Angel S. Galabov, MD, DSc, Professor of Virology,
Corresponding Member of Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
Head of Department
Tel: (+359 2) 870-01-08
1962 / MD, Medical Faculty, Medical University of Sofia
1968 / PhD in Virology, Institute of Microbiology, BAS
1968-69 / Postdoctoral Fellowship, Institut Pasteur, Paris
1967-74 / Assistant Professor, Department of Virology, Postgraduate Medical School (Medical Academy), Sofia
1972-88 / Head, Viral Inhibitors and Interferon Laboratory, Department of Virology, Institute of Infectious and Parasitic Diseases, Medical Academy, Sofia
1974-88 / Associate Professor, Department of Virology, Medical Academy
1975 / Visiting Scientist, Belozersky Laboratory of Molecular Biology and Bioorganic Chemistry, Moscow State University
1978 / DSc in Virology, Medical Academy, Sofia
1983-2006 / World Health Organization Expert Adviser (Viral Diseases Panel)
1988 / Professor of Virology, Institute of Microbiology, BAS
1988- / Head, Department of Virology, Institute of Microbiology, BAS
1992-97 / Member of the International Council of the International Society for Antiviral Resarch
1995- / Director, The Stephan Angeloff Institute of Microbiology, BAS
1995-02 / Member of the Board of the Bulgarian National Academy of Medicine
1996 / Awarded by the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences with the Jubilee Medal "Ivanovsky/100 Years Virology"
2003 / President, Balkan Society for Microbiology (BSM)
National Award “Diploma and Entering the Name in of the Golden Book of
2004 / Corresponding Member of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
2005 / Member of Honor of the Romanian Academy of Medical Sciences
Lyubka Doumanova
bka Doumanova
PhD, Assoc. Professor
Head of Research Team
Tel: (+359 2) 979 63-56
E-mail: / 1947 / Born July 30, Sofia
1971 / Diploma, Faculty of Chemistry, Sofia University ”St. K. Ohridski”
1976 / PhD in Biochemistry
1979 / Assistant Professor
1986 / Associate Professor, Central Veterinary Research Institute, Sofia
2001 / Associate Professor, The Stephan Angeloff Institute of Microbiology, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
2003 / Scientific Secretary, The Stephan Angeloff Institute of Microbiology, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
Julia Serkedjieva
PhD, Assoc. Professor
Head of Research Team
Tel: (+359 2) 979 31-13
E-mail: / 1946 / Born December 29, Sofia
1970 / Diploma, Faculty of Biology, Moskow State University
1974 / PhD in Virology
1978 / Assistant Professor
1988 / Associate Professor
Staff of the Department of Virology
Lubomira Nikolaeva-Glomb, MD, PhD, Research Scientist
Yuri Abashev, PhD, Research Scientist
Mimi Remichkova, PhD, Research Scientist
Assya Angelova, PhD, Research Scientist
Zahari Raykov, PhD, Research Scientist
Ivanka Nikolova, PhD, Research Scientist
Ralitsa Vassileva-Pencheva, MS, Research Scientist
Lora Simeonova, MS, Research Scientist
Ivana Roeva, DVM, Research Assistant
Lucia Mukova, MS, Research Assistant
Galina Gegova, MS, Research Assistant
Anna Teodossieva, MS, Research Assistant
Maya Gatzovska, MS, Research Assistant
Emilia Popova-Ajvazova, BS, Research Assistant
Krassimira Beshkova, BS, Research Assistant
Snezhana Logofetova, Laboratory Assistant
Kirilka Todorova, Laboratory Assistant
Lilia Wassilewa, PhD, Professor
PhD Students
Julian Tumbarski, DVM
Irina Georgieva, MS
Main Research Topics
· Viral replication inhibitors - ligands of viral proteins: mode of action, resistance, combination effects of viral inhibitors
· Combined action of viral replication inhibitors and biological response modifiers (immunomodulators, interferon inducers, antioxidants, etc.)
· Search for new viral inhibitors of synthetic and natural (plant, microbial, etc.) origin
· Antiviral microbicides
· Viruses – diabetes
· Human papillomaviruses
· Viruses – Balkan endemic nephropathy
· Cancerolytic effects of parvoviruses
· Viral proteins
Most Important Achievements
· Discovery of new original antiviral substances effective in the treatment of viral infections in humans and domestic animals:
- Guanidine derivative - chemotherapeutic agent, inhibiting replication of adenoviruses, effective in the treatment of epidemic keratoconjunctivitis and other adenovirus conjunctivitides (widely spread viral infections of the eye). It is the first known antiadenoviral chemotherapeutic agent.
- Cyclic urea derivatives, inhibiting selectively replication of influenza and togaviruses.
- Dipyridamole - a large spectrum antiviral agent, acting via induction of endogene interferon, used for prevention of flu and other acute viral respiratory infections.
· Development of rational approaches for selection of synergistic combinations of antimetabolites effective against herpesviruses, based on targeting of key metabolites - dGTP (ribavirin + acyclovir, mycophenolic acid + acyclovir), dTTP (amethopterin + bromovinyldeoxyuridine) or involving a virus adsorption preventing agent (dextrane sulfate + acyclovir) and elucidation the mechanisms of antiviral synergism.
· Clearing-up of the mode of antiviral action of mopyridone on influenza A virus replication (binding to the structural M1 protein).
· Discovery and characterization of the antiviral effect of cycluridine towards flavivirus infections, the first chemotherapeutic agent efficacious in the mucosal disease-virus diarrhea in cattle.
· Development of the concept for low-molecular weight interferon inducers as inhibitors of the cyclic AMP phosphodiesterase, a base for directed selection of active substances.
· Establishment and characterization of antiviral activity of a series of pure substances of plant origin.
· Establishment of synergistic combination effect of rimantadine and oseltamivir against influenza virus A(H3N2) infection in mice.
· Clearing-up of the drug-resistance phenomenon in enterovirus replication inhibitors interacting with the viral capsid protein VP1 – problems of the development of highly effective anti-enteroviral chemotherapy. Phenotype and molecular genetic characteristics and disoxaril resistant and dependent mutants of Coxsackie virus B1.
· Discovery of a series of highly efficient synergistic combinations of enteroviral replication inhibitors – a perspective approach for dissolving the drug-resistance problem.
· Establishment of the synergistic combination effect of cidofovir and idoxuridine against vaccinia virus replication.
· Discovery of oxoglaucine: a highly effective and large-spectrum inhibitor of enterovirus replication.
· Elucidation of the protective effect of a plant polyphenol-rich extract in the lethal murine influenza H3N2 virus infection.
· Establishment of the anti-influenza virus effects of novel protease inhibitors from Streptomyces.
· Determination of the role of the oxidative stress in the pathogenesis of flu and the influence of certain antioxidants of natural and synthetic origin and antivirals on this process.
· Determination of the antiviral spectrum of the highly effective and broad-spectrum virocidal composition of new type (Manorapid Synergy®), implemented in the clinical practice as hand disinfectant.
· Characterization of the immune status in patients with Balkan endemic nephropathy (lymphocytes phenotyping, phagocytes activity, neopterin level).
· Establishment of data about the role of hantavirus infections in etiopathogenesis of the Balkan endemic nephropathy,
· New proves on the diabetogenic role of neutropic viruses.
· Proves on the role of human papillomaviruses in etiology of CIN and cervical cancer in Bulgarian population (molecular epidemiological study).
· Proves on the cancerolytic effect of some parvoviruses.
Selected Publications
Galabov, A. S., A. V. Itkes, M. Mastikova, V. L. Tuniskaya, E. S. Severin (1985): Dipyridamole-induced interferon production in mouse peritoneal leukocytes. Biochemistry International, 11, 591-598.
Konstantinov, K., A. Galabov, M. Mastikova (1989): Interferon response to dipyridamole in lupus erythematosus patients. British J. Dermatology, 121, 59-62.
Pancheva, S. (1991): Potentiating effect of ribavirin on the antiherpes activity of acyclovir. Antiviral Res., 16, 151-161
Alexandrov, M., R. Peshev, I. Yanchev, S. Bozhkov, L. Doumanova, T. Dimitrov, S. Zacharieva (1992): Immunohistochemical localization of the rabbit haemorrhagic disease viral antigen. Arch. Virol. 127, 355-363.
Galabov, A. S., M. L. Khristova, S. Uzunov, L. Wassileva, D. J. Bucher, I. G. Kharitonenkov (1994): Alteration in the antigenic structure of M1 protein of influenza A virus mutant resistant to a new antiviral compound mopiridone. Acta virol., 38, 5-10.
Wassilewa, L., S. Uzunov, A. S. Galabov, A. N. Simonov, S. Markushin, M. Alexandrov (1995): Characterization of the virions of mopyridone-sensitive wild strain and mopyridone-resistant mutant of influenza virus A(H3N2). Acta virol., 39, 79-84.
Nikolaeva, L., A. S. Galabov (1995): Synergistic inhibitory effect of enviroxime and disoxaril on poliovirus type 1 replication.- Acta virol., 39, 235-241.
Doumanova, L., M. Alexandrov (1997): Detection and identification of the Newcastle disease virus infection by electron and immunoelectron microscopy. Acta Virologica 41, 111-114.
Doumanova, L., V. Neitchev (1998): Structural studies on the Newcastle disease virus membrane protein by circular dichroism method. Anal. Lab. 7(4), 197-200.
Serkedjieva, J. A., A. Hay (1998): In vitro antiinfluenza virus activity of a plant preparation from Geranium sanguineum L. - Antiviral Res., 1998, 37, 221-230.
Pancheva, S., I. Roeva, D. Dundarova, M. Remichkova (1999): Mycophenolic acid as acyclovir partner for combined inhibition of herpesviruses. - Die Pharmazie, 54, 632-633.
Nikolaeva, L., A. S. Galabov (1999): Cytotoxicity of the synergistic antienteroviral combination of enviroxime and disoxaril. – Acta virol., 43, 263-265.
Nikolaeva, L. A. S. Galabov (1999): In vitro inhibitory effects of dual combinations of picornavirus replication inhibitors. – Acta virol., 43, 303-311.
Mileva, M., L. Tancheva, R. Bakalova, A. Galabov, V. Savov, St. Ribarov (2000): Effect of vitamin E on lipid peroxydation and liver monooxygenase activity in experimental influenza virus infection. –
Toxicology Lett. 114: 39-54.
Nikolaeva, L., A. S. Galabov (2000): Antiviral effect of the combination of enviroxim and disoxaril on Coxsackievirus B1 infection. –
Acta virol. 44: 73-78.
Mileva, M., V. Hadjimitova, L. Tantcheva, T. Traykov, A. S. Galabov, V. Savov, St. Ribarov (2000): Antioxidant properties of rimantadine in influenza virus infected mice and in some model systems. – Z. Naturforsch. 55c: 824-829.
Mileva, M. R. Bakalova, L. Tancheva, A. Galabov, S. Ribarov (2002): Effect of vitamin E supplementation on lipid peroxidation in blood and lung of influenza virus infected mice. –
Comparative Immun., Microbiol. & Infect. Dis., 25, 1-11.
Mileva, M., R. Bakalova, L. Tancheva, A. S. Galabov (2002): Effect of immobilization, cold and cold-restraint stress on liver monooxygenase activity and lipid peroxidation of influenza virus-infected mice. – Arch. Toxicol., 76, 96-103.
Czegled A., J. Herczeg, G. Hadjiev, L. Doumanova, E. Wehnmann, B. Lomniczi (2002): The occurrence of five major Newcastle disease virus genotypes ( II,IV, V, VI and VIIb) in Bulgaria between 1959 and 1996. Epidemiol. Infect. 129, 1-10.
Tantcheva, L. P., E. S. Stoeva, V. M. Savov, M. M. Mileva, A. S. Galabov,
A. A. Braykova (2003): Effect of vitamin E and vitamin C combination on
experimental influenza virus infection. – Methods & Findings in Exper. & Clinical Pharmacol., 25(4), 259-264.
Mileva, M., K. Marazova, A. S. Galabov (2003): Gastric mucosal lesions in influenza virus infected mice: role of gastric lipid peroxidation. – Methods & Findings in Exper. Biol. & Med., 25 (7), 521-524.
Nikolova, I., A. S. Galabov (2003): Development of resistance to disoxaril in Coxsackievirus B1 infected newborn mice. - Antiviral Res., 60, 35-40.
Galabov, A. S., B. Kamarinchev, D. Toncheva, T. Stoitsova, Tz. Dimitrov (2003):
Are viruses causative agents of the Balkan endemic nephropathy? – In: Proceed. Tenth Congress of the Bulgarian Microbiologists, Plovdiv, October 9-12, 2002, Vol. I (A. S. Galabov and H. Najdenski, eds.). Ed. Bulgurian Society for Microbiology & The Stephan Angeloff Institute of Microbiology, BAS, Sofia, pp. 289-295.
Toncheva, D., A. S. Galabov, A. Laich, S. Atanassova, B. Kamarinchev, Tz. Dimitrov, D. Fuchs (2003): Urinary neopterin concentrations in patients with Balkan endemic nephropathy (BEN).- Kidney Intern., 64, 1817-1821.
Georgiev, D., P. Grosdanov, B. Slavchev, I. Karagyozov, A. S. Galabov, D. Toncheva (2003): Frequencies of human papillomavirus types in Bulgarian women with cervical cancer. – Italian J. Gynecology & Obstetrics, 15/3/4, 131-137.
Nikolaeva-Glomb, L., A. S. Galabov (2004): Synergistic combinations against the replication in vitro of Coxsackievirus B1. –
Antiviral Res., 62, 9-19.
Raykov, Z., M. Aprahamian, A. Galabov, J. Rommelaere (2004): Oncolytic parvoviruses as tools for cancer gene therapy. – Biotechnol. & Biotechnol. Eq,. 18/1, 3-9.
Mileva, M., R. Bakalova, G. Zlateva, A. S. Galabov, H. Ohba, M. Ishikawa, Y. Baba (2005): Еffect of Rutin and Quercetin and the “Oxidative stress” induced by influenza virus infection in mice alveolocytes.- In: Proceedings of the 2nd Symposium of the International Society of Rare Sugars (Ed. K. Izumori), Kagawa University Press, Takamatsu, Japan, 2005, pp.64-69.
Ivanova E., R. Toshkova, J. Serkedjieva (2005): A plant polyphenol-rich extract restores the suppressed functions of phagocytes in influenza virus-infected mice. Microbes and Infection, 7, 3, 391-398.
Pravchanska, R., P. Borissova, L. Doumanova, V. Neitchev, P. Laggner (2006): Effects of NDV glycoproteins on the structural and thermal behaviour of 1,2-dihexadecyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphatidylcholine lipid membranes under osmotic stress conditions. Colloids and Surfaces B & Biointerfaces 53, 72-77.
Angelova L., M., Dalgalarrondo, I. Minkov, S. Danova, N. Kirilov, J.-M. Chobert, T. Haertle, J. Serkedjieva, I. Ivanova (2006): A novel proteinaceous protease inhibitor - PISC-2002 isolated from Streptomyces chromofuscus 34-1 with antiviral activity. Biochemica et Biophysica Acta – General Subjects, 1760, 1210-1216.
Kramer, A., A. S. Galabov, S. A. Sattar, , L. Doehner, A. Pivert, C. Payan, M. H. Wolff, A. Yilmaz, J. Steinmann (2006): Virucidal activity of a new hand disinfectant with reduced ethanol content: comparison with other alcohol based formulations. – J. Hospital Infections 62/1, 98-106.
Galabov, A. S., A. Angelova (2006): Antiviral agents in the prevention and treatment of virus-induced diabetes.- Anti-Infective Agents in Medicinal Chemistr, 5, 293-307.
Remichkova, M,. N. Petrov, A. S. Galabov (2006): Synergistic combination effect of cidofovir and idoxuridine on vaccinia virus replication.- Antiviral Chemistry and Chemotherapy, 17, 53-58.
Savov, V. M., A. S. Galabov, L. P. Tantcheva, M. M. Mileva, E. L. Pavlova, E. S. Stoeva, A. A. Braykova (2006): Effects of rutin and quercetin on monooxygenase activities in experimental influenza virus infection.- Experimental and Toxicologic Pathology, 58, 59-64.
Galabov, A. S., L. Simeonova, G. Gegova (2006): Rimantadine and oseltamivir demonstrate synergistic combination effect in experimental infection with A(H3N2) influenza virus in mice.-
Antiviral Chemistry and Chemotherapy 17, 251-258.
Raykov, Z., S. Grekova, A. S. Galabov, G. Balboni, U. Koch, M. Aprahamian, J. Rommelaere (2007): Combined oncolytic and vaccination activities of parvovirus H-1 in a metastatic tumor model. - Oncology Reports, in press.
Nikolaeva-Glomb, L., S. Philipov, A. S. Galabov (2007): A new highly potent antienteroviral compound. Proceedings 2006 NIAID Research Conference, Opatija, Croatia, 24-30.06.2006, in press.