Thank you for your interest in Employment Opportunities at Pahiatua New World.

Most of our job vacancies are advertised in our checkout area (on the cigarette carousal), and on the community notice-board before they are advertised in the newspaper, so it pays to keep an eye on this area.

Applying for a position that you have seen advertised?

-Yes please attach a photocopy of your CV and a letter outlining why you are interested in this position.

Filling in an application for us to Keep on File for future positions?

-We do receive a large number of applications. We do keep applications on file, and we do often look through applications when a vacancy arises. Your application will be held on file for a period of at least 3 months – and in some cases up to 6 months. If you have not heard from us after this point in time please submit another updated application form if you are still interested in Employment here at New World.

Some hints for when applying:
  • Please write clearly. If we cannot read your application it will be unsuccessful
  • Please fill in all sections of this form. If it is not complete it will be unsuccessful
  • Please make sure you contact details are correct. We need a postal address and correct phone numbers. If we do not have these it will be unsuccessful
  • Unless applying for an advertised position CVs are not required. We will ask for one later if we require more details. We do not return C.V’s – so photocopies only please.
  • In general, most employees of this store are required to work either a Saturday or a Sunday. Please think about this before submitting an application form.
  • As you will see on the application form we do not generally allow annual leave to be taken during December or on Easter Thursday or Easter Saturday. Please think about this before submitting an application form. (School students will be able to apply for leave if they have exams or school commitments)


Application for Employment

The completion of this form does not indicate that there is any obligation on this Company to offer employment to the applicant. The personal information you provide in this document will be held by this company for a limited period of time only and will be used for the purpose of assessing your suitability for employment. It will be accessible to senior management staff only. You have a right of access to this information to ensure its accuracy. This is a confidential document subject to the Privacy Act 1993.

Surname/Family Name: Title:Mr / Mrs / Miss / Ms
First Name/s:
Birth date (If under 18)Phone: (Home)
Postal Address: Phone: (Mobile)
E-mail Address:
If your application for employment is accepted, when could you commence work? ______
Position applied for: ______Full-time / Part-time / Casual / Fixed-Term
Please select days available: Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday / Saturday / Sunday
Are you available to work public holidays? Yes / No
Please select preferred department/s: Checkout, Grocery, Freezers, Chilled Foods, Produce, Butchery, Service Deli, Bakery, Back Stockroom, Office, Cleaning, Other ______
Are there any days of the week, or times that you will not be available to work. (e.g. sports, hobbies, special interests, school, training, poly-tech, etc) If yes please provide brief details:
Please note we have a store policy which means Annual Leave is not permitted to be taken throughout December, and on Easter Thursday and Easter Saturday (unless exceptional circumstances). Applicants should be aware of this policy, and think careful about this requirement before submitting an application for this New World store.
Are you a New Zealand citizen? Yes  No 
If you are not a New Zealand citizen. Do you have
(a) a residence visa  (b) a work visa or permit to work  (c) any other legal entitlement to work 
Note: If you are not a NZ citizen, you will need to verify your current entitlement to work prior to appointment
Name of School / College / Polytechnic / University attended: From To
Qualifications / Achievements / Trade Qualifications / Apprenticeship Details: From To
Please list any relevant experience you may have: ______
Have you worked at a Foodstuffs Store Before (New World, Pak n Save, Four Square): Yes / No
If yes, which Store: From To
If yes, please list departments worked in previously:
The following information is required to assist New World to meet its obligations under the Health and Safety in Employment Act 1992 and the Injury Prevention Rehabilitation and Compensation Act 2001, specifically to ensure the capacity of any applicant to safely undertake the tasks associated with the position for which you are applying.
Any information provided is strictly confidential between yourself and New World Pahiatua.
Do you smoke? Yes  No 
Are you allergic to or have sensitivity to any substances or chemicals? Yes  No 
If yes, please detail ______
Have you ever suffered any back injury or back strain? Yes  No 
If yes, please detail ______
Have you ever suffered from any overuse injuries e.g. RSI or OOS? Yes  No 
If yes, please detail ______
Have you ever had an injury resulting in an ACC claim? Yes  No 
If yes, please detail ______
Have you ever been addicted to or had treatment for any form of substance abuse?
(namely alcohol, prescriptive medicine, or narcotics/drugs) Yes  No 
If yes, please detail ______
Have you suffered or been treated for depression or any stress related disorder? Yes  No 
If yes, please detail ______
Do you have any known condition, which might put other staff at risk? Yes  No 
If yes, please detail ______
Your duties may involve: standing for long hours, lifting goods onto shelves/tables from floor level; flat decks; or inside trolleys, working in dusty conditions, climbing stairs/ladders, kneeling, bending, reaching, stretching, answering the telephone, writing, reading small print, customer service, using computerised equipment, and/or cleaning.
Do you currently have, or do you foresee yourself having any difficulty performing any of the tasks as listed above?
Yes  No  If yes please detail: ______
Have you had an injury or medical condition caused by gradual process, disease or infection (for example hearing loss, sensitivity or allergy to chemicals, musculoskeletal disorders), which the tasks of this job as outline above may aggravate or contribute to? Yes  No  If yes, please detail: ___________
Do you have any disability, injury, substance dependencies, health or medical conditions (not mentioned above) that could affect your ability to perform or meet the requirements of this job as outlined above or that would require special working conditions? Yes  No  If yes, please detail: ______
Do you agree to undergo a baseline medical examination if required, the results of which will be made available to New World Pahiatua? Yes  No 
How many days absence due to sickness or injury have you claimed in the last 12 months of employment?
 0 – 2  2 – 5  6 – 10  11 – 15  16 – 20  Over 20 days  N/A
Employment History:
1. Present or most recent employer ______
Address ______Phone No. ______
Length of Service: (Years)______(Months)______From:______To: ______
Position held: ______Nature of work: ______
Reason for Leaving: ______
2. Next most recent employer ______
Address ______Phone No. ______
Length of Service: (Years)______(Months)______From:______To: ______
Position held: ______Nature of work: ______
Reason for Leaving: ______
Do you hold a current Drivers Licence? Yes No
Do you hold a current Forklift Licence? Yes No 
Do you have any traffic related offences, or are you awaiting the hearing of any charges? Yes No
If yes please detail :
Do you have any criminal convictions existing or pending? Yes No
If yes please provide details (Please note that under the Criminals Records (Clean Slate) Act 2004, you are not required to disclose
certain offences) ______
Applicants should list the names of two people with whom you have had a reporting relationship who can be contacted for a reference.We prefer referees to be a current or past employer. School Students with no work history should ask, and list 2 current school teachers.
*** Please give details of referees whom you authorise us to contact***
Name ______Organisation ______
Address ______Relationship
Ph (home) ______(Work)
Name ______Organisation
Address ______Relationship
Ph (home) ______(Work)
*** Please give details of referees whom you authorise us to contact***
General Information
Are you a member of a territorial force unit or volunteer fire brigade? Yes  No 
Would you engage in other paid work while employed in this position? Yes No
Are you prepared to work extra shifts if other staff are sick/absent? Yes No
Are you prepared to work shifts?Yes No
Are you prepared to work weekends?Yes No
Are you prepared to work public holidays?Yes No
Have you ever been dismissed from your employment?Yes No
If yes provide more detail: ______
I ______(full name) declare I have disclosed to New World Pahiatua all information that has reasonable bearing on whether or not New World Pahiatua employs me. I further declare that to the best of my knowledge, the information I have supplied in this application form and/or in my CV is complete, accurate, and true and is not designed to mislead in any way. I understand that if any false or misleading information is given, or any material fact suppressed or withheld, I will not be accepted, or if I am employed, my employment will terminate.
I understand that all information provided by me will be held on a confidential basis and only used in connection with this application. My permission will be sought before any identifying personal details are released to anyone other than those involved in the selection process.
I understand that I have access to personal information about me held by New World Pahiatua, and that if there are any errors in the information, I may request that it be corrected. This access excludes reference checks undertaken by New World Pahiatua, all evaluative or opinion material compiled by New World Pahiatua for the purposes of assessing my suitability, eligibility and qualification for employment.
I consent to New World Pahiatua seeking verbal or written information about me from the referees I have nominated above and as detailed in my CV. I understand that the information will be supplied in confidence and evaluative material and will not be disclosed to me. I also agree to enquiries being made as to the accuracy of information in this application form and in your CV, and/or security checks on any criminal convictions.
Signature: ______Dated ______