Instructional Appointments
Unless an instructor has a primary appointment in another unit and is teaching a course cross listed in both units, he/she must hold a current faculty appointment in the unit where the course is listed. This appointment may be a tenure track appointment, a secondary appointment, a regular rank, non-tenure track appointment, or a non-regular rank appointment. Most non-regular rank instructional appointments fall in two categories: 1) adjunct appointments (intended for individuals holding primary non-academic appointments at Duke or primary appointments at other institutions) and 2) short-term appointments (intended to last one semester or one year).
A sample appointment letter for a visiting or adjunct professor follows. Attach to the offer letter the memorandum concerning appointments that follows the sample offer letter.
It should be noted that among instructional staff only those holding full-time appointments of at least one academic year's length (nine months) are eligible for most fringe benefits, including life and hospitalization insurance. Nonetheless, all salaries are "taxed" for the contribution to the fringe benefit pool. Therefore, if department chairs make appointments for the academic year, they should order the salary to be paid over at least a nine-month period. Check with the Senior Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs if there are questions.
Dear ______:
I am pleased to offer you an appointment as Visiting/Adjunct ______Professor in the Department of _____ for a X-year/X-semester term beginning ______and ending ______. [Note: Never to exceed three years]
Your initial salary rate is $_____. Payment is made in X installments beginning Month 25, XXXX.
This appointment carries no stipend.
Your duties will include .... [Note: Though optional, this paragraph is strongly recommended.]
For an up-to-date summary of DukeUniversity benefits, please consult the following web page: [Note: If the appointment does not offer benefits, omit this paragraph.]
Please read and comply with the instructions on the attached memorandum concerning employment.
We look forward with pleasure to the prospect that you will join us at Duke. Please indicate your acceptance, if that is your decision, by signing the enclosed copy of this letter and returning it to me by Month XX, XXXX.
I accept the offer described in this letter.
cc: Dean of Faculty of A&S
Sandra Connolly
Kevin Moore