday people has increased dramatically in recent years ."
a-What is meant by " culture of blame ' ?
Blaming others for what supposed to be our responsibility
b- Do you think people should solve their minor issues in courts ? Why or why not ?
I think they shouldn't do so because …………………………………………….
1) They cost a lot of money 2) They stay for a long time
2-"Ultimately , I believe we must take care to ensure that minor issues , which could normally be resolved without the assistance of the courts , do not prevent our legal system from operating efficiently ."
a- Litigations against everyday people have increased dramatically in recent years . Why?
1)There are countless of lawyers who can deal with these cases .
2)There are a reflection of an emerging " culture of blame .
b- Some people are against more court cases . Give reasons .
1)They think these cases clog up the courts .
2) They also prevent prosecutions against " real criminals .
c- Some people are for more court cases . Why ?
1)They actually show that our courts are working .
2)They reflect a growing desire to protect everyone from the effects of criminal neglect.
d- From your point of view how could people solve their problems away from courts ?
a) By tolerance b) by good manners