The Messenger
[Enter Olivia’s Kitchen]
Because Friday’s my last day, I thought you could take some of this stuff you know? It’s just left here and it seems like such a waste.
Olivia shows Will her deceased husband’s belongings. Will approaches her.
Anybody’s lookin’ at us right now would say you’re like trying to take advantage of my grief. That I’m a slut, that I’m not really grieving.
Will nods his head
Olivia: You ever lose anybody?
Will: Yeah. Friends over there, my father during peace time… a drunk driver
Olivia: Did they catch him?
Will: No my father was the drunk driver. My mom woke me up in the middle of the night and she said his brakes failed. Then we started crying. But made me want to be a mechanic by age ten.
Olivia: So your mom notified you.
Olivia: You want to dance?
Will: There’s no music
They begin to dance. Olivia becomes a little uncomfortable about what’s beginning to happen to them.
Olivia: I’m going to take a shower
Will: But why?
Olivia: ‘Cause I smell. I’m going to get a cup of coffee. Do you want one?
She starts to make coffee.
Olivia: Want a cup of coffee?
Will: No. Thanks.
Will kisses her on the cheek and forehead. As he attempts to get closer to her.
Olivia: I can’t. I’m sorry
Will: It’s ok.
Olivia: When Phil reinlisted for a third tour…it’s like he needed to go. Staying home was no longer an option. I was relieved to see him go. I missed him, but I didn’t …I didn’t miss the guy that left. Because I missed the man he was a long time ago. One morning I opened the closet and his shirt fell out and I smelled it. And it smelled aweful. It smelled horrible…not of like another woman or booze or cigarettes. It smelled of rage and of fear. It smelled of the man he had become over there. And he didn’t treat me or his little boy very good when he was at home. So in a way, in my mind, it was like he was dead already. Anyway, I washed the shirt. And then you came.
Will reaches for Olivia’s hand.
Olivia: I loved him once…and uh…and it’s weird because now he’s dead. And just…I love him again, and more for my little boy. I’m sorry I should have never brought you here. I’m sorry.
Will: Don't be. And it's not that I don't want to. I just…
Olivia: I know. I’m gonna go and get Matt. I’ll pick him up early. He loves that and the other kids go green with envy.
Will: Ok. Ok.
Olivia grabs her purse and keys and gets ready to leave.
Will: Is it ok if I, uh, stay here? For a few minutes?
Olivia: Sure. Just slam the door real hard. The lock’s kinda funky.
Will: Thanks.
Olivia leaves house