Block 2 Outline



Hematocrit: measure of volume of RBCs per unit of blood

Males: 40-50% RBCs

Females: 35-45% RBCs

Newborns: 45-60% RBCs

Children (under 10): 35%

Polycythemia: increased hematocrit

Anemia: decreased hematocrit

Buffy Coat: layer above RBCs, contains white blood cells

This layer of leukocytes (WBCs) constitutes 1% of total blood volume


-increase in WBCs in peripheral blood

-often associated with leukemia

Leukocytopenia: decrease in WBCs in peripheral blood


-fine layer on top of the white blood cells


-in a hematocrit tube, the layers from bottom to top follow this progression

Plasma RBCs  WBCs  platelets


-contains 90% water

-7-9% contains the following proteins


-maintains colloid osmotic pressure in capillaries


Type alpha: glycoprotiens, HDL’s, ceruloplasmin and prothrombin

Type beta: transferrin and LDL’s

Type Gamma: antibodies


-major clotting protein

-1-3% contains hormones, glucose, AAs, sodium bicarbonate and calcium

Plasma: liquid portion of anticoagulant treated blood

Serum: liquid portion remaining after a clot has formed

Formed elements

-includes RBCs, WBCs and platelets

Romanovsky staining

-finds out net charge of blood based on affinity for dye

Eosinophilic: Constituents turn orange pink

Basophilic: Constituents turn blue in methylene blue


-Constituents have affinity for active form of methylene blue

-stuff turns purple

Cell sizes (decreasing order)

Monocytes: 12-20 microns

Lymphocytes: 6-18 microns

Neutrophils, eosinophils and basophils: 12-15 microns

Erythrocytes: 6.5-8 microns

Platelets: 2-4 microns

Cell abundances (decreasing order)

Erythrocytes: 35-60% depending on age and sex (~4-6 x 10^6/microliter)

Platelets: 2-4 x 10^5/microliter

Leukocytes: 6000-10000/microliter

Neutrophils: 60%

Lymphocytes: 20-30%

Monocytes: 3-8%

Eosinophils: 2-4%

Basophils: <1%


-biconcave shape provides high surface area to volume ration  higher gas exchange rate

In a dry smear, normal blood has…

Normocytic: normal size

Normochromic: normal color

Zone of pallor: central pale area

other terms…

Microcytic: small size

Macrocytic: large size

Hypochromic: less Hb than normal

Hyperchromic: more Hb than normal

Poikilocytosis: diversity in cell shape

Anisocytosis: abnormal variations in size

2 main causes in goofy erythrocyte shapes

1) Abnormalities in hemoglobin

HBS (sickle cell hemoglobin)

-under low O2, HBS is insoluble

-smear shows sickle cells

-HBS causes cells to get stuck in vessels, hemolysis and anemia

HBF persistence (thalassemia) and diminished globin chain synthesis

-smear shows cells looking like a target (target cells)

-result is anemia

2) defects in cytoskeletal genes

a) mutation in spectrin

-results in spherocytosis

-smear shows spherocytes (rounder RBCs)

-result is hemolytic anemia

b) mutation in band 4.1, Band III and spectrin

-results in elliptocytosis

-smear shows eliptocytes

-results in mild hemolytic anemia

Random blood facts

-RBCs last 120 days, then removed by spleen


-newly released RBCs

-contain rRNA that stains with supravital dyes (cresyl blue)

Polychromatophilic erythrocytes: stain RNA in blue (basophilic?)

-mature within 24 hours after being released

-account for .8% of RBC volume

-RBCs are important for antigen profiling (A, B, O and rh)

-important for tissue transplants

Thrombocytes (platelets)

-survive 10 days in circulation

-cell fragments that lack a nucleus

-come from megakaryocytes

Contain 2 distinct regions


-peripheral light blue staining region

-characterized by high actin/myosin concentration

-filipodia containing microfilaments come out of this region upon activation of platelet

Granulomere: auzurophilic granule zone containing…

Alpha granules

-most abundant

-contains fibrinogen, von willebrand factor and platelet-derived growth factor and more proteins

Delta granules

-also called dense bodies

-non protein granules containing calcium, ATP, ADP

-store seratonin

Lambda granules


-platelets contain a thick glycocalyx used for adhesion

-platelet ovoid shape is maintained by the marginal band of MTs

-canalicular system helps release granule contents

Clotting mechanism

1)injured endothelial cells release vonWillebrand factor and thromboplastin causing platelets to aggregate

2)platelets stick to sub endothelial (since the injury is beneath the endothelium) collogen and granule contents are released. Platelets adhere to each other (this is called platelet activation)

3)platelets release ADP and thrombospondin to attract more platelets. Platelets factors start begin to show up on plasma membrane causing further adhesion

4)fibrinogen fibrin which causes the further coagulation. Fibrin forms a net to trap formed elements



-contains granular components that bind to romanovsky dye

-the three types are neutrophils, eosinophils and basophils


-contain non specific azurophilic granules

-two types include lymnphocytes and monocytes

*patients between 2 weeks to 4 years have 60% lymphocytes in leukocyte population (decrease in neutrophils). Lymphocyte percentage decreases until ages 14-15 (then the population stabilizes)

Granulocytes (in depth look)


-9-12 microns in diameter

-salmon pink cytoplasm and lobednucleus

-circulates for 67 hours, lives only a few days


-Begins as a band shape and matures to an elongated lobed structure

-contains chromatin clumps and a barr body (in females [smear indicates sex])

Cytoplasm: 2 types of granules

Azurophilic (primary)

-.5 micron diameter (larger)

-primary lysosomes containing acid phosphatases, myeloperoxidase and hydrolytic enzymes

Specific (secondary)

-.1-.2 microns (resolution of light scope)

-contain alkaline phosphatase, collagenase, lactoferrin and lysozyme

Chemotaxis: attraction to site of inflammation by molecular signals


-First line of defense

-ameboid and phagocytic

-attach to endothelium of vessel and them move between cell junctions by diapedesis

-bacteria are engulfed in phagosomes and hydrolytic enzymes are dumped into vacuoles

-coating of bacteria with IgG and then a coat of C3b enhances uptake of bacterium

Opsonins: plasma components that coat bacteria (i.e. IgG and C3B)

Bacterial killing

-first specific granules fuse with phagosome and then proton pumps lower pH. Then azurophilic granules dump stuff into phagosome and bacteria dies in the following ways.

i) Reactive superoxide anions from Oxygen burst kill bacteria

ii) lysosome destroys cell wall of bacteria

iii) lactoferrin binds to iron and deprives bacteria of free iron

-can occur in low [O2] since neutrophils gain most of there energy from glycolysis. TCA cycle is not as important

-extracellular killing of bacteria is possible through neutrophil extracellular traps (NETs)


-same size maybe slightly larger than neutrophils

-longevity of 8-12 days, circulates for 3-4 hours

Nucleus: segmented and bilobed


-contains 200 specific granules per cell

-elongate granules are larger than neutrophil granules

-crystalloid center of granule

-highly eosinophilic

-contains major basic protein

-contains peroxidase, eosinophilic peroxidase, acid phosphatase and ribonuclease


-increase in numbers in response to a parasite

-found near basophils and mast cells

-selectively ingest antigen/antibody complexes

-counteract the inflammatory effects of histamine

-concentrated in mucosa linings near exterior openings


-slightly smaller than neutrophils

-non phagocytotic

-look like mast cells but come from separate bone marrow cells


Segmented nucleus, irregular lobes


-has largest granules of all granulocytes

-granules are water soluble

-granules contain

-heparin (accounts for metachromasia)

-no lysosomal enzymes

-histamine and peroxidase


-Basophils contain IgE/IgE surface receptor complexes which increase in number during hay fever, allergies and asthma

-antigen combines with IgE to cause massive degranulation releasing tons of histamine which causes swelling/itching



-small cells with dense nucleus (size of RBC) with rim of cytoplasm

-sometimes have azurophilic granule

-migrate along lymphoid tissues and blood

3 different types of lymphocytes

B –Cells

-come from bone marrow

Plasma cells

-activated lymphocyte which constantly secretes antibodies

-don’t travel in peripheral blood

Humoral immune response: a bodily defense reaction that recognizes an invading substance (an antigen: such as a virus or fungus or bacteria or transplanted organ) and produces antibodies specific against that antigen


-originate from embryonic yolk sac

-can stimulate or depress activity of fellow T-cells and B-cells

Cytotoxic T cells

-recognize foreign antigens and kill cells

Cell-mediated immunity: immune response which does not involve antibodies, but rather the activation of macrophages and cytotoxic T-cells and the release of cytokines

Natural killer cells?

When exposed to a specific antigen

1)Lymphocyte now only reacts to that specific antigen

2)Lymphocyte divides

3)Progeny act as helper T-cells, differentiate into plasma cells or become “memory” cells

*T-cells live longer than B-cells and can last for years

*in circulating blood T cells make up most of lymphocytes while B-cells only account for 15-30%

Monocytes (other form of agranulocyte)

-largest WBC in blood smear

-circulate in blood for 1.5 days before invading tissues

-phagocytosis of foreign stuff

-act as antigen presenting cells for lymphocytes

-can divide and differentiate into macrophages (survive long in tissues [months])


-round to horshoe shaped

-chromatin is lightly condensed


-stains grey-blue

-contain azurophilic granules

Blood cell formation

-remember that blood cells survive 120 days, platelets 8-11 days and neutrophils a few days

Hemopoesis: formation of peripheral blood (except lymphocytes) from bone marrow

-Lymphocytes come from yolk sac and marrow but mature in the lymphoid organs

Fetal hemopoiesis

2-6 weeks

-occurs in blood islands in body stalk of yolk sac

-primitive erythrocytes have nuclei

6 weeks+

-liver and spleen make definitive erythrocytes

-definitive erythrocytes have no nuclei

bone marrow forms after 5 months

Postnatal hemopoesis

-after birth up to 4-5 years of age, hemopoesis takes place in “red marrow”

-after 5 years, adipocytes replace red marrow making “yellow marrow”

-adult red marrow is found in vertebrae, ribs, skull, sternum and pelvis

-in certain diseases, yellow marrow and liver execute hemopoiesis

Structure of bone marrow

-capillaries of endosteum and cortical bone turn into marrow vessels (sinuses)

-some radial arteries connect with the sinuses

-sinuses lined with continuous endothelium (regulate entry and exit into marrow)

-marrow cells exit and enter through endothelial cells not between them

parynchyma- blood cells and maturing stem cells


-extracellular matrix and reticular fibars

-important for coordinating blood cell development

adventitial cells : cover outside of endothelial cells of sinus

adipocytes: come from adventitial cells

macrophages: found on erythroblastic islands

fibroblastoid cells: construct the basement membrane

marrow organization

-megakaryocytes (make platelets) lie next to sinuses

-erythrocytes are made next to sinuses

-granulocytes produced away from sinuses (formation regulated by stroma!!!)

cell hemopoises stages (look at table on page 240 and know it!)

Pleuripotent hematopoetic stem cells (PHSCs)

-constitute less than .1 % of total cells in marrow

-can divide or differentiate into multipotent stem cells

-multipotent stem cells give rise to progenitor cells

-pleuripotent, multipotent and progenitor cells all have surface antigen CD 34

marrow composition

-20-30% erythroid precursors

-60-70% myloid precursors

-10% lymphocytes, plasma cells, macrophages and stem cells

*stem cells DO circulate in blood


-important to review page 241 for pictures

Mitotic cells


-14-19 microns

-fine chromatin with nucleoli

-appear light with basophilic cytoplasm

Basophilic erythroblast

-12-17 microns

-clumped chromatin (spoked wheel appearance)

-no nucleoli and cytoplasm is very basophilic

Polychromatic erythroblast

-10-14 microns

-more condensed chromatin

-HB synthesis begins here

Non mitotic precursors

Orthochromatophilic erythroblast

-8-12 microns

-extremely dense chromatin with no light spots

-cytoplasm is eosinophilic

Reticulocyte (polychromatophilic erythroblast)

-larger than mature erythrocyte

-reticulum present from RNA

*macrophages in spleen eat up old RBCs and send iron back to marrow via transferring

platelet generation


-Basophilic cytoplasm devoid of granules

-endomitosis occurs (replication of DNA but no nuclear division that results in lobulated nucleus)

Non platelet forming megakaryocyte

-cytoplasmic basophilia reduced and azurophilic granules appear

-granules clump and are separated by plasma membranes (however, plasmonella is still continuous with these new membranes)

Platelet forming megakaryocyte

-sheds platelets into sinue lumen through cytoplasmic extensions through endothelial lining

-4k-8k platelets formed from one megakaryocyte


Mitotic cells


-basophilic cytoplasm, no granules, light nucleus, nucleoli present


-cytoplasm with primary azurophilic granules and nucleoli


-no nucleoli, but secondary granules are apparent

Non Mitotic cells


-kidney bean nucleus

-little basophilia

Band form (aka stab cell)

-horshoe or U shaped nucleus

segmented neutrophil (eosinophil or basophile)

-lobulated nucleus


-monocytes come from CFU-M cells and leave immediately into connective tissue after differentiation

-most macrophages come from bone marrow, few from connective tissue

Blood cell compartments


-stored and produced in bone marrow

-stored and functional in peripheral blood

-peripheral blood storage of granulocytes is found in the lining of blood vessels

Platelets (thrombocytes)

-produced in bone marrow but not stored

-stored and functional in peripheral blood

-storage of platelets in peripheral blood occurs in the spleen


-produced in bone marrow but not stored

-only functional RBCs circulate the periperal blood

Regulation of hemopoiesis

-occurs via cell-cell signaling through Bone marrow stroma

-occurs humorally through hormones and stuff outside marrow

Steel factor

-stromal cells produce and secreted onto plasmonella and binds to tyrosine kinase receptor (c-kit ligand) on pleuripotent cells, multipotent cells and progenitor cells

-stimulates blood cell production

-progenitor cells are sensitive to several growth factors but as differentiation occurs, fewer growth factors produce a response

look at figure 9-14 for illustration on page 245

*IL-1, IL-3, IL-6 are interleukins that maintain populations of Pleuripotent and multipotent stem cells

Erythropoiten (Epo)

-humoral factor that effects later stage cells of erythropoesis

-Higher O2 tension means less erythropoietin

-secreted by kidney

When going to higher altitudes

Polycythemia: increase in RBC count occurs (higher hematocrit)

-reticulocyte count initially increases only a little bit, but goes back to normal after acclimatization occurs


General organization

Tunica intima


-simple squamous layer of endothelial cells

-Nuclei of this layer bulge into the lumen

-smooth layer helps blood flow

Subendothelial layer

-made of loose connective tissue

-has smooth muscle bundles (sometimes)

Tunica media

-contains elastic fibers

-contains circular smooth muscle bundles

Tunica adventitia

-contains mostly collagen and a little elastin

Internal elastic lamina

-separates tunica intima from tunica media

-found in arteries and large arterioles and sometimes veins

External elastic lamina

-separates tunica media from tunica adventitia in muscular arteries

Vasa vasoram

-blood vessels supplying blood vessels

Sympathetic stimulation

-primary autonomic nervous input (causes contraction)

Parasympathetic stimulation

-causes dilation of arteries indirectly by causing endothelial cells to secrete nitrous oxide

-some arteries contain baro and chemoreceptors

Types of vessels


Large conducting or elastic arteries

-Example: pulmonary arteries or aorta

-have thick tunica intima (endothelium + muscular subendothelium)

-Tunica media has a good amount of smooth muscle with fenestrated elastin sheets

*elastic recoil of these vessels retains blood pressure

-tunica adventitia is pretty thin

-hard to see the internal and external elastic lamina

Medium, muscular or distributing arteries

-example: found in intercostals or thoracoacromial

-tunica intima: endothelium + muscular subendothelium

-tunica media: very thick with 40 layers of circular muscles

-tunica adventitia: blends in with surrounding connective tissue

-these arteries distribute blood flow to body

-easy to see internal elastic lamina due to overall lack of elastin

-can see external elastic lamina in largest muscular arteries

Small arteries + arterioles

-tunica intima: endothelium + a non muscular (but connective) subendothelium

-Tunica media: small arteries have 2 layers of muscle while arterioles can have 6

-these guys respond most to autonomic input

-Tunica adventitia is thin and blends with surrounding connective tissue

-can see internal elastic lamina in largest arterioles

-endothelial cells contain weibel-palade granules which help in blood clotting

-these granules are important for getting platelets to stick to endothelium


-consist of endothelial cells and basal lamina

-endothelial cells joined together by tight junctions and gap junctions


-surround endothelial cells

-their basal lamina is fused with the basal lamina of the endothelial cells

-contain contractile filaments and can differential to repair damaged endothelium

-generally are about 3-7 microns thick (about the size of an RBC)


-have larger diameter (30-40 microns)

-provide sluggish movement for blood

-found in liver, anterior pituitary, spleen, bone marrow and lymph

-3 types of sinusoids

Continuous (least “leaky”) capillaries and continuous sinusoids

-endothelial cells joined by tight junctions and have continuous basal lamina

-lipid soluble stuff passes through cells while water soluble stuff passes through pores

-endothelial cells have pinocytotic vesicles used for transcytosis

Continuous capillaries

-found in blood brain barrier, muscle, nervous and CT

Continuous sinusoids

-found in bone marrow

Fenestrated (intermediate “leakiness”) capillaries and sinusoids

-endothelial cells have pores (Fenestrations) with diaphragms in pores

-continouous basal lamina

-found in anterior pituitary

-also found in glomerulus (no diaphragms though)

Discontinuous (most leaky) capillaries and discontinuous sinusoids