September 20, 2015
Minonk Parks & Rec
Call to Order at 6 PM
Attendees: Rich Luckey, Shawn Modro, Brandi Hofmann, Allison Anson, Lindsay Hahn, Candi Mangan, council rep Larry Fortner
Minutes tabled until October meeting
Old Business
a. City Council Update -
Scoreboard discussion: Our needs are for a 4x8 scoreboard with 15-18” letters; using local electrician
Booster club is going to also donating some funds to the new scoreboard.
Motion for the $2584 to purchase a scoreboard from Varsity Sports in navy and silver, the electrical from a local electrician, and support beams (Brandi motion, Allison seconded). All ayes, motion passed.
A question for the baseball dirt was asked. Larry gave permission for purchase and hauling of dirt per the council.
b. Parks Issues/Concerns - none
c. Baseball/Softball –
The council members have not received any additional comments; however, no soliciting of comments was made either. Rich recommends 12ish players on a team. Some teams played 12-13 kids in the field.
Discussion of El Paso Recreation League ensued regarding the pros and cons of the league. Motion to stay in El Paso rec league for 2016 made by Lindsay. Brandi seconded. All ayes.
d. Movie night in the park. Only 12 showed for September but there was a football conflict.
$500 grant from State Farm received and allocated to the purchase. 2015 Budget has allocated funding for the purchase of projector and movie equipment. It appears there is community interest to keep the summer Movie Nights.
e. Soccer updates – no updates on numbers
No serious complaints.
f. Volleyball –
1st/2nd graders: 7 – Has one coach secured.
3rd/4th graders: 17 - Paula W. has offered to coach; one person has offered to coach but wants to do so in Toluca. Rec board member will reach out to Toluca coach to determine if players would travel to Toluca, get gym time.
g. Approve Attendance Policy -
Motion to approve attendance policy and added to by-laws made by Allison, seconded by Lindsay. All ayes.
h. Review Photographer bid specs
Additions – Minimum order price or quantity.
Would like an annual agreement; can be extended by mutual agreement
Motion to approve the photographer bids made by Lindsay, seconded by Candi. All ayes.
- Set dates for Photographer bids.
Due - Thursday, October 15 by 5 PM. Will be on city website, Minonktalk, and provided to specific photographers in the area.
New Business
a. New Basketball Coordinator – Shawn Modro
b. Set Basketball Dates (registration due Nov. 20)
El Paso has a 5th and 6th grade league and also looks for players.
c. Approve purchase of new scoreboard of East Diamond - done
d. Approve new Rec Board members – n/a
e. Popcorn
Candi motioned to donate open popcorn box to PTO.
Board Member Comments
Brandi Hofmann: El Paso Rec assistant has taken a job with Normal Parks department so there may be delays in responses due to being short-handed.
Rich Luckey: A 3rd-5th grade parent had questioned the lack of the older team for soccer. Rich explained that there weren’t enough kids who signed up (needed 4-5 more kids) and there was not a coach for the older kids.
Signs for outfield need to come down. Signs come down Sunday at 10:00. Arranged take down of signs by board members.
Junior class is having chicken dinner. They would like to serve chicken out of the concession. There are maintenance issues in the concession stand that have not been addressed. We will explain that since maintenance has not been addressed and until then, can’t open the stand.
Rich has officially resigned as of November 2015.
If anyone is interested in becoming chair, volunteer.
7:10 Allison motioned to adjourn; Lindsay seconded. All ayes.