INPEA Board of Directors
March 3, 2014
10-11:30am ET
Attendance: Daryl Hagan, Steve Helmich, Jon Mielke, Mark Muehl, Greg Perkins, Michelle Priar, Josh Sommermeyer, James Marvin Whitney, Darlene Marchina (in place of Barbara O’Block), Jon Dize, Marie Williams, A.D. Motzen, Chryrise King, Marsha Jordan, Tom Wittkamper (in place of Joy Lavender)
Absent: Barb Hesselink, Eric Davis, Gina Fleming
I. Opening Prayer – Marie Williams
II. Financial Report – Greg Perkins (See end of minutes for statements)
A. School assessment fees have exceeded expectations, explaining why income is high.
B. INPEC expenses are higher than the same time last conference year.
C. Otherwise, finances are close to the budget.
D. The 2014-15 budget is not ready yet. It will be discussed at the next board meeting.
E. Steve Helmich: In regards to dues-paying schools, Steve had talked to IAIS schools, but some schools who have been dues-paying for years have decided not to participate because of INPEA’s voucher efforts. To reach out to these schools, INPEA could emphasize its non-voucher work to them (more audience-targeted communications).
III. ACTION: Approval of minutes – Daryl Hagan moved, Jon Dize seconded, approved
IV. ED Report – John Elcesser (See written report at end of minutes)
A. INPEC Program
1. Based on the current process being used to screen breakout sessions, there is some concern over ensuring the quality of those sessions.
2. There are various unknowns (like quality of new presenters, past session attendance).
3. The committee will be reviewing process for future improvements.
4. Follow-up: Please promote the conference within your jurisdiction.
a. A new highlight: More technology interaction during conference.
B. Seclusion and Restraint Plan
1. Non-Pub version will be done by April board meeting.
2. Training session via WebEx in April or May.
3. More information to come.
C. Tuition and Vouchers
1. Concerns were discussed regarding any changes schools are making with tuition structures to ensure they still remain in compliance with voucher law and rule. John is conducting a number of webinars on this topic for school leaders.
D. Standards
1. Still impacted by Common Core. Draft is currently out for public comment. Non-public school educators should provide comment through the process.
E. Other Regulatory Issues
1. Is there a shifting lens at IDOE as to what is required of non-public schools? John has been meeting IDOE staff and attorneys on this topic.
2. Some specific examples of where non-pub requirements have been discussed: Accuplacer/LAS Links/C Series Reports/Freeway
F. Legislative Session
1. See ED report.
V. Communications Strategies
A. Because of issues in Lafayette and Fort Wayne, how do we approach grassroots opposition?
B. Strategies and resources are being explored to support local schools or regions. A meeting is being held with the Friedman Foundation and School Choice Indiana to discuss possibilities.
VI. Board Retreat June 12-13, 2014
A. Follow-up: Please e-mail Rose whether you are attending.
B. Trying to decide on a location.
VII. Committee Updates
A. Advancement
1. Met Feb. 27.
2. Fundraising is a priority this spring.
a. A Google Doc has been started to build a database of potential major corporate and school donors.
b. Follow-up: Please look at the Google Doc, especially the jurisdiction heads (since you would know the schools’ capacity to give), and fill in possible donors. Rose will send access to the Google Doc to the entire board.
B. Data
1. Will meet Friday (March 7).
2. Mark plans to have a draft of the revised INPEA Data survey to be reviewed at the meeting.
VIII. Other
A. Acuity
1. Marie: Any interest as an assessment tool?
B. Technology Webinar with Cisco starts this week (March 4).
C. School Choice Indiana’s new marketing strategy
1. School Choice Indiana is piloting an enrollment marketing program for high performing schools (A or B) that have staff available to help. They are looking for pilot schools.
2. Follow-up: If you know any schools who may be interested, please e-mail John.
D. Special Ed. Vouchers Webinar Apr. 9
E. Capacity Numbers
1. We need updated capacity numbers for our nonpublic schools. This will be important for next legislative session.
2. We need to define capacity and collect numbers from schools.
3. Looking into possible funding for temporary staff person dedicated to work on this project.
4. Follow-up: If your jurisdiction collects capacity numbers, please send your numbers and definition of capacity to Rose.
F. Next Meeting
1. Tuesday, April 29, 10am-2pm, Catholic Center, Indianapolis.
ED Report
March 3, 2014
Legislative Session
It’s been a weird legislative session. There have been no major bills (except maybe preschool vouchers) that we have promoted but there have been a number of bills introduced that may affect us. Following the session I will do a full legislative report. Some of those bills include topically: common core, cursive writing, state fair absences, athletic concussions and sudden cardiac arrest, guns on school grounds, preschool vouchers (study commission), background checks.
Regulatory Issues
A number of issues have surfaced which has precipitated my involvement in researching regulatory issues. They included: Accuplacer, LAS Links, Freeway Accreditation, Weather Waivers, Reporting, and Core Link. I have had multiple meetings with IDOE attorneys to try to determine not only the specifics of these issues but more importantly was there a shift at IDOE on what nonpubs are responsible for. With legal teams changing with each administration so does the lens/interpretation change. It is important that INPEA determine if we need to strategically address this possible shift. I will meet with Glenn Tebbe, Betsy Wiley (SCI) and Robert Enlow about this issue the afternoon of our Board call.
Fort Wayne/Tuition & Voucher Follow-up
I have conducted one webinar and two (maybe three) more scheduled. The focus is clarifying what the law/rule says about what we can charge the state for a voucher.
I have been in regular communication with Marsha Jordan regarding the Fort Wayne issue. Marsha shared the information from my powerpoint with her principals both at a meeting and in a follow-up in writing.
There was an amendment introduced in direct response to the Fort Wayne press. There was a very ugly floor debate on the issue but the amendment was defeated. We assume it will find its way back next session as well.
Fort Wayne has taken a number of steps to address the issue. All schools are submitting tuition schedules for review, and the Bishop has said that there should be large jumps in tuition levels.
It is important to the future of the Choice programs that ALL jurisdictions are vigilant on these issues.
INPEC Program
The INPEC program met last week to slot session for 2014 INPEC. We had about 140 CFP submitted primarily from member schools and vendors. There are some inherent challenges in maintaining the quality of the program within the current process and a review of how the process should be adapted for future INPECS is being discussed.
It is important that all jurisdictions do what they can to promote the program. In addition, we continue to have budget concerns at the cost and any potential profits for the association.
Education Reform Coalition
SCI has started hosting coalition meetings among all the entities involved in education reform in Indiana. It includes a diverse array of organizations, charters, virtuals, foundations, TFA, Mindtrust, Students First, Stand for Children and many others. The group is working on some broad based goals for future legislation. Both Glenn and I are involved.
Special Ed Vouchers
I am working on a webinar on special education voucher implementation with Becky Bowman. In preparation we hope to survey of all nonpubs participating in the program.
Seclusion and Restraint
I am continuing to work with our nonpub subcommittee on the Seclusion and Restraint plan for Nonpubs. We hope to have a draft for the INPEA Board for our next meeting. We also hope to vet it with Jay Mercer, the Archdiocesan legal counsel.
CAPE Meeting
I will be attending my annual meeting in Washington DC this coming Saturday through Monday.
Indiana Standards
Draft standards have been released and three public hearings were held across the state. Feedback from those meetings will be shared with a number of committees. The intent was to have standards to the State Board in April. We’ll see! The public hearings were heavily attended by the Anti-Common Core people. Educators are encouraged to submit comments in writing.
Respectfully submitted,
John Elcesser