
Article I

Section 1 - Name: Video Game Discussion Club

Section 2 - Purpose: To discuss and enjoy the hobby of playing video games in light of the industry's development as a social, cultural, and artistic entity.

Section 3 - Non-Discrimination Policy: This organization and its members shall not discriminate against any individual(s) for reasons of age, color, disability, gender identity or expression, national origin, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, or veteran status.

Article II – Membership: Qualifications and categories of membership.

Voting membership: Open to anyone enrolled as a student at The Ohio State University.

Non-voting associate: Position is open to faculty, alumni, professionals, etc.

Article III – Organization Leadership: Titles, terms of office, and duties of the leaders.

Section 1 – Board Positions

President: The president of the Video Game Discussion Club is in charge of running all club meetings and discussions (with certain exceptions at the president’s discretion), as well as approving what is discussed during said meetings. The president is expected to be present during any and all meetings/events. (with the exception of emergencies)

Treasurer: The treasurer of the Video Game Discussion Club is in charge of all school funding for the club, as well as keeping track of club spending and expenses.

Vice President: The vice president of the Video Game Discussion Club is in charge of assisting with meetings, setting up events, and general assistance of the club in any other aspects. Depending on circumstance, the person in this position may also be in charge of leading the day’s discussion/event. In the absence of the president, the vice president also may act as stand-in president until the president’s return.

Secretary: The secretary of the Video Game Discussion club is in charge of keeping record of all discussion topics, as well as all happenings during meetings and events.

Section 2 – Term Length

Terms for board members may last until the person in that position is no longer a student at The Ohio State University, and otherwise only ends upon resignation or voted off by a majority of theclub’s members if that person is seen as causing a discrepancy. Someone’s term may also end due to unforeseen circumstances.

Article IV – Method of Selecting and/or Removing Officers and Members

Section 1 – Selecting Officers

All officers shall be selected by a vote by the members of the club. When a board position becomes vacant, a member of the club may enter their name onto a ballot in which the rest of the club will use to vote on a new person to fill that position. Should the need arise, current board members have the ability to overturn the winner of the vote if it is of concern to the well-being of the club.

Section 2 – Removing Officers

An officer may be removed from his/her position if the other board members decide it is for the betterment of the club. This must be done through a unanimous vote by the other board members.

Section 3 – Removing Members

A member of the club may be removed if he/she is jeopardizing the well-being of the club, or causing a consistent disruption to club meetings or events. This is done by the decision of the president and board members, and said person shall be ejected immediately from the meeting/event and the club roster.

Article V – Advisor Qualification Criteria

The requirement for advisors of the Video Game Discussion Club is to simply have a strong passion for video games. Advisors are qualified to attend meetings or events whenever they choose, and are free to check the status of the club at any given time.

Article VI – Meetings of the Organization: Required meetings and their frequency

Section 1 – Meeting frequency

Meetings will be held once a week, usually lasting 2 hours

Section 2 – Required Meetings

All members must attend at least one weekly meeting a month to have continued membership of the club. (Not counting events)

Article VII – Method of Amending Constitution

The constitution is to be read during the first meeting of each semester to reinforce its meaning and clarify any discrepancies.

Article VIII – Method of Dissolution of Organization

Should the club be in the position of having to be dissolved, all assets should be distributed back to the school and be setup so that the club shall be resurrected should the situation arise.