Somerset, Pennsylvania
Board of School Directors Meeting, August 11, 2014
Superintendent’s Report No. 3 – 2014/2015
A. Approval of the minutes for the Special Board Meeting on June 30, the Regular Board Meeting on July 7, and the Special Board Meeting on August 5, 2014
B. Approval of the treasurer’s report
C. Approval of the financial report
D. Approval of the following investments:
Pennsylvania School District Liquid Asset Fund MAXX – General Fund:
07/11/14 Transfer from Pennsylvania School District Liquid 13,076.82
Asset – MAXX Cafeteria
07/24/14 State Transfer 43,166.00
Social Security
07/31/14 State Transfer 46,510.86
ECS Federal Project
Pennsylvania School District Liquid Asset - MAXX – Money Market Fund – Cafeteria Fund:
07/09/14 State Transfer 89,705.13
07/31/14 Interest 1.43
Pennsylvania Local Government Investment Trust – Money Market Fund – General Fund:
07/03/14 Capital Tax Bureau 57,809.28
07/11/14 Capital Tax Bureau 22,766.83
07/11/14 Capital Tax Bureau 10,038.05
07/18/14 Capital Tax Bureau 53,467.91
07/22/14 Capital Tax Bureau 2,425.54
07/25/14 Capital Tax Bureau 18,552.34
07/31/14 Interest 17.69
Pennsylvania Local Government Investment Trust – Money Market Fund –
Capital Improvement:
07/01/14 Transfer from Pennsylvania Local Government 250,000.00
Investment Trust/PLUS - General
07/31/14 Interest 25.19
E. Approval of the bills.
F. Approval of the 2013/2014 budget transfers. See appendix A.
A. It is recommended that the Board grant permission for the Superintendent, the Director of Finance and Operations, Building Principals, Directors of Special Education, and Director of Athletics/Dean of Students/Facilities Coordinator to attend County, District, and State meetings for the 2014/2015 school year.
B. It is recommended that the Board authorize the Superintendent and the Director of Finance & Operations to approve the payment of any known expenditures not on this agenda’s list of bills that are applicable to the 2013/2014 fiscal year on or before the September 8, 2014 board meeting. These expenditures will appear on the Board’s September 8, 2014 agenda for approval.
C. It is recommended that the Board approve the bus routes for the 2014/2015 school year.
A. It is recommended that the Board approve an agreement with Extended Family Programs, Inc. to provide counseling and behavioral assessment/support services at a cost of $80.98 per diem per day for secondary students and $83.91 per day for elementary students from July 1, 2014 to June 30, 2015. See appendix B.
B. It is recommended that the Board approve an agreement with the Learning Lamp to provide Title I school year services to St. Peter’s Catholic School (in the amount of $18,712.00), Somerset Christian School (in the amount of $9,834.00), and Champion Christian School (in the amount of $940.00), all for the 2014/2015 school year, as required by Title I, and to be paid by Title I Federal Funds for the 2014/2015 school year. See appendix C.
C. It is recommended that the Board approve an agreement with The Meadows Psychiatric Center/Universal Community Behavioral Health to facilitate the care of individuals assigned to the school district for the 2014/2015 school year. See appendix D.
D. It is recommended that the Board approve an agreement with Community Action Partnership for Somerset County (CAPFSC) to rent two classrooms at Eagle View Elementary for $2,250 per classroom for their Head Start Program. See appendix E.
E. It is recommended that the Board approve an agreement with Saint Francis University for students to begin college credit courses before graduation from high school for the 2014/2015 school year. See appendix F.
F. It is recommended that the Board authorize the administration to fill any vacant positions that come available after the August 11, 2014 voting meeting, with the understanding that the hires will be ratified in the September board meeting.
G. It is recommended that the Board approve the novel Tuesdays with Morrie by Mitch Albom for the 10th grade English classes.
H. It is recommended that the Board approve a medical sabbatical leave for Amy Svonavec, English teacher, effective August 20, 2014 through the end of the 1st semester of the 2014/2015 school year.
I. It is recommended that the Board approve a medical leave for Nancy Lynch, educational assistant at Maple Ridge Elementary, effective August 22, 2014.
J. It is recommended that the Board accept, with regret, the resignation of Nicole Houser, elementary teacher, effective August 4, 2014.
K. It is recommended that the Board accept, with regret, the resignation of Bruce Hrach, school psychologist, effective August 7, 2014.
L. It is recommended that the Board accept the following tuition students for the 2014/2015 school year:
a. Smantha Miller – 7th grade, home school district is Shanksville
b. Victoria Hearn – 1st grade, home school district is Rockwood
c. Amelia Zanoni – pursuant to the District’s Tuition Policy for Employees
M. It is recommended that the Board approve the following band staff members for the 2014/2015 school year. Their appointments are provisional until the District receives all appropriate clearances, satisfactory physicals and drug screenings:
a. Emily Ellis – Assistant Band Director
b. Jesse Trentini – Drill Writer/Drill Instructor
c. Laura Hucik – Band Front Advisor/Choreographer
N. It is recommended that the Board grant tenure to the following professional employees:
a. Susan Geary – school nurse
b. Ashley Spangler – biology/science
c. Sheena Zolla – special education
d. Kirsten Zimmerman - elementary
e. Sherri Ritenour - math
O. It is recommended that the Board approve the following assignments for the 2014/2015 school year:
a. Teacher assignments
b. Substitute teachers
c. Substitute educational assistants
d. Substitute custodians
e. Bus drivers
f. Cafeteria employees
g. Co-curricular advisors
h. Planning team members and coordinators
See appendix G.
A. It is recommended that the Board approve the following coaches for the 2014/2015 season. Their appointments are provisional until the District receives all appropriate clearances and satisfactory drug screenings:
Varsity Football Assistant Coach Chris Beckel
(Video & IT)
Varsity Boys Soccer Assistant Coach Joe Zimmerman
Volunteer Coach Tom Johnston
Varsity Volleyball Assistant Coach Elizabeth Barron
(Originally approved as Volunteer)
Junior High Cheer Head Coach Christina Hemminger
Volunteer Coach Chelsea Brewer
Junior High Football Volunteer Coach Chad Fleegle
Junior High Girls Soccer Head Coach Alex Bastidas
Assistant Coach Kevin Faulkner
B. It is recommended that the Board accept, with regret, the resignation of Nicole Houser as the Varsity Girls Volleyball assistant coach.
C. It is recommended that the Board approve the following game workers for the 2014/2015 season:
Randy Beistel Kristi Lorence
Mike Belardi Dawn Mapes
Rich Belardi Steve Mapes
Mike Benton Steve McIlveen
Chad Bowers Russ Merryman
Dave Bowers Tom Minnick
Ben Brotz Karen Neilan
Ryan Buterbaugh Ashley Oglevee
Marc Cacciotti Jay Papini
Sue Centi Jean Papini
Polly Close Jim Patton
Brian Coder Matt Peters
Bill Correll Sarah Pile
Steve Costea Christy Poorbaugh
Beth Costea Mark Reckner
Joe DeBlase Mary Rose
Scott Dunlap Nancy Rose
Wanda Durst Barry Sanner
Mike Fariss Craig Schrock
Ken Goblinger Cheri Shaffer
Marcy Gross Sharon Shaffer
George Grove Cathy Shaulis
Denise Grove Chad Shetler
Jessica Hay Juli Shetler
Cindy Hayman Dan Starry
Jean Hemminger Craig Stinebiser
Drew Hittie Mike Sube
Lauren Hittie Randy Urbain
Neil Ickes Bob Vought
Clint Illar Cheryl Vought
Paula Keyser-Coughenour Greg Vought
Sue Kinsinger Ben Walter
Cindi Knopsnyder Justin Yachere
Craig Knupp Scott Yachere
Melanie Knupp Chris Zanoni
Michelle Zarefoss
A. The following field trips are presented as per policy and are mentioned only as a report to the Board:
No. / Teacher/Requestor / Student Group / Destination / Benefits / Date (s)1. / Kinder Kamp teachers / Kinder Kamp students / Police/Fire Station, and playground / For a tour / August 7, 2014
2. / Dan Overdorff / FFA students / Springfield, Mass. / FFA Contest / September 11-14, 2014
3. / Brandon Lambert / Marching Band / Kennywood Park / Participate in parade / August 6, 2014
A. The following educational conferences are presented for the Board’s consideration:
No. / Name / Conference/Workshop Title / Location / Date (s) / Cost / Funding Source1. / Catherine Matthews / AP Spanish Language & Culture / Gaithersburg, Md / June 24-27, 2014 / $1,792 / Title II A
2. / Scott Shirley / PAESSP Conference / Pittsburgh / October 19-21, 2014 / $862 / Title II A
A. The following requests are presented for the Board’s consideration:
No. / Requestor / Facility / Activity / Date(s) / Fee1. / Somerset County Mobile Food Bank / Junior High cafeteria and lobby / Distribute food / September 25, October 23, November 20 and December 18, 2014 / No fee
2. / Remember My Footprints / Junior High cafeteria / Basket Raffle / Sunday, August 10, 2014 / Fee = $35
3. / Somerset CROP Walk and 5K Run / Football field track / Raise funds for hunger / September 28, 2014 / No fee
4. / The Learning Lamp / JH LGI room / Substitute teacher orientation / July 30 and August 4, 2014 / No fee
A. It is recommended that the Board address any other relevant issues at this time.