January 2018
January 2018
About this Booklet
This booklet has been developed to help voluntary and community organisations in Islington in their fundraising efforts. You can also access more funders by going to the Islington Funding Toolkit on our website
We aim at updating this booklet every 6 months. The footer at the bottom of the page will tell you when it was last updated. This information has been compiled by the Development Team and funding advisors from other councils for voluntary services. It is not a complete list of all small grants available, but provides a starting point for voluntary and community groups looking for funding for their projects. Although we have made every effort to ensure all the information in this leaflet is correct, we recommend you check deadlines and criteria with the funders directly. Please also contact the funders directly to obtain application forms and further information about the grants. To apply for any of the grants listed, you need a management committee, a governing document (constitution or memorandum & articles) and normally also a bank account, although some funders will allow another organisation to receive a grant on your behalf. You do not need to be a registered charity/company unless otherwise stated (however do check with the funder). Please note that many of the grant schemes are on-going. if you miss a deadline, there might be another round. Contact the funders directly to find out. The New additions are highlighted in in blue both in the contents
and on the pages.
January 2018
CONTENTS / Calleva Foundation / 9 / Ford Brittain / 15A B Charitable Trust / 4 / Chapman Charitable Trust / 9 / The Fore trust / 15
ACT Foundation / 4 / Charles Hayward Foundation / 10 / Foyle Foundation / 16
Alec Dickson Trust / 4 / Charles S. French Charitable Trust / 10 / Friends Provident Foundations / 16
Anchor Foundation / 4 / The Childhood Trust / 10 / Garfield Weston / 16
Archer Trust / 5 / City Bridge Trust / 10 / GLL Community Foundation New Addition / 16
Arsenal Foundation (The) New Addition / 5 / Clore Duffield Foundation / 11 / Goldsmiths’ Company / 17
Arts Council / 5 / Cloth workers Foundation Grants / 11 / Greggs (Local communities project Fund) / 17
Asda Foundation / 5 / Comic Relief: Core Strength New Addition / 11 / Harold Hyam Wingate Foundation / 17
Astor Foundation (The) / 6 / Concertina Charitable Trust / 11 / Hedley Foundation / 17
Austin and Hope Pilkington / 6 / Dan Maskell / 11 / Help the Homeless / 18
Awards for All / 6 / Denise Coates foundation / 12 / Henry Smith Charity / 18
Bailey Thomas Foundation / 7 / Dickie Bird Foundation / 12 / Heritage Lottery Fund / 18
Barchester Healthcare Foundation / 7 / Discovery Grants / 12 / Hilden Charitable Fund / 19
BBC Children in Need / 7 / DM Thomas Foundation / 13 / Idlewild Trust New Addition / 19
Beatrice Laing Trust / 7 / Drapers’ Company / 13 / The Inman charity / 19
Bernard Sunley Charitable Foundation / 8 / Ernest Cook Trust / 13 / Iron Mongers Company / 19
Bruce Wake Charitable Trust / 8 / Erasmus+ / 13 / Islington Community Chest / 20
Biffa Awards / 8 / Esmee Fairbairn Foundation / 14 / Islington Local Initiatives Fund / 20
Big Lottery Fund / 8 / Fidelio Charitable Trust / 14 / Jack Petchey Foundation / 20
Boost Charitable Trust / 9 / Fidelity UK Foundation / 14 / John Cass Foundation / 20
Building a Stronger Britain Together New Addition 9 / Football Foundation / 15 / Kelly Charitable Trust / 21
Leeds Building Society / 21 / Pilgrim Trust (The) / 28 / Tudor Trust / 34
Lloyds Foundation / 21 / Princes Trust / 28 / Ulverscroft Foundation / 34
London Catalyst / 21 / PRS Music Foundation / 28 / Variety Youth Club / 34
London Marathon / 22 / Rayne Foundation (The) / 28 / Veolia / 34
Lush Charity Pot Funding / 22 / Richard Reeves Foundation / 29 / Wakeham Trust / 35
The Marsh Christian Trust / 22 / Rose Foundation / 29 / Weavers Company Benevolent Fund / 35
Mason Charitable Foundation / 23 / Sainsbury’s Family (The) New Addition / 29 / Weston Anniversary Fund New Addition / 35
Mercers Company (The) / 23 / Shackleton Foundation (The) / 29 / WH Smiths Trust / 36
Morris Charitable Trust (The) / 23 / Span Trust (The) New Addition / 30 / Wolfston Charitable Trust / 36
Morrisons / 24 / Sport England / 30 / Women’s Vote Centenary Grant New / 36
Mrs Smith and Mount Trust / 24 / Sport Islington Grants / 30 / Woodroffe Benton Foundation / 37
National Churches Trust New Addition / 24 / Stanley Smith Horticultural Trust New Addition / 31 / Woodland Trust–Free Trees New Addition / 37
National Vegetarian Week New Addition / 25 / Street Smart / 31 / Woodward Trust / 37
Nesta The ShareLab Fund New Addition / 25 / Swire charitable Trust / 31 / Wrens Com Action Fund / 38
O2: Environment Now New Addition / 26 / Taylor Family Foundation (The) / 32 / Yapp Charitable Trust / 38
Paul Hamlyn Foundation / 26 / Thomas Wall Trust / 32 / Youth Music / 38
The Peabody Community Fund / 26 / Transformation Foundation / 32 / Crowd funding and funding Websites / 36
Percy Bilton Charity (UK) / 27 / Triangle Trust / 33
Persimmon community champions / 27 / True Colours / 33
Peter Cruddas / 27 / Trust for London / 33
Peter Harrison foundation / 27 / Trusthouse foundation / 33
January 2018
/ Between £10,000 - £20,000 / The Trust aims to support charities that defend human rights, such as freedom from torture and arbitrary imprisonment, and promote respect for individuals whatever their circumstances. The Trust is interested in charities that work with vulnerable, marginalised and excluded people in society, with a focus on: refugees and asylum seekers, prisoners and penal reform and human rights. / Charities / 020 7313 8070
Fax 020 7313 9607
/ Trustees meet four times a year, in January, April, July and October
Deadlines are normally 2 months before the meetings.
The ACT Foundation
/ Act gives large and small donations to charities depending on the project and available fundsThe current focus is transformational charge and large
Check on website for more details / Voluntary, community groups and charities /
Tel: 01753 753900 / On-going funding
Trustees meet four times a year
Alec Dickson Trust / Up to £500 / The trust provides grants of up to £500 to support projects from volunteers under the age of 30 / Individuals volunteering / To apply and for further information, visit: / Deadline dates
Submit at least 3 weeks before the meeting date
The next meeting dates:
- July 2018
Anchor Foundation
/ Between £500 and £10,000. / The anchor supports Christian charities concerned with social inclusion particularly through ministries of the healing and the arts. / Christian Charities / The Anchor Foundation,P.O. Box 21107,
Alloa, FK12 5WA. / Twice yearly decision meetings, applications need to be received by
31st January 2018 & 31st July 2018
Archer Trust
/ Between £250 and £3,000. / The Trust Will fund small charities that provide aid or support to a defined group of needy or deserving people, for instance those with physical or mental disabilities or the disadvantaged. The trust prefers to support organisations working in areas of high unemployment and deprivation. / Registered Charities / Applications should be sent by post to:The Secretary,
The Archer Trust,
Bourne House,
Wadesmill, Ware,
Herts, SG12 0TT. / The trustees only meet twice a year, normally in March and September.
On-going funding
The Arsenal Foundations grants
New Addition / Check with funder / Local projects and good causes that makes a big difference to the local community. The Arsenal Foundation, priority for projects is given to areas of need including: Education (including academic, social, physical education, skills training and community engagement), Sports &Disability. / Voluntary and community groups /
For more information contact: / On-going funding
Arts Council
/ Grants from between £1000 to £100,000. / Grants for the arts are for arts activities that engage people in England, or that help artists and arts organisations carry out their work. / Voluntary and Community groups,Charities and not-for- profit Groups. / Phone: 0845 300 6200
E: / Ongoing funding, apply at any time
ASDA Foundation / Check with funder / There are 3 small grant programmes for local projects, local charities and good causes, / Voluntary, community, groups, charities / / Check with funder
/ Grants between £250 and £1,500 / Grant for a wide range of general charitable objectives. The primary funding goes medical research, but there are also grants for community projects, these grants are generally between £250 and £1,500. Funding is not available for salaries. / Grants are only available for registered charities / Applications should be in writing to the secretary and must include accounts and an annual report if available. Mrs Lisa Rothwell-Orr, Astor Foundation, PO BOX 3096, Marlborough, SN8 3WP. Telephone:07901 737488E-Mail: / The Trustees meet twice yearly usually in April and October. If an application arrives too late for one meeting it will automatically be carried over for consideration at the following meeting.
Austin and Hope Pilkington / Grants of between £1,000 and £3,000 / Priorities: Music, the arts and the elderly. g In all cases, priority is given to projects focussing on:
•domestic abuse
•training and education
•counselling and support
•better access to the arts for those who have limited opportunities
•refugees and asylum seekers / Registered charities / Email:
The online application form is available / Deadline for application
11th February 2018
Awards for All
/ Between£300 and £10,000 / Projects which address the issues, needs and aspirations of local communities a wide range of community projects aimed at developing skills, improving health, revitalising the local environment and enabling people to become more active citizens. Groups can apply for start-up costs, events and equipment. / Voluntary and community groups, schools and health organisations, parish and town councils. / Tel: 0845 410 20 30
/ On-going with no deadlines
On-going funding
Bailey Thomas Foundation
/ From £250 / Research grants for voluntary organisations and for projects that assist young people and adults affected by learning disabilities. / Voluntary Organisations and Charities. / Tel: 01582 439225Email: / On-going
Next meeting
1st March 2018
Barchester Healthcare Foundation (The)
/ Grants of between £100 and £5,000 / Supports projects that are aimed at helping older people and other adults with a disability. The priority is on people aged 65+This year our focus is about connecting people with others in their local community. / Individuals and community groups and charities can apply / t. 0800 328 3328
f. 0207 352 2229
e. / Apply online. Applications can be submitted at any time
BBC Children in Need
/ Small grants under 10,000Main grants
Over £10,000 / Child and young people of 18 years and under experiencing disadvantage through: Illness, distress, abuse or neglect, any kind of disability, behavioural or psychological difficulties, living in poverty or situations of deprivation. / Charities, voluntary and community groups / / Small grants
1st March 2018
Main grant
17 May 2018
Beatrice Laing Trust
/ Small grants of £1,000 - £5,000. Some larger grants each year. / Funds are available for groups to help to relieve poverty in their local communities. / Charities / Ms Elizabeth HarleyBeatrice Laing Trust,
33 Bunns Lane, Mill Hill
London NW7 2DX
Tel: 020 8238 8890 / Apply any time.
Decisions takes 4 months.
Bernard Sunley
Charitable Foundation
/ Funding is available to help raise the quality of life, particularly for those who are young, elderly or disadvantaged under 4 different programmes: Community, Education, health & Social welfare / Registered CharitiesOnly or Community Amateur Sports Clubs / / On-going, check with funders
Bruce Wake Charitable Trust / Check with funder / The Trust was established to encourage and assist the provision of leisure activities for the disabled. Potential beneficiaries are physically disabled wheelchair users, improved access for wheelchair users, sporting or leisure activity involving disabled wheelchair users. / Registered charities only /
The Bruce Wake Charitable Trust,
PO Box 933, Oakham, Rutland, LE15 OET.
0844 879 3349 / The Trustees meet quarterly to consider grant applications
Biffa Award (The)
/ Main grants: £10,000 - £75,000 / Four main themes:Rebuilding Biodiversity
Community Buildings
Cultural Facilities
Recreation / Charities voluntary and community organisations
Tel: 01636 670000. / Applications can be submitted at any time but up and coming deadlines are:-
28th February 2018
Big Lottery Fund (BLF)
Various programmes / £10,000 - £500,000 / Reaching Communities funds projects that help people and communities who are most in need. Check their website for a full list of current programmes. / Voluntary and Community Groups / The Big Lottery FundTel: 0845 4 10 20 30 / Re-opens in April 2018
On-going funding
Different deadlines for different programmes.