Applicant Information

Post: Emergency Development Fellowships


12 Months Fixed Term

Posts x 5

Emergency Development Fellowships (EDFs)

For a period of 12months (fixed term)

Full time (40 hours per week)

Salary Scale with be determined in accordance with the provision of NHS Circular PCS (DD) 2017/1

Applications are invited from trainee doctors having recently completed (August 2017) or about to finish (August 2018) UK Foundation Programmes to apply for the positions ofEmergency Development Fellows (EDF).

These exciting posts offer a 12 month post working in the Emergency Department at Forth Valley Royal Hospital.Within the 12 month contract, there will be an opportunity for a 2 month placement (4 PAs per week) in another specialty. In addition, EDFs will have 6 hours per week of development time and 2 hours of in-house training.

We work as a multidisciplinary nursing and medical team assessing and managing 64,000 adult and paediatric patients per annum across a full spectrum of emergency presentations. You will be part of this Consultant lead team and we have a variety of EmergencyDevelopment Fellow posts with development opportunities for quality improvement, undergraduate teaching or simulation. We have close links with the Scottish Centre for Simulation and Clinical Human Factors which is on site. Previous post holders have gone on to pursue careers in Emergency and Acute Medicine, Primary Care and surgical specialties. They have also produced posters and presented their Quality Improvement and Simulation work at national conferences.

The appointment will be on a full time basis (40 hours per week) and remuneration will be determined by the pay and conditions of hospital medical and dental staff (NHS Circular: PCS (DD) 2017/1)

For more information please contact: Dr Roger Alcock, Consultant in Adult and Paediatric Emergency Medicine and Specialty tel: 01324 567557

Applicant Information, including the job description for the posts is available from Medical Workforce by telephone on 01324 618327 or by email at

To apply, applicants must submit a fully completed Medical and Dental application form to the above address byWednesday 14th March 2018. Applicants should have full GMC registration and a licence to practise.

Please quote reference MD0218161 in all correspondence.

Proposed interview date will be: TBC


Emergency Development Fellowships (EDFs)


Job Title:EmergencyDevelopment Fellow

(Emergency Medicine)

Directly accountable to:Specialty Lead, Emergency Medicine

Professionally responsible to:Clinical Director(Emergency and Urgent Services)

Location:Forth Valley Royal Hospital, NHS Forth Valley

Term: 12 Months fixed term

Time Commitment:Full Time 40hrs per week

Remuneration:As per national T&Cs (grade specific)

Qualifications:Completion of Foundation Programme (UK)

Full Registration GMC


Working withClinical Directors, Clinical Service Leads and the Directorate Management teamsfor NHS Forth Valley, these posts will give successful applicants the opportunity to experience Emergency Medicine before committing to a programme of training through a Core or Specialty application. These posts will offer successful applicants the opportunity to develop theirclinical and professional competence in a purposeful and supervised manner as an assist to overall CV development. Previous successful applicants (whilst undertaking core duties in Emergency Medicine, have had the opportunity to spend time in a variety of other specialties including (Acute Medicine, Anaesthetics, ENT, Trauma and Orthopaedics, Radiology, Obstetrics etc). All of these doctors have worked on specific areas of service development such as Apps for future junior doctors, development of a simulation training programme in Emergency Medicine, delivery of simulation training for Foundation Doctors and practical skills teaching to medical students.

These posts are aimed at FY2+ level i.e. those doctorswho have completed the UK Foundation programme and having being assessed as "acute take safe" under supervision, looking for some experience of acute care specialties in which they may have a longer term interest, or to provide a professional development adjunct to any future clinical activity if interested in another non-acute specialty longer term.

The clinical development component combined with supervised and directed activitywill allow for 8hours development per week, 2 of which it is anticipated will be participation in local Emergency Medicine Training and the remaining 6 hours linked to an area of mutual professional interest including clinical teaching, quality improvement and safety, simulation, management and leadership development or informatics. In addition to this, individuals will have the opportunity to rotate into a specialty of their choice for 4 PAs per week for a period of 2 months.

  1. Duties of the Post

The exact format of each post will be agreed with the successful applicant, the Clinical Director of Emergency and Urgent Services, the Specialty Lead for Emergency Medicine and the Directorof Medical Education NHS Forth Valley. However the following general principles will apply. Within a 10 PAs(programmed activity) contract, each fellow will contribute approximately:

  • 4PAs of Supervised Clinical activity linked to Emergency Medicine/ Paediatric Emergency Medicine under the mentorship of a Consultant staff member
  • 4PAs ofout of hours (OOH) clinical activity e.g. Emergency Medicine Department
  • 2 PAs Continuing Professional Development (CPD)

It is anticipated that the successful candidate will undertake rotation to a preferred specialty of choice during the 12 month contract for a period of 2 months.

CPD can take the form of some of these components (details to be negotiated on commencement):

  • Clinical teaching skills development through theClinical Educator Programme (CEP)
  • Management and Leadership skills development through the Post Graduate Certificate of Health Professions Education
  • Research and Quality Improvement skills development and activity linked to Safety and Quality improvement in Emergency Medicine, NHS Forth Valley
  • Potential opportunities to work in the Scottish Centre for Simulation and Clinical Human Factors


NHS Forth Valley is an integrated NHS Board in Scotland providing primary, community, mental health and hospital services to a population of approximately 310,000. Currently, services are provided in one acute hospital, four community hospitals and fifty-six health centres.Cathie Cowan is theChief Executive and MrAndrew Murrayis the Medical Director.

NHS Forth Valley will support their aims to develop and implement the educational strategy through provision of clinical placements.

  • Oversight of the quality of both post-graduate and undergraduate medical education in clinical areas of NHS Forth Valley.
  • Liaison with Director of Medical Education to ensure GMC quality standards are monitored and reported upon.
  • Allocating and/or coordinating financial, logistical and event-based resources to support undergraduate and post-graduate learning.
  • Integration of training into the demands of a clinical service and ensure safety of our patients through appropriate and graded supervision and support for training doctors.
  • Ensure UG students of medicine are prepared for clinical practice through engagement with relevant and rewarding experiences in the clinical setting

Appointment: the appointment will be on a fulltime basis (40 hours) for12 months only and subject to satisfactory on-going appraisal within role.

Salary: In line with current seniority at time of appointment relating to the pay and conditions of service remuneration of hospital medical and dental staff [NHS Circular: PCS(DD)2017/1]



The post holders will be expected to establish and maintain extremely good communications and working relationships with a wide range of staff, including:

  • Clinical Director Emergency and Urgent Services who has delegated immediate line manager responsibility to the Speciality Lead for Emergency Medicine.
  • Supervising Staff members from Medical, Clinical and AHPs backgrounds
  • Academic mentor/ Named Clinical Supervisor
  • Director of Medical Education
  • Colleagues in training grades at Foundation, Core and Specialty level



The post holder will be based in Forth Valley Royal Hospital and will spend much of their time with other clinicians, staff and medical students.

Annual leave

Annual leave is in accordance with the nationally agreed terms and conditions of the grade of applicant.

Medical Clearance

The offer of appointment is subject to the post holder undergoing relevant clearances and health checks as dictated by HR Medical Workforce Team.

Qualifications and Experience

The post holder must (at the time of commencement of employment) have full registration with the GMC. Ideally applicants will have recently completed a UK based Foundation Programme and understand the UK Healthcare system.

Job Revision

This job description should be regarded only as a guide to the duties required and not definitive or restrictive in any way. It may be reviewed in the light of changing circumstances following consultation with the post holders. This job description does not form part of the contract of employment.

Visits & Information

Prospective applicants are encouraged to make contact with the Specialty Lead for Emergency Medicine [Dr Roger Alcock] email

Training Approval

These posts are not recognised for training but have been designed previously in consultation with the Postgraduate Dean (East) in relation to future employment status and eligibility for Core or Specialty training and are built on sound educational governance principles.

Entry Criteria for Emergency Development Fellow
Essential / Desirable / When evaluated
Qualifications / Successful completion of UK Foundation Programme or equivalent. / Distinction, prizes or honours during Postgraduatetraining
ALS/ATLS/CRISP/APLS / Application form
Experience / Recent experience in acute care specialties such as Emergency Medicine, Acute Medicine or Critical Care. / Well-presented log book or professional portfolio / Application form / Interview
Eligibility / Eligible for full registration with the GMC at time of appointment and hold a current licence to practice.
Evidence of achievement of postgraduate medical training in line with GMC standards/Good Medical Practice.
Eligibility to work in the UK / Application form
Application form / Interview
Application form
Teaching / Enthusiastic in teaching clinical skills in the workplace or training environment.
Evidence of contributing to teaching & learning of others / Experience of simulation based teaching.
Has successfully completed a ‘training the trainers’ or ‘teaching skills’ course / Application form / Interview
Fitness To
Practise / Is up to date and fit to practise safely / Application form / References
Health / Meets professional healthrequirements(in line with GMCstandards/ Good Medical Practice) / Application Form
Pre-employment health screening
Academic/ Research Skills / Research Skills: Demonstrates understanding of the basic principles of audit, clinical risk management & evidence-based practice
Understanding of basic research principles, methodology & ethics, with a potential to contribute to research
Audit: Evidence of active participation in audit / Evidence of relevant academic & research achievements
e.g. degrees, prizes, awards, distinctions, publications, presentations, other achievements
Evidence of participation in risk management and/or clinical/laboratory research / Application Form / Interview
Entry Criteria for Emergency Development Fellow
Essential / Desirable / When evaluated
Skills / JudgementUnder Pressure:
•Capacity to operate effectively under pressure & remain objective In highly emotive/pressurised situations
•Awareness of own limitations & when to ask for help
Communication Skills:
•Capacity to communicateeffectively & sensitively with others
•Able to discuss treatmentoptions with patients in a way they canunderstand
•Excellent written and verbal communication skills
  • Evidence of understanding of the importance of team work
Problem Solving:
•Capacity to think beyond the obvious, with analytical and flexiblemind
•Capacity to bring a range of approaches to problem solving
Situation Awareness:
•Capacity to monitor and anticipatesituations that may change rapidly
Decision Making:
•Demonstrates effective judgement and decision- making skills
Organisation & Planning:
•Capacity to manage time and prioritise workload, balance urgent & importantdemands, follow instructions
•Understandsimportance & impact of information systems
Evidence of ability to present oneself in an organised, professional manner
Experienced with Microsoft Word including PowerPoint, word-processing and spreadsheet software / Motivated and able to work unsupervised as well as within a small team under appropriate guidance / Application Form
Entry Criteria for Emergency Development Fellow
Essential / Desirable / When evaluated
Probity / Professional Integrity:
Takes responsibility for own actions.
Demonstrates respect for the rights of all.
Demonstrates awareness of ethical principles, safety, confidentiality & consent. / Application Form / Interview / References


To apply for this post, please complete fully the enclosed Medical and Dental Application Form.

It is important that all applicable sections are completed as it will not be possible to consider incomplete applications.

Please note that we do not accept applications in the form of Curricula Vitae.

Please quote reference numberMD0218161on all correspondence.

Please note the following dates:

Closing Date:Wednesday 24th March 2018

Interview Date: TBC

Please return your completed application to:

Medical Workforce

Human Resources Department

Room 2

Administration Offices

Falkirk Community Hospital



or, if returning an application electronically, please email it to:

All applications will be acknowledged within two working days of receipt.

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