Debra called the meeting to order at 1:40 pm and welcomed all members and introduced new members. There were 22 people in attendance.
Debra encouraged all to fill out the questionnaire and return to her, they are very helpful.
She also gave an update on the CAETConference in Victoria on May 3rd – 6th. Debra will attend and represent the Vancouver Chapter
March 3rd is the date for a mini conference on Colon/Rectal Cancer. It will be held at the Cancer Agency on 10th Ave. The conference is free; they will have doctors and a dietitian on hand to answer any questions or concerns. You can sign up for the conference on line or call the agency. Lunch will be served
Debra introduced Sally as the new Visitor Co-ordinator and briefly described the program, as a peer support to all new Ostomy patients, either for pre or post surgery. All visits will be referred by the ET Nurse at the hospitals. We have a great pool of visitor volunteers. Julie Singer, the previous co-ordinator, has stepped down but still involved in the Youth Program.
Joy said that the North Shore Winter Club will no longer provide space for our Christmas parties. Suggestions for a new venue is welcomed. We would need space for approximately 120 people to attend. Contact Joy with any possibilities. The Brock House was suggested, and is being looked into.
It was noted that Inner Good is an online supplier who is a good supported for the UOA.
Michael Arab from Nightingale, and partner of the UOA, was introduced as our Guest Speaker. He made a presentation and answered questions regarding their products and services. Nightingale is the National Distributor in Canada for the Marlin products. Marlin is very popular and greatly used, mostly because of their deep convex, note that they are certainly not the only product to choose from. Check with your ET nurse for other alternatives. They have 8 locations in Vancouver and are the largest Ostomy supplier. He encouraged anyone who needs support of any kind to call Nightingale and make an appointment to see one of the ET Nurses in their store.
He also gave a brief talk and demonstration on the Hernia Belt; again Nightingale is a good resource for questions or concerns.There was a lot of interest and discussion and questions from the members.
Meeting adjourned at 2:15 PM. Informal discussion and mingling followed.