Billing Agreement

Prime Institution
Address: / Non-Grantee Institution
Name: Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Address: 77 Massachusetts Avenue
Cambridge, MA 02139
Prime Award No. / CFDA No. / Prime Awarding Agency
Prime Principal Investigator / Non-Grantee Personnel
Agreement Reference # / Effort
% / Salary/Stipend$
Tuition Remission$
F & A $
Current Budget Period
mm/dd/yyyy to mm/dd/yyyy / Estimated Project Period
mm/dd/yyyy to mm/dd/yyyy / Total Authorized Amount / $
Project Title:
1) This Billing Agreement is not a Subaward Agreement. The Total Authorized Amount remaining unspent at the end of the Period of Performance cannot be carried over into a subsequent year, no-cost extensions are not possible, and funds may not be rebudgeted from the cost categories outlined above.
2) Work will be performed entirely at the Prime Institution. Prime Institution shall reimburse Non-Grantee Institution for allowable costs as cited above. All invoices shall be submitted using the Non-Grantee Institution’s standard invoice, but at a minimum shall include current and cumulative expense and certification as to truth and accuracy of invoice. Invoices shall be sent no more than monthly and no less than quarterly. Questions concerning invoices or payments should be directed to the appropriate party’s Financial Contact. Please include the Agreement Reference # on all invoices. Invoices not referencing the Agreement Reference # shall be returned to the Non-Grantee Institution.
3) A final statement of cumulative costs incurred, marked “FINAL,” must be submitted to Prime Institution’s Financial Contact NOT LATER THAN sixty (60) days after expiration of the project period.
4) Non-Grantee Institution certifies by signing this Agreement that neither it nor its faculty or personnel are presently debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment, declared ineligible or voluntarily excluded from participation in this transaction by any federal department or agency.
5) Non-Grantee Personnel is at all times employed by or a student of Non-Grantee Institution and shall not, under any circumstances, be deemed to be an employee or agent of Prime Institution, and shall not be entitled to participate in any employee benefit plans or employee programs of Prime Institution. Non-Grantee Institution is responsible for providing workers’ compensation insurance and any employee benefits for any individuals assigned to perform services under this Agreement. At all times while at Prime Institution during the Period, Non-Grantee Personnel will work under the general supervision of the appropriate Prime Institution faculty, and will be subject to all applicable Prime Institution policies and procedures.
Prime Institution Contacts / Non-Grantee Institution Contacts
Administrative Contact
Email: / Administrative Contact
Prime Principal Investigator
Email: / Non-Grantee Personnel
Financial Contact
Email: / Financial Contact
Remittance Address:
Authorized Official
______Date: ______
Title: / Authorized Official
______Date: ______