** Attention: At no point in the main text should there be any information with which to identify the authors, e.g., name, affiliation, country, etc.
Key Words: e.g., Frail elderly, Body mass index[A2] MeSH Home
(Main Text)[A3]
1. Subsection title
2. Subsection title
1) Subsection title
(1) Subsection title
(2) Subsection title
2) Subsection title
Declaration of a Conflict of Interest
(Author(s). Article title. Abbreviated journal title Publication year:Issue;Pages)[A10]
1. Mavragani CP, Moutsopoulos HM. Rheumatoid arthritis in the elderly. Exp Gerontol 1999;34:463-71.
2. Turkcapar N, Demir O, Atli T, Kopuk M, Turgay M, Kinikli G, et al. Late onset rheumatoid arthritis: clinical and laboratory comparisons with younger onset patients. Arch Gerontol Geriatr 2006;42:225-31.
3. Suzuki S, Kajiyama K, Shibata K, Ino K, Nawa A, Sakakibara K, et al. Is there any association between retroperitoneal
lymphadenectomy and survival benefit in ovarian clear cell carcinoma patients? Ann Oncol 2008 Mar 19 [Epub].
(Autor(s). Book title. Edition. Place of publication: Publisher; Publication year.)[A11]
1. Ringsven MK, Bond D. Gerontology and leadership skills for nurses. 2nd ed. Albany: Delmar Publishers; 1996.
Book chapter
(Author(s) of the cited chapter. Chapter title. In: Editor name(s), editor(s). Book title. Edition. Place of publication: Publisher; Publication year. p. Pages of the cited chapter.)[A12]
1. Holschneider CH, Berek JS. Valvar cancer. In: Berek JS, Novak E, editors. Berek & Novak's gynecology. 14th ed. Philadelphia (PA): Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2007. p. 1549-80.
Web site
(The title of the cited website [Internet]. Place of publication: Publisher; Year of copyright [cited Year Month Date]. Available from: Website address)[A13]
1. American Cancer Society. Cancer Reference Information [Internet]. Atlanta (GA): American Cancer Society; c2010 [cited 2010 Jun 20]. Available from:
Formats of all other types of citation
Citing medicine: Follow the NLM style guide for authors, editors, and publishers (http://www.nlm.nih.gov/citingmedicine).
(Table sample)
Table 1. Comparison of meaningful means between YORA and EORA[A14]
YORA (n=125) / EORA (n=105) / p-value*Age (yr) / 47±8.9 / 74±5.3 / <0.001
Male:Female ratio / 1:5.6 / 1:2.5 / 0.016
ESR (mm/hr) / 40.2±29.2 / 52.8±35.6 / 0.004
Dose of methotrexate (mg/wk) / 11.2±4.5 / 9.1±3.9 / <0.001
Dose of prednisolone (mg/day) / 4.8±3.0 / 3.9±2.2 / 0.016
Joint involvement
Shoulder / 27 (21.6) / 43 (41.0) / 0.001
Knee / 61 (48.8) / 81 (77.1) / <0.001
Total Sharp score (Hand) / 58.3±56.8 / 83.4±67.1 / 0.001
Values are presented as mean±SD, ratio, or number (%).[A15]
YORA, younger onset rheumatoid arthritis; EORA, elderly onset rheumatoid arthritis; ESR, erythrocyte sedimentation rate[A16].
*p-values obtained by t-test and chi-square test.[A17]
(Table guidelines)[A18]
- Tables should be double-spaced and should each appear on separate page.
- Express the units of time in the following formats: yr, mo, wk, day, hr, min, sec.
- Abbreviations used in the body of tables should be defined in a table footnote.
- If further descriptions are necessary for certain terms, use a symbol (*, †, ‡, §,∥, ¶, **…) as superscript after the term and provide the definition in a table footnote.
- Do not use a vertical line in tables.
- Present a mean and a standard deviation in the format of mean±SD with the number of responses. The statistical techniques used should be specified in the table footnotes. For a proportion, specify the number of responses and the percentage of the total, and for a correlation coefficient, show the value of correlation coefficient.
- Use a small p in ‘p-value,’ and show up to 3 decimal points. (e.g., p-value<0.001)
(Figure sample)
Fig. 1. Pathologic finding. (A) A subtotal gastrectomy specimen shows two lesions at the anterior wall of the lower body (1.5×0.8 cm, submucosa), at the posterior wall of the mid body (3×1.7 cm, mucosa). (B) Microscopic finding is showing localized tumor cell in submucosal layer (H&E stain, ×100). (C) Microscopic finding is showing ulcer surrounding tumor tissue (H&E stain, ×40). (D) Microscopic finding is showing localized tumor cell in mucosa layer (H&E stain, ×100). [A19]
Fig. 2. Results of physical activity status. Time spent on various activities per day (A) and percentage of regular exercise (B). *Significant difference from other age group(s) of same gender.
- 1 -
[A1]Article Format
-Original Article: It should be of 250 words or less and conform to the structured format.
-Review Article, Case Report: It should be 150 words or less. The format is unstructured.
[A2]Key Words here
- Provide 5 or fewer MeSH terms.
- Capitalize the first letter of the first word of each term.
- Separate terms by a comma (,).
Original article: Introduction/Methods/Results/Discussion/Conclusion
(The main text should be of 10,000 or fewer characters. Tables and figures should not exceed a combined total of 7.)
Case report: Introduction/Case Report/Discussion
(The main text should be of 1,500 or fewer characters.)
Review article: Introduction/(Subsection Title)/Conclusion
Examples of reference citations within the main text.
-Kim1)…/ Kim and Lee1)… / Kim et al.2)…/…[the middle of a sentence]1,2) …/ …[the end of a sentence]3-5). / Park et al.1)
In a case report, the main text should be under the title of ‘CASE REPORT.’ In an review article, the authors have the liberty of deciding subtitles.
The numbering of subtitles should be in the order of 1, 1), and (1).
Example of citing equipment and drug products.
Examples of citing tables in the main text
- (Table 1), (Tables 1,2), (Tables 1-3)
Examples of citing figures in the main text
- (Fig. 1), (Fig. 1A,B), (Figs. 1,2),
(Figs. 1-3)
Examples of citing tables and figures in combination in the main text
- (Table 1, Fig. 2)
- Summary in Korean should be written in 1,000 characters or less.
- It should conform to the specified format (Background/Methods/Results/Conclusion).
- Do not include keywords here.
Acknowledge any funding support received for the research. Those who contributed to the research but do not warrant authorship can also be listed here. Remove the heading, if unnecessary.
The format of journal article citations.
- Up to 6 authors are listed, and if there are more than 6 authors, add “, et al” after the 6th author.
- Abbreviate the journal title according to Index Medicus and KoreaMed. For a journal not registered at either source, use the abbreviated title that the journal uses.
The format of book citations.
The format of book chapter citations.
The format of website citations.
[A14]Table title here
-Capitalize the first letter only of the first word in the table title.
A general description of the entries in a table should appear in the first line.
Definitions of abbreviations or acronyms are continuously listed without creating a new line, in the format of (abbreviation, definition; abbreviation, definition;…).
Superscripts used in the table should be in the order of *, †, ‡, §, ∥, ¶, **, ††, and ‡‡.. Provide the definitions in a table footnote, separating them by a comma (,) and without creating a new line.
Refer to Table guidelines, before constructing a table.
[A19]Figure legend here
- Place figures and figure legends in the MS Word file containing the main text. Also, submit the figures in separate files with a TIFF or EPS extension. JPEG files are acceptable, if the resolution is sufficiently high.
- Regarding file size, 900 dpi is recommended for a 4-inch picture.
- A figure legend should be continuously written without creating a new line, in the format of (Description of the figure. Label. Description of the part corresponding to the label.)
- Insert a figure per page.
- In a photomicrograph, specify the stain method and the extent of magnification (e.g., H&E stain, x400)