North Hunterdon High School
AP Statistics/Mr. Gallo
Class Information
Welcome to math class. The following is everything you need to know to have a successful and enjoyable year. Remember, your degree of success and happiness will depend on your degree of commitment, effort and motivation.
Mr. Gallo
Voice mail: 908-713-4199 ext. 4320
· BE ON TIME. (All students should be working on the warm-up after the bell rings.)
· BE PREPARED for class. (textbook/Chromebook, notebook (3-ring binder preferred), sharpened pencil and graphing calculator (if applicable)).
· Follow school rules at all times.
· Maintain a high level of RESPECT for everyone in the class AT ALL TIMES.
· There will be no food, drinks or use of cell phones/i-pods in the classroom.
· Warning
· Student/Teacher conference
· Teacher detention/parent contact
· Office referral
· There is a calendar on the home page of my website which will alert you to upcoming assessments in class. It will also tell you what homework will need to be completed on a given day. If you miss class for any reason, you can find the homework assignment on the calendar and complete the assignments for those classes. THE ASSESSMENTS AND ASSIGNMENTS ON THE CALENDAR ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE AT MY DISCRETION.
· EXTRA HELP: the Math Resource Center is open throughout the school day. I am on duty mods ______in room ______. I am in room______after school.
· Grades will be calculated using total points.
· Late assignments will be accepted the next day for 50% off. There will be no credit given after the next day.
· There will be a cumulative Final Exam for this course.
· Textbooks are to be covered and brought to class every day unless using your Chromebook. Cover your book with something that can be easily removed at the end of the year. Not bringing your textbook/Chromebook to class will result in disciplinary action after the THIRD time and then each time thereafter.
CALCULATOR (if applicable):
· You may use a scientific or graphing calculator during the school year. It is not necessary to buy one, but it is advisable as it will be necessary for your college career.
· If you lose, damage or do not return your ASSIGNED calculator for any reason (including theft) at the end of the year, you will be charged $100 to replace it.
· Forgetting to bring your calculator or having one that does not work does not excuse you from classwork, tests or quizzes and I DO NOT supply replacement calculators for that day. REMEMBER BATTERIES ARE YOUR RESPONSIBILITY and the calculator alerts you to replace them in plenty of time.
· YOU are responsible for making up any missed work when you are not in class for ANY reason (this includes: field trips, guidance appointments, leaving early for sporting events, etc.)
· It is YOUR responsibility to see me or a classmate about what you missed.
· Failure to make up work in a timely manner will result in a grade of ZERO for any missing assignments.
o Tests and Quizzes are to be completed within 1 week of the original day the assessment was given unless other arrangements have been made with me.
o Homework assignments missed are due TWO days after the day absent unless other arrangements have been made with me. It is your responsibility to show me the work, I will not ask you to see it.