Reiki Master Course
Introduction / 04Section 1: Symbols
Symbols / 05
Usui Master Symbol / 08
Tibetan Master Symbol / 10
Fire Dragon Symbol / 11
Additional Symbols / 12
Heart Chakra Symbol / 13
Taoist Grace Symbol / 14
Emotional Butterfly / 15
Spirit Column / 16
Mental Spiral / 17
Aum Symbol / 18
Section 2: Attunements & Empowerments
Microcosmic Orbit / 20
Violet Breath / 21
Reiki 1 (4-stage) Attunement / 22
Reiki 1 (1-stage) Attunement / 26
Reiki 2 Attunement / 29
Reiki Master Attunement / 33
Learning the Attunements / 38
Reiju Empowerments / 39
Self Empowerment / 39
Individual Empowerments / 39
Reiki 2 Empowerments / 41
Reiki Master Empowerments / 41
Kotodama / 42
Empowerment Diagrams / 43
Section 3: Appendices
1 / Medical Research / 44
2 / Reiki-2 Symbols Summary / 47
3 Meditation and Hatsu Rei Ho / 48
Welcome to the Reiki Master’s course. You already have the gift of being able to heal others; once attuned as a Master, you will also have the gift of being able to attune others so that they can use this gentle therapy for their own benefit and that of others.
On Day 1 of the course you will be attuned to the Reiki Master symbols and to several other symbols (see opposite) which will help you on your Reiki journey. The attunement process will consist of two Reiki Attunements. The rest of the day will be taken up with discussion and healing practice (using the new symbols).
On Day 2 of the course you will learn to attune others. You will practice carrying out western- style attunements and also Japanese empowerments.
There will be no need to take notes as the course requirements are all covered in this manual. For the course, you must be able to draw/visualise the Usui Master symbol, the Tibetan Master symbol, the Fire Dragon symbol and the Aum symbol. For Day 2 you should also have revised the Reiki-2 symbols as you will be practicing by giving a Reiki-2 attunement.
It is not necessary to memorise the attunement process or the kotodama as you will be guided through an attunement and empowerment on the course; however, you should read and be familiar with the attunement sections.
If you have any problems, we can be contacted at the following email addresses:
You can find more information on Reiki on the Reiki Energy website ( There is also a Masters Area on the website; more details on this will be provided during the course.
Symbols are an integral part of western Reiki. However, they were not part of Usui’s original system; he used a variety of methods including Kotodama (discussed later) to represent the energies and only taught the symbols to three of his master students who were having trouble connecting to the energy. One of these masters was Hayashi and since he attuned Takata, he obviously passed on the symbols to her and she in turn passed them onto all her students and that is how the symbols are so widely used in western Reiki.
Although there are now quite a number of symbols used in Reiki they are not all traditional Reiki symbols. On this course you will be attuned to:
the four Usui symbols: Master symbol (Dai-Ko-Myo), Distance symbol (Hon-Sha-Ze-Sho-Nen, Mental/Emotional symbol (Sei-He-Ki) and the Power symbol (Cho-Ku-Rei)
The two Tibetan symbols: Tibetan Master symbol (Dai-Ko-Myo) and Fire Dragon symbol
You will also be attuned to some additional symbols: Heart Chakra symbol (Shi-Ke-Sei-Ki), the Grace symbol, the Aum symbol, the Spirit Column symbol, the Mental Spiral and Emotional Butterfly symbols.
The Tibetan symbols were late additions to Reiki and are also unlikely to be Tibetan; they are more likely to be Shamanic but they work. The Heart Chakra symbol is from the Radiance Technique (a Reiki offshoot). The Grace, Spirit Column, Mental Spiral and Emotional Butterfly symbols are Taoist Karmic symbols. The Aum (also called 'Om') symbol is well known and is a Sanskrit symbol. All of these symbols are shown in reduced size over the next two pages.
Please note that it is up to you, as the Master, whether to include these symbols when attuning your own students. We attune out students to the Heart Chakra symbol and the Grace symbol at Reiki-2 level because we believe them to be very useful 'healing' tools. They are discussed further in the 'Attunement' section.
Usui Memorial
Usui Master SymbolTibetan Master Symbol
Heart Chakra Symbol
Fire Dragon
Emotional ButterflyMental Spiral
Aum Symbol
Spirit Column
Taoist Grace Symbol
Usui Master symbol (DaiKoMyo)
There are a number of variations of the master symbol but they all appear to have the same effect as regards healing and attunements. There are also a number of different translations of the symbol (Great Being of the Universe, shine on me; Treasure house of the Great Beaming Light; and Praise be to the Great Universal Light). The symbol is also related to the Japanese Buddhist deity Dainichi Nyorai.
Dainichi Nyorai, in Japanese teaching, is the supreme being (the GreatShining One or Supreme Buddha). He is everywhere and everything; he is literally the Universe and all it contains. Dainichi Nyorai is the God-Force that created the Universe, maintains it, and is it. Does this concept sound familiar?
The Usui Master symbol is the key to giving attunements (described later) and has the effect of producing a very high frequency energy.
Though the most common use of this symbol is in attunements, it can be used in treatments; it would not however be used routinely and its use would be restricted to specific situations or conditions. Since this symbol works at the soul or spirit level it would be used for dealing with problems that originated at this level (e.g. anger, envy, bitterness, low self-esteem, self-destructive behaviour such as anorexia). You would not use the symbol in the same way as ChoKuRei, or SeiHeKi, to channel energy into specific parts of the body; it would be used to for an entire treatment. One possible method of using the DaiKoMyo is described below:
Charge the hands by drawing or visualising the Master symbol over the palm of each hand and stating the name of the symbol (DaiKoMyo) three times for each hand in order to activate it. Visualise a large Master symbol over the crown of your head and state its name three times to activate it.
Imagine that you are drawing down energy from the symbol that that the energy is flowing into your head, down through your neck and shoulders and out of your hands into the recipient. Continue this throughout the treatment. When you change hand-position, say to yourself ‗DaiKoMyo On‟.
If you have difficulty maintaining this visualisation then don’t bother with the symbol above the head and concentrate on just the hands. However, you should still use this symbol for the whole treatment and carry on saying ‘DaiKoMyo On’ when you change
The symbol is pronounced: Die – Coe (Sebastian Coe) – Mee-Oh.
Tibetan Master symbol (DaiKoMyo)
This symbol is not one of the traditional Usui symbols; it is also highly unlikely that it is Tibetan. This symbol was introduced into Reiki by Arthur Robinson, whose background was ‘shamanism’, thus it is likely that it is a shamanic symbol. However, no matter where it originated, this symbol works and is very powerful.
This symbol, like the Usui Master symbol, is also called DaiKoMyo and is pronounced exactly the same. This symbol is a cleanser; in attunements, it clears any blockages to the Usui attunement energy that follows it. It is also used in treatments where it works at the soul or spirit level; the energy channelled via this symbol clears blockages at the soul/spirit level and it brings a feeling of deep peace. It, like the Usui symbol, would be used on the whole body and its use would be appropriate for self-destructive behaviour, low self-esteem, etc.; it can also be used to clear negative energy from rooms or other spaces.
The Fire Dragon
The serpent symbol is fairly universal and, in Asian teachings, corresponds to the raising of the ‘Kundalini’. The weave of the serpent represents the seven chakras spiralling into the base or ‘seat of kundalini’. The main effect of the ‘Fire Dragon’ is to open and balance the chakras as necessary; it can be used before, during or after a treatment. To use this symbol, simply draw or visualise the symbol with the horizontal over the crown chakra and the dragon running down the back of the person to the level of the base chakra where it stops and spirals. There is no name that needs to be uttered or chanted with this symbol.
Additional Symbols
The Emotional Butterfly, Spirit Column and Mental Spirial symbols are not traditional Reiki symbols; they are 12th Century Taoist symbols. Like the Fire Dragon and the Grace symbol, these symbols do not have an associated name that has to be repeated as a mantra. The information I have is that:
A Chinese monk caused a serious problem with his karmic field and was given these symbols (Spirit Column, Mental Spiral, Emotional Butterfly) to cleanse his karmic field following a period of meditation. The symbols had such a profound effect on him that he took the signs from village to village across China.
The symbols are now found in Hinduism, Taoism, Zen Buddhism and other forms of Buddhism.
These symbols are not meant to be used in a routine way; they are used in treatments when our intuition tells us that it is the right thing to do. Follow your feelings.
Please note that these are NOT Reiki symbols and it is up to you whether you attune your clients to these symbols or not — and which symbols you attune them to. If you do decided to attune your clients to some or all of these symbols then:
In each section of the attunement, after attuning to the Sei-He- Ki symbol, visualise or draw each symbol passing into the Crown Chakra down into the base of the brain, through the hands down into the base of the brain, through the third-eye into the base of the brain, and through the hands. Tap them into the third-eye and hands. With the exception of the Aum and Heart Chakra symbols, there is no mantra to repeat. The mantras to repeat, along with pronounciation, for the Aum and Heart Chakra symbols are detailed on the pages for these symbols.
At Reiki Energy, we attune our clients to the Heart Chakra and Grace symbols at Reiki-2 level. The reasons for this are that we believe them to be powerful and useful healing tools for the Reiki Practitioner and it also reduces the load on both us and the clients at Master Level (less symbols in the attunement).
The Heart Chakra Symbol (Shi-Ka-Sei-Ki)
The ‘Heart Chakra’ symbol is from the ‘Radiance Technique’, a Reiki variation started by Barbara Weber-Ray. The story behind the ’Radiance Technique’ is that Weber-Ray was Takata’s ‘senior’ student and, as such, was taught things that were not taught to her other Master students. Weber-Ray supposedly used this extra knowledge to develop her own system of Reiki which has become known as the ‘Radiance Technique’.
Shias in ship
Kaas in cup
Seias in 'say'
Kias in 'key'
The symbol focuses on the heart and can be seen as flooding a person with love. It focuses energy that deals with the emotional aspect of our being allowing the recipient to be open to the giving and receiving of love. This symbol can also be viewed as splitting the energy of the mental/emotional symbol (SeiHeKi) so that only the emotional energy is allowed through.
Taoist Grace Symbol
This symbol is an old Taoist symbol used for karmic cleansing and is useful for situations where a person is not learning the lesson (e.g. repeated behaviours such as overeating, or going through a non-stop series of abusive relationships). The symbol neutralizes the negative energy in the body/aura and works at the root cause. The symbol is normally visualised over a person’s body; there is no name to repeat.
The information on this symbol comes from a Chinese lady who grew up in a Buddhist monastery in Singapore and learned this symbol during her training there.
Emotional Butterfly
The Emotional Butterfly is described as a Karmic Cleanser. The symbol affects the emotional side of things by making a person alert to their problem, cleansing the Heart Chakra and helping a person to realise deep down in their heart what they need to do to move on in life. The Heart part of the symbol represents 'hearing' and information that is stored in the mind; the top circle represents the higher consciousness storing information about the karmic field and physical body; the blobs on either side represent the auric field and the physical body.
In practice, it is visualised over the whole body — it is often used in conjunction with the Grace symbol; use the Emotional Butterfly first and follow a little while later with the Grace symbol.
Spirit Column
The ‘Spirit Column’ symbol is used to balance the spiritual, physical and auric field, putting them all in tune with each other. It produces instant balance. In practice, it could be used at the beginning and end of every treatment. Though it is not part of Reiki, it is capable of producing very useful effects. The symbol is drawn from the top.
Mental Spiral
This symbol works on the mental aspect, but penetrates far deeper than SeiHeKi. It would, for example, be suitable for dealing with paranoia and hearing voices. In use, you would draw the first part of the symbol over the forehead, and trace the remainder over the crown to the back of the head.
The top spiral represents the higher consciousness, the bottom spiral represents the subconscious. It is drawn starting with the top spiral.
Aum Symbol
Aum – often spelled ‘Om’ – is Sanskrit symbol which is almost universal in use and is extremely powerful. For some cultures, Aum is the sound that brought creation into being. In healing, it is used to clean, stabilise the Aura, in other psychic practices, it is used to protect and to connect with the higher consciousness.
There are several ways of using the Aum symbol: it can be added to the list of symbols that you draw, visualise to empower a room; it can be used to open the Crown Chakra at the commencement of healing or attunements; it can be used to seal in other symbols at each stage of an attunement — this is done by visualising it passing through the hands to base of the brain, through the third eye to the base of the brain, and through the hands. In all cases, its name is repeated three times to empower it.
Aum is pronounced:
Aw (as in Law) – oo (as in Zoo) - mm
The initial ‘aw’ sound vibrates with the base chakra, the ‘oo’ sound vibrates with the throat and chest chakras, the ‘mm’ sound vibrates with the cranial chakras. The dot at the top of the symbol represents the soundless sound — the state of transcendental consciousness.
There are two exercises which are an integral part of the western-style attunement process; they are the Microcosmic Orbit and the Violet Breath. Since they are essential they will be discussed first.
Microcosmic Orbit
The Microcosmic Orbit is an energy circuit consisting of the Functional and Governor meridians which run in the midline along the front and back of the body. Once these two meridians are connected (discussed below) you become a stronger channel for Reiki, whether performing a treatment or an attunement, since you will have made an energy circuit that prevents leakage of Reiki energy. This means that when you are treating someone and you make the Microcosmic Orbit you will be channelling the maximum amount of energy through your hands and you may be able to feel an increase in the tingling in your hands. You may make the circuit at any time during a treatment or throughout the treatment; the circuit must be made throughout the length of an attunement.
In order to make the Microcosmic Orbit you push the tip of your tongue to the top of your mouth, in the hollow just behind your front teeth and then contract and hold your Huiyin. The Huiyin point, or perineum, is located at the pressure point that is felt as a small hollow between the anus and the genitals. The Huiyin point needs to be contracted as if trying to pull the point gently into the body and held (for women this is identical to raising the pelvic floor). Please note that only a gentle but definite contraction is required — it is not necessary to contract the Huiyin so much that all the muscles from the ribcage down are tensed and breathing has stopped. Frequent practice will allow the Huiyin to be contracted consistently for considerable periods of time; it does get easier with practice. Practice contracting the Huiyin by making twenty contractions and then holding the point as long as possible; it is normal to experience frustration or discomfort at first. Try to hold the Huiyin contraction throughout daily activities.