UNEP/OzL.Pro.15/Bur.1/4 UNEP/Ozl.Pro.15/Bur.2/4
/United Nations
/ Distr.: LimitedGeneral1245 Februaryxx MJulyarch 2004
Original: English
First Extraordinary Meeting of the PartiesThe Bureau of the Fifteenth Meeting of the
to thParties to the Montreal Protocol on Substances
that Deplete the Ozone Layer
SecondFirst meeting
GenevaMontreal, 124-2622 JulyMarch 2004
Organizational Matters: adoption of the agenda
Agenda item 6
6: Aadoption of the report[(]
UNEP/OzL.Pro.15/Bur.1/4 UNEP/Ozl.Pro.15/Bur.2/4
Annotated provisional agendaReport of the second meeting of the Bureau of the Fifteenth Meeting of the Parties to the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer
1. The Bureau of the Fifteenth Meeting of the Parties to the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer met at the Geneva Centre International de Confeérence Centres, Genevathe headquarters of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), Montreal, on 122JulyMarch2004.
I. Opening of the meeting
2. The meeting was called to order at 10.20xx15 a.m. on Monday, 122 July March 2004 by xxxxthe President, Mr.JiříHlaváčekMr.Hlavacek..
3. The meeting was attended by the following members of the Bureau, who had been elected to their posts by the Fifteenth Meeting of the Parties, held in Nairobi from 11to 14November2003, or nominated by their Governments in accordance with rule24of the rules of procedure:
Mr. Jiří Hlaváček Jiri Hlavacek (Czech Republic)
Mr. Juán Tomas Filpo (Dominican Republic)
Mr. Oladapo Afolabi Bala M. Mande (Nigeria)
Mr. Gabriel Luluaki (Papua New Guinea)
Mrs. Gabriel Luluaki Claudia McMurray ((Papua New GuineaUnited States of America)
Mr. Robert Ford (United States of America)
4. A full list of participants is given in the annex to the present report.
II. Adoption of the agenda
5. The provisional agenda given in document UNEP/OzL.Pro.15/Bur.21/1 was adopted:
1. Opening of the meeting.
2. Adoption of the agenda.
3. Updated on the aActions taken on the decisions of the Fifteenth Meeting of the Parties to the Montreal Protocol, held in Nairobi from 11 to 14 November 2003, and the fFirst Extraordinary Meeting of the Parties to the Montreal Protocol, held in Montreal from 24 to 26 March 2004.
4. ReOverview of the working documents prepared for the twenty-fourth mFirst Extraordinary Meeting of the Open-ended Working Group of the Parties to the Montreal Protocol, to be held in Geneva Montreal from 1324 to 126July March2004.
5. Other matters. State of peparation for the 16th mop
6. Adoption of the report.
7. Closure of the meeting.
III. Update on the aActions taken on the decisions of the Fifteenth Meeting of the Parties to the Montreal Protocol, held in Nairobi from 11 to 14 November 2003, and the fFirst Extraordinary Meeting of the Parties to the the Montreal Protocol, held in Montreal from 24 to 26 March 2004
6. Attention was drawn to the note by the Secretariat UNEP/OzL.Pro.15/Bur.21/2, which summarized the actions taken on decisions ****XV/1–54 and XV/5756 of the Parties at their Fifteenth Meeting and on decisionsEx.I/1–Ex.I/5 of the Parties at their fFirst Extraordinary Meeting of the Parties.
hightlight most importat issues firs nairobi, since the numbers as of 11 jun, since then afhanistant joined and ratiedfied everythin up to and incl beijing amndmt
this is directed towards the teap which will presnet a report to the t16th mop.
decison 3, see wg24/3 give you the situation right now the Secretariat sent out letters or freminder to al the non article 2??? partes to remind to rtify.
essential use nominations not much action required by the Secretariat rquests from from 5 countries for ess use noms 1 omment we ve much involved w critical use exampltion [not essential] new process and WHO we have all these fdifficulteis, hope cirticla will settle down and go as smoothly
decison xiv/5 place it on the web if parties not indicted that its condifendetial. othr issue in this decison is a reauest to mody the bhook on essential use nonmination teap said at hsipint in tme not advaisable, too compliated.
no action required on 6
7.recommending new processes o process agents to be inclued in the list not been done yet because teap is arrangeinfr a new toc, chemical opition s CTOC not yet set up althou idea who chair will be.
v/8 is the same – no rsponse yet to the teap will com from the CTOV.
9 no action rquird, its information for he parites.
10. tea was reauest proved a report next yer they will do that no action reuird this year. one comment the dlegation at adhom mebtoc more than amount of cfcs included in formas that will hae ot be destroyed sooner or later, 1 1/4 million tonnes of cfs this is more than whole amount pod since beiging ozone treateis in 1987.
7. 11 the oz sec wer reaquested liaise with icao this was done a full report is still in the dicussion pahse report to mop in prage.
8. 12 very big problem for n arica date growing countries, reuests impcom to take this into ac when look at compliance status thus countries.
9. 13 impcom will meet this staurday first time, look at reports on non-cmpliacne/
10. non comince in 2003 based on what reported by 63 parties up to 7 june this iwwll bepresented, play any invoration recd afte that.
11. 15 encouraged partes to report by 30 june each year we have very good result this year, 96 reports recieved by that date see wg24/5 gives the numbers 95 plus Belarus Much bette than in previous years – thses numbers not toll October in earlier years. parites to becommended
12. 16-45 these will be taken up by impcom mtf on saturdy, the Secretariat has prepared a agend and 2 docs, a summery country by country issue by ss non-compliance, and thos hat comae out of new data recd this yera. sencd do is the draft data report, final form will be submitte to the mop.
13. we formally informed the the Executive Committee, maybe they have somethign to say.
14. 47 steering panel met 3 times and also provided for a draft of the report to be presented at the oweg i hope all of you recied copy of the draft we planced inon the web and mailed it and the chairm of the steering panel inomat will ive a presentation on this as will as the company icf at the oweg.
15. 48 follwing selection of new the Chief Officer of the Executive Committee a decison taken to amend the tor pargra 10k relating to how to select the Chief Officer so that the chair of the the Executive Committee will report on this to the oewg.
16. tony in rgtard to 15/48 report this was dicuss at the 42 nd 43 metgs the the Executive Committee at the 43rd the chair of ecom reported proess her disucssion chief of human resources dept at tuant plus the ed of unep will report
17. action have been takne and report will be provided to the 16th as provided for by the dcision.
18. 16-45 the Executive Committee has been quite active ....chair say do it when graber has finsihed.
19. hes jumped over 49,
20. 50 and 51 ruth to answer on 52
21. 53 totr willbe used in 2006 for the assessments to be dicussed in 2007
22. 54 problem category of conted crit use snominations, now been resolved.
23. 55 levai from chile and ..... from poland ajnesc
24. 56 extra, \
25. 57 decision to hold meeting in prageu everythin is on rack.
26. decison ist extamoringa 1 decisons will consider preferably by 2006further intermim redns could be conseidered before that, as ec has interpetted and has palced an amnmt and adustment to the mor at this oewg meeting.
27. 2 is addressed to the Executive Committee, how handle cases where took a decions ... huh
28. 3 cirical use, took the ifnal decions on final reound of nominations in 2003, round subimmited in 2004 still being dusucssed tobe discussed in pargae.
29. 4 parties decided on elements whih are included in the decison some more issues were rwuested to be discussed at the oweg and dciedied this year. also revise the handbook but mebtok still working on it will be decided 16th meeting of the parties
30. 5 review of theproceudrs, the Secretariat arranged a meeting taing place right now 12 and 12 parties they will expected to come up wiht a report presented to oewg for sdicssion nd recomendations.
31. I conclude.
32. chair callfor comments or info you need from the Secretariat
33. tony acxtions committee taken in ex 1/2 on accelrtated phase-out of methyl bromide latr.
34. non compliance: the Executive Committee has been takening issue v seiousl and its mandate toa ssist cuh countries. the basis for the strategy egic plang gives priorty to projects in countries in danger of noncompliance secific decisona slko aken at the 41 and 42 mrtgs to smooth admin procedurs and urges implementing agencies to enhanve activities in countries facing noncompliance. example premilinary assistane approved for afganistan becae its recent raifitcaiton/
35. also to bhutan, about to ratify funding afunging on provisio bhutan must first raitify, next fdew weeks. Asked the Secretariat to report ot every meeting on countries in danger of non-compliance
36. presiden tlast 15th mtig last impcom ssks graber
37. nigeia comedns the Secretariat for concise and deepo report and encourage the Executive Committee for the ir proactiv action taken and suggested that a meachism should be drawn up for looking for _poteniall_ non-complainc activities in developing countries and africa in aprticalr
38. also nigeria amount of cfs in foam used all ove the pwrodl spend more time on this, not gloss ove it.
39. tony at 43rd meeting the Executive Committee reuiest the bil and implementing agencies to incude phase-out activity and unep cap activity in thie r business palnce as a spefici rpiorty for unfunded and the Secretariat to report to every gugure the Executive Committee meeting on identfying possible obstacles to complaince.
41. Mr.Michael Graber Marco González ((Deputy Executive Secretary, Ozone Secretariat) gave a further oral report on the actions taken. With regard to decision XV/1, he noted that all the numbers of ratifying Parties should be augmented by one, since Afghanistan had subsequently ratified the ozone treaties and all the amendments. With regard to decision XV/10, on destruction of foams at the end of their life, he reported that the amount of CFCs included in foams that would have ultimately to be destroyed had been estimated at 1.25 million tonnes, more than the whole amount phased out since the beginning of the ozone treaties in 1987. With regard to decision XV/15, on earlier reporting of consumption and production data, he noted that the results had been very encouraging, with 96 reports received by the requested date of 30 June 2004, a level of reporting that in previous years had not been reached until about October.
42. With regard to decisions XV/16–XV/45, on non-compliance with the Montreal Protocol, the representative of the Multilateral Fund Secretariat reported that the Executive Committee was taking the issue very seriously. In line with decisions taken at its forty-first and forty-second meetings, it gave priority to projects in countries that were in non-compliance or in danger of becoming so, urging the implementing agencies to enhance their activities in such countries. The Executive Committee had also requested the Multilateral Fund Secretariat to report to every Executive Committee meeting on the status of those countries that were in danger of becoming non-compliant.
43. Mr. Afolabi (Nigeria) commended the Executive Committee on its proactive attitude to issues of non-compliance and suggested that a mechanism might be created to seek out activities that, while they might not be making a country non-compliant at present, had the potential to do so in the future, notably in the developing countries and in Africa in particular.
44. With regard to decision XV/48, on the report of the Executive Committee, as it related to the appointment of the Chief Officer, the representative of the Multilateral Fund Secretariat reported that the matter had been discussed at the forty-second and forty-third meetings of the Executive Committee. The Chair of the Executive Committee had reported at the latter meeting on her discussions with the head of the Office of Human Resources Management at United Nations Headquarters, and with the Executive Director of UNEP, and intended to report thereon also to the Open-ended Working Group.
45. , including on the special meeting of the Methyl Bromide Technical Options Committee (MBTOC), held from 10to 12February2004 in Los Angeles, United States of America, to evaluate the “noted” category of critical-use nominations; on the special meeting of the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel (TEAP) which had followed on 13and 14February2004, also in Los Angeles, and had produced the 2004 Supplementary Report of the TEAP on Critical Use Nominations dated 14February 2004 and that was distributed to the Parties for consideration at the forthcoming First Extraordinary Meeting of the Parties; on an informal consultation on methyl bromide held in Buenos Aires on 4and 5March2004 to identify possible options for solutions to the various methyl-bromide-related issues on the agenda of the Extraordinary Meeting of the Parties; on the forthcoming open-ended informal consultation on methyl bromide to be convened, on the recommendation of the Buenos Aires informal consultation, on 23March2004 in Montreal; and on the organization of the Extraordinary Meeting to be held from 24 to 26 March 2004 in Montreal.
46. The Bureau took note of the information contained in document UNEP/OzL.Pro.15/Bur.21/2, with the comments set forth below.
47. and of the further information provided orally by Mr.Graberonzález. Chair commended reports of the teap on what? and fiancial what?
A. Decision XV/54. Categories of assessment to be used by the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel when assessing critical uses of methyl bromide