The Meeting commenced at 1:001:00pm and concluded at 5:304:28pm
Councillor Pawlowski (Chairman)
Councillor Parker (Vice Chairman)
Councillors: Ms Atkinson (substitute for Councillor Mrs Dion), Bagwell, Mrs Butt, Burden, Le Poidevin (until 5:15pm), Tomlin and Wilson (until 3:55pm).Butt, Burden (until 4:00pm), Dion (until 3:12pm), Le Poidevin, Pope (Substitute for Councillor Tomlin) and Wilson
Others in Attendance
Councillors Brown, Mrs Haines, Iyengar, Williams, Gabriel, Tindle and Mrs Newell
Councillors Atkinson and Haines
Members of the public present:
Approximately 4734
Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Mrs Dion and Parker.
Councillors Bagwell and Tomlin.
There were no declarations of disclosable pecuniary interest.
Other Non-Statutory Interests Members Wished to be Recorded
Councillors Pawlowski, Mrs Butt, Burden, Tomlin, Le Poidevin and Wilson had been lobbied on Plans List Item Numbers 1 and 4.
Councillors Pawlowski, Mrs Butt, Burden and Wilson had been lobbied on Plans List Item Number 2.
Councillors Bagwell, Mrs Butt, Le Poidevin and Wilson had been lobbied on Plans List Item Number 5.
Councillors Pawlowski, Mrs Butt, Burden and Tomlin had been lobbied on lobbied on Plans List Item Number 6.
Councillors Mrs Butt and Wilson had been lobbied on Plans List Item Number 3.
Councillors Pawlowski, Ms Atkinson, Mrs Butt, Burden, Bagwell and Le Poidevin had been lobbied on Plans List Item Number 7.
Councillors Pawlowski, Mrs Butt, Burden, Bagwell, Le Poidevin and Tomlin had been lobbied on Plans List Item Number 9.
Plans List Item Number 11 was before the Committee as the Applicant was a Councillor.
All Councillors had been lobbied on Plans List Item nos. 2 & 5.
Councillors Pawlowski, Parker, Butt, Burden, Dion, Le Poidevin and Wilson had been lobbied on Plans List Item nos. 1, 4 and 6.
Councillor Le Poidevin had been lobbied on Plans List Item no. 3.
Councillor Pope informed the Meeting that, as she was a Substitute Member and was not present at the previous Meeting, she would not take part in either the Debate or the Vote for Agenda Item nos. 5 & 6.
RESOLVED that the Minutes of the Meeting of the Planning Committee held on 14 January 17 March 2016, having been previously circulated, be taken as read, approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.
Darryl Howells, Senior Planning Officer, reminded Members that Planning Application APP/15/01306/F, 540 Blandford Road, was reported to Committee on 14 January 2016 with a recommendation to refuse, however, Members resolved to defer the Item in order that Officers explore securing a Section 106 Agreement, ensuring that the proposed flats would remain as rented properties in order to potentially allow reduced car parking provision to be acceptable.
The Senior Planning Officer gave a site description and referred to the Site plans as appended to the report and images of the Site and surrounding area.
Reference was made to the Addendum Sheet and, in particular, the deletion of Paragraph 3.9 with a replacement, as detailed in the Addendum Sheet.
The Senior Planning Officer stated that, whilst the Section 106 Agreement resolved three out of the four reasons for refusal, the principle of flatted development in that location remained contrary to adopted planning policies for the reasons as set out in the Report, attached at Appendix A. It was therefore recommended that Planning Permission be refused solely for reason no. 2, as set out in the Case Officer’s Report.
The Chairman summed up by stating that Members were supportive of the Scheme when it was first presented to Committee, and that the Section 106 Agreement had resolved the issues regarding parking.
N McKeon, Applicant, summed up his views, details included:
Property surrounded by flatted development
Property would benefit from the development
Had entered into a Section 106 Agreement
On being put to the Vote, the Officer’s recommendation to refuse was LOST.
Voting:For – 0Against – 7Abstentions – 1
Members continued by discussing conditions for Approval, details included:
Three-year time limit
Revised Site plans
Parking remained unallocated
RESOLVED to grant Planning Permission, subject to S106 Agreement and the following conditions:
1. 3 year timescale
2. Prior to the commencement of the development hereby approved, a revised car parking plan illustrating 2 car parking spaces shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The approved details shall be made available and retained for that purpose, and use of all residents and visitors, and shall not become the freehold or leasehold of a private resident.
3. Plan Listings
Add Informative Notes
1. IN72
In accordance with the provisions of paragraphs 186 and 187 of the NPPF the Borough of Poole (BoP) takes a positive and proactive approach to development proposals focused on solutions. BoP work with applicants/agents in a positive and proactive manner by;
- offering a pre-application advice service, and
- advising applicants of any issues that may arise during the consideration of their application and, where possible, suggesting solutions.
- in this case the applicant was advised of issues after the initial site visit
- in this case the applicant was provided with pre-application advice and this was reflected in the proposals
- in this case the applicant was afforded an opportunity to submit amendments to the scheme which addressed issues that had been identified
- the application was considered and approved without delay
2. IN74
Part 11 of the Planning Act 2008 and the Community Infrastructure Levy Regulations
The proposed development referred to in this planning permission is a chargeable development liable to pay Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) under Part 11 of the Planning Act 2008 and the CIL Regulations (amended).
In accordance with CIL Regulation 65, Borough of Poole will issue a Liability Notice in respect of the chargeable development referred to in this planning permission as soon as practicable after the day on which planning permission first permits development. The Liability Notice will confirm the chargeable amount for the chargeable development referred to in this planning permission and will be calculated by Borough of Poole in accordance with CIL Regulation 40 (amended) and in respect of the relevant CIL rates set out in the adopted Borough of Poole Charging Schedule. Please note that the chargeable amount payable in respect of the chargeable development referred to in this planning permission is a local land charge.
For information purposes, Borough of Poole reserves the right to issue a Liability Notice in respect of chargeable development as soon as is practicable following the grant of planning permission, but before the time on which that planning permission first permits development (the definition of when planning permission first permits development for the purposes of CIL is set out in CIL Regulation 8). However, any earlier Liability Notice issued by Borough of Poole in respect of the chargeable development referred to in this planning permission ceases to have effect at the point a subsequent (by date) Liability Notice in respect of the chargeable development referred to in this planning permission is issued by Borough of Poole.
Please be aware that failure to pay CIL in accordance with the CIL Regulations and Council’s payment procedure upon commencement of the chargeable development referred to in this planning permission may result in the Council imposing surcharges and taking enforcement action. Further details on the Council’s CIL process including the assuming, withdrawing and transferring liability to pay CIL, claiming relief, the payment procedure, consequences of not paying CIL in accordance with the payment procedure and appeals can be found on the Borough of Poole website:
Voting:For – 7Against – 0Abstentions – 1
James Gilfillan, Senior Planning Officer, reminded Members that at the Meeting of the Planning Committee on 14 January 2016, Members deferred making a decision on Planning Application APBP/15/01491/F to enable Officers to seek clarification regarding the accuracy of the submitted plans.
It was noted that the architects for the Scheme had subsequently explained that the apparent discrepancy arose from the use of different datum points by two different architects on the respective Schemes, resulting in different measurements for the ground levels, finished floor levels and ridge heights of the two neighbouring Schemes.
The Plans had now been updated to use the same datum points, and they could now be relied upon as accurately representing the relationship of the proposed development to the adjoining site.
The Senior Planning Officer highlighted on the screen the revised streetscene plans.
In conclusion, the Senior Planning Officer stated that the recommendation remained that Planning Permission be granted subject to the conditions as set out at Appendix A to the Report and the Addendum Sheet at Appendix B, and subject to the updated Condition no. 2 that reflected updated plan reference numbers.
RESOLVED to grant Planning Permission subject to:
1. A contribution of £1,420.00 (plus admin fee) towards mitigating the harm to the Dorset Heathlands SPA and SSSI in accordance with the Dorset Heathlands Framework SPD 2015 , Policies PCS28, PCS 36 and PCS37 of the Poole Core Strategy 2009, Policy DM9 of the Poole Site Specific Allocations and Development Management Policies DPD 2012 and Policies IN1 and IN2 of the Delivering Poole's Infrastructure DPD 2012.
2. A contribution of £65,688.00 (plus admin fee) towards off-site provision of Affordable Housing provision in accordance with Policies PCS06 of the Poole Core Strategy 2009, Policy IN2(E) of the Delivering Poole's Infrastructure DPD 2012 and Affordable Housing SPD 2011
1. GN150 (Time Expiry 3 Years (Standard))2. PL01 (Plans Listing)
3. GN030 Prior submission and approval of materials
4. GN070 (Remove Use as Balcony)
5. GN100 (No Further Windows in Specified Elevation) (rear elevations)
6. GN020 (Screen Fencing/Walling)
7. HW230 (Permeable surfacing condition)
8. HW100 (Parking/Turning Provision)
9. HW200 (Provision of Visibility Splays)
10. TR080 (Replanting of Specified Number of Trees) (7)
11. LS040 (Landscaping Scheme to be Implemented)
12. RC010 (Remove PD for rear extension)
Informative Notes
1. IN72 (Working with applicants: Approval)2. IN43 (Section 106 Agreement)
3. IN74 (Community Infrastructure Levy - Approval)
For – 6Against – 1Abstentions – 1
Adam Cooper, Arboricultural Officer, presented a report advising Members that one objection had been received in respect of Tree Preservation Order (TPO) 15/00003, after which numerous representations on behalf of the objecting party had been received.
The Arboricultural Officer continued by summarising the trees to which the TPO related, and the background information to the actual Order.
The Presentation continued by detailing the responses to the objections made.
In conclusion, the Arboricultural Officer stated that the Council had followed the correct procedures as detailed in the relevant guidance of the Act. The Tree Preservation Order had been made in accordance with the Blue Book and the TCPA. The suitability and amenity contribution of the trees had been assessed by a competent arboriculturalist, and determined to be appropriate.
Chris Alder, Objector, expressed his views, details included:
Consultant representing Gallagher Estates
Objected on the following grounds
oSignificant constraints on Site already
oSub-station impacted on Site
oFlood defence works would require the raising of ground levels resulting in severe implications for the trees
oContradiction between tree protection and development
oWanted to work together with Planning and Regeneration Services
Officers responded to Members’ requests for clarification, details included:
Any forthcoming Planning Applications would need to deal with the Tree Preservation Orders as constraints to the Site
The raising of ground levels were not before Members to consider
A Member stated that the Committee should only consider what was before them and therefore supported the Case Officer’s Report.
The Chairman stated that he had sympathy with the Objector and that he could not understand why further obstacles were being put in the way of possible developers of the Borough of Poole’s Regeneration Sites.
The Objector did not take up the opportunity to sum up his views.
RESOLVED to confirm TPO/00003 without modification.
Voting:For – 4Against – 3Abstentions – 1
The Committee considered the Planning Applications as set out in the Schedule to the Minutes and dealt with therein.
The Information Report was noted.
In accordance with Section 100B(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the Chairman allowed consideration of the following Items as a decision was required before the next scheduled Meeting of the Planning Committee.
SA1 Exclusion of Public and Press
RESOLVED that, in accordance with Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the public and press be excluded from the Meeting for the following Item of business on the grounds that it involved the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Paragraph 5 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the said Act, as the public interest in withholding the information outweighs the public interest in disclosing it.
SA2 74 Parkstone Heights, Poole
Richard Genge, Planning and Regeneration Manager, introduced the confidential Report regarding the Council’s defence at the forthcoming Inquiry regarding the above Application.
RESOLVED that Members confirm the advice of Officers, as set out in the Confidential Report.
There was no other business.
SITE ADDRESS / 1 & 2 Bessborough Road, Poole, BH13 7JS
PROPOSALS / Demolition of the existing care home and adjoining dwelling and the erection of a 4-storey block of 14 apartments with basement parking
REGISTERED / 24 September, 2015
APPLICANT / Highdrive Property Co Ltd
AGENT / David James Architects & Associates Ltd
WARD / Canford Cliffs
CASE OFFICER / Eleanor Godesar
The Application was before Committee because of the policy issues raised.
Eleanor Godesar, Planning Officer, gave a site description and referred to Site plans as appended to the report and images of the Site and surrounding area.
The Presentation continued with a summary of the pre-application advice, consultations, representations, planning considerations and judgment.
In conclusion, the Planning Officer stated that both PCS7 and PCS25 sought to resist development which would lead to the loss of premises used as a care home. Whilst the submitted Planning Statement, Care Home Analysis (Savills, 24 March 2015), and Addendum (Savills 7 January 2016) demonstrated that the future use of the Site and premises would be commercially unviable, the existing Care Home was still in operation and this indicated that it was currently viable. Furthermore, no evidence had been provided which demonstrated that the viability of the Care Home had been tested through marketing the Care Home for sale, nor that the premises could not be utilised for community purposes. In these circumstances, the re-development of the Application Site in the manner proposed would lead to the unacceptable loss of a care home.
Laurie Marlow, Applicant, expressed his views, details included:
Careful design
Neatly fitted into the Site
No design issues
Pre-application advice raised no concerns
Based on that advice, submitted Application
Quoted PCS7
Not capable of being run as a viable care home
Referred to Report by Savills
Building was far too small
Only 14 bedrooms, no en-suites
No lifts
To be viable, needed to be much larger
Family-run at present
Family worked 150 hours per week, not sustainable
Family wanted to retire
The only issue was that it had not been marketed
It did accord with PCS7
Must rely on the expert’s opinion – Savills
Requested that Members grant Planning Permission
In the absence of Ward Councillor Mrs Haines, a brief statement was read out, details included:
Supported Case Officer’s Recommendation
Still in operation
No evidence to suggest that it was unviable
Poole had an aging population
Increased demand for care home places
Referred to Ormonde Home decision, which had been marketed for a year
Within Planning Policy to resist such development
Quoted PCS7 and PCS25
Officers responded to Members’ requests for clarification, details included:
It was difficult to speculate the viability of the Rest Home, however marketing it would have been a proper test
There was no minimum stated number of care home spaces per business
A Member stated that Social Services had advised that 55 bed spaces was the threshold for a viable rest home. He added that it was important to take account of the current low number of bedrooms when making a decision.
A Member stated that it seemed the current Planning Guidance was out-of-date as it was hard to see how such a small care home would be viable.
A Member stated that the Savills Report made it clear that the Care Home was not viable.
A Member stated that whether or not a care home was viable was due to the quality of care, and not necessarily the number of rooms.
The Chairman stated that it was perverse to suggest that a care home must close due to bankruptcy before it failed the viability test.
Laurie Marlow summed up his views, details included:
Care Home only in operation due to the number of hours worked by its owners
14 rooms, but the bedrooms on the first floor not occupied due to having no lift
Quoted PCS7 and the fact that there was no mention that marketing was required to test viability
On being put to the vote, the Officer Recommendation to refuse was LOST.
Voting:For – 0Against – 8Abstentions – 0
Members continued by discussing possible conditions if Planning Permission was granted, including:
Amended Plans
3-years timescale
Obscure glazing
Arboricultural Method Statement
Parking details
Screening to balconies
Restriction of use of flat roof, other than for maintenance