Annex H to QCM Manual – Event report template

Erasmus + Project No 561586‐EPP‐1‐2015‐1‐RS‐EPPKA2‐CBHE‐JP

Enhancement of HE Research Potential Contributing to Further Growth of the WB Region


Author: / Prof. Dr. DraganMašulović
Event Title: / Three seminars on the following topic: Standards and principles of the European Union in connection with the career development of researchers and their implementation at the University of Novi Sad, within the Activity 3.1:Training of WBC researchersconcerning the role and significance of C&C and HRS4R.
Event Date: / 06/02/2017, 09/02/2017, 24/02/2017
Event Venue: / University of Novi Sad, Rectorate
Type of event:
(National, international, press conference, promotional event etc.) / National event
Short description:
Within the Activity 3.1: Training of WBC researchersconcerning the role and significance of C&C and HRS4R, the University of Novi Sad organised three seminars on the following topic: Standards and principles of the European Union in connection with the career development of researchers and their implementation which were attended by 108 researchers in total.

The first seminar was organized on February 6th, 2017 and the second on February 9th, 2017 both at the Rectorate of the University of Novi Sad in collaboration with the Programme TRAIN. Professor PavleSekeruš gave a presentation on Standards and principles of the European Union in connection with the career development of researchers and their implementation at the University of Novi Sad. The third seminar was organized on February 24th, 2017 at the Rectorate of the University of Novi Sad in collaboration with the colleagues from the National Library of Serbia and the University Library who gave the presentation on research communication and science information. Professor Sekeruš gave a presentation on Standards and principles of the European Union in connection with the career development of researchers and their implementation at the University of Novi Sad. All participants were invited to visit the web site of the Re@WBC project and the web site of the University of Novi Sad and find more information about the project and about the University Human resources strategy for researchers (HRS4R) incorporating the charter and code. The slides of the presentation Standards and principles of the European Union in connection with the career development of researchers and their implementation at the University of Novi Sad were emailed to all the participants after the event.

Organiser(s): / University of Novi Sad
Agenda: / Link to the agenda
Total number of participants: / 108
Links to further information: / Re@WBC website

Problems encountered during the events preparation phase

(To be filled by organisers)

-To gather all the researchers in one place for one seminar (due to their different obligations and activities). Because of that we had to organise three events. Thus we managed toinform 108 researchers about standards and principles of the European Union in connection with the career development of researchers and their implementation at the University of Novi Sad.

Strengths and limitations of the event: some comments received by participants

Strengths of the event and contributions or activities enjoyed by participants: /
  • Very informative.
  • Information found on slides are quite useful as reflection on our country`s science state.
  • Range of topics, relevance.
  • The lecture was quite informative, well exemplified and well delivered overall.
  • Innovative information.
  • Discussion.
  • Emphasis on important points, Serbia vs Europe comparison.
  • Openness of the presenter for discussion, interactive style.
  • Lecture with very useful information.
  • Useful information about Euraxess network, mobility information. Participants are very much interested in mobility which is also the reason of current situation in our country. This is very useful info which should be more promoted.
  • New information.
  • Presented information are very useful.
  • The information I got could help me in my further career.
  • I’ve learn about many different projects I didn’t know earlier.
  • Presenting new information that many PhD students haven’t been introduced to.
  • Participation in this seminar strongly improved my previous knowledge on this topic and will be very valuable for my work.
  • New information.
  • I have got many useful information, which are otherwise hard to find.

Suggestions for the improvement: /
  • Time management.
  • More information about mobility.
  • I am quite pleased with this.
  • More pictures in slide show.

Any further comments /
  • Thank you.
  • I would participate again in similar events/presentations.

ADDITIONAL COMMENTS (to be filled by the local partner)

  • The atmosphere during the seminars was very satisfactory.

Lessons learned

  • Similar activities and seminars for researchers should be organised more often since the participants expressed their satisfaction and willingness to participate in similar events.