Look through Chapter 21: Pg. 386 – 404 to answer the following vocabulary words.
- Great Schism
- Indulgences
- 95 Theses (Pg. 386/389)
- Act of Supremacy
- Counter Reformation
- Puritans
- Edict of Nantes
- Absolute Monarch
- Versailles (Pg. 399)
- Council of Trent
Purposeful Learning Assessment
Answer the following question with a typed explanation answering all elements of the question. Be sure to use examples from Chapter 21 to explain and support your information.
Do NOT PLAGERIZE! Plagiarism will result in a 0…
Use MLA citations within your answer and include a works cited element.
Citation in answer: (Last name, #)
Explain how the reformation changed Christianity, how rulers in Europe looked at religion and how Christianity is different today.
Type Here - Print only this page and rubric
Purposeful Learning Assessment Rubric30 Points
Historical information and examples are accurate and well researched.
Answer includes MLA citations from the book and other reliable sources.
The final answer is collected in a way that is easy to find each element of the question.
Word Choice/Grammar
Any worded areas are grammatically correct. One point lost for every two
Luther Introduction
After watching the PBS video clips,answer the following questions.
- Hypothesize how the Roman Catholic Church controlled daily life in medieval Europe.
- View PBS Video clip #1 and answer the following questions. Discussion will follow.
- How did the Roman Catholic Church control daily life in medieval Europe?
- How did this control effect the population?
- View PBS Video clip #2 and answer the following questions. Discussion will follow.
- Explain how the plaque shook people’s beliefs in the church.
- List TWO TURNING POINTS in Luther’s life that led him to become a monk instead of a lawyer.
- View PBS Video clip #3 and answer the following questions. Discussion will follow.
- The grievances Luther had with the Roman Catholic Church.
- What method did Luther use to voice his opinions? Was this a traditional means to communicate with the Catholic Church?
- How did his actions change the world? ("Martin Luther: Reluctant Revolutionary")
- HOMEWORK: Brainstorm organizations (in the same way that Luther had grievances with the Roman Catholic Church about indulgences) with which you have grievances and what are they? Examples: School administration or community government.
Complaint Department
Students will share their "Theses" with their classmates.
Review with students that Martin Luther nailed his "95 Theses" to the door of the WittenbergChurch that was customary for the day.
As a class, brainstorm ways in which each group "Theses" could most appropriately be heard.
Examples: Sending a letter, printing on the Internet or announcements at a town meeting.
Research other examples of how one person can change the world.
- Who were they?
- Through what methods did this person change the world?
Section 1 Explorer
Read through Section 1 (Pg. 386) to answer the following questions.
- Explain how the Reformation split the world.
- List reasons for the decline of the Catholic Church before 1517.
- Politics and the Church: You will be split into groups.
Each group will be assigned one of the following situations that led to the Great Schism. In your individual groups, explain what happened, know when it happened (events before and after),why it happened and give two viewpoints (one from the country’s leader and one from the Church.) Following your research time, each group will place themselves in chronological order and present their findings.
Use the following situations:
- The Holy Roman Emperor ordered a papal election.
- Two popes headed the Church at the same time.
- Pope Boniface VIII declared the supreme power of the papacy.
- King Philip IV ordered the pope to live in Avignon.
- King Philip IV imprisoned Pope Boniface VIII.
Reformation Map
Locate the following places on the map. Color each location using a DIFFERENT COLOR for ADJACENT locations;Color Protestant and Catholic majority areas after map is finished; Go over other locations lightly to show division in Europe. Effort of the map will be worth 5 Points: Locations will be worth 1 Point each. Use maps on Page 395and 401 to fill in map.
1. / Atlantic Ocean / 11. / Holy Roman Empire (outline and label)2. / Portugal / 12. / Mediterranean Sea
3. / Spain / 13. / Baltic Sea
4. / Italy / 14. / North Sea
5. / Sweden / 15. / France
6. / Scotland / 16. / Norway
7. / England / 17. / Black Sea
8. / Ireland / 18. / Denmark
9. / English Channel / 19. / Protestant Areas
(Lt. Yellow)
10. / Avignon / 20. / Catholic Areas
(Lt. Blue)
Section 2: A Division in Europe
Find answers and place them in the graphic organizer to understand the differences between religions. Answers can be found within Chapter 21: Section 2 Pg. 389. Click on religion for websites to help you find differences between then and now for Luther’s religion, Calvin’s religion and ONE other religion.
New Religion / Who Started it? / How/Why was it started? / How was it different from Catholicism? / Where did it spread or exist?Lutheranism
ReligionCurrent Practice
Section 4 & 5: Absolute Monarchies
Complete each statement. Answers can be found within Chapter 21: Section 4 & 5 Pg. 398.
- 1550-1650 Reason Europeans liked absolutism =
- Why does Hobbes express that absolutism is necessary for peace?
- After being assigned a ruling family from the following list, fill in the chart accordingly.
GroupRuling FamilyPerson #1Person #2Person #3
1Hapsburg – SpainCharles VPhilip IIFerdinand I
2Hapsburg – PrussiaLeopold IFrederick WilliamFrederick II
& Hohenzollern
3Tudors of EnglandHenry VIIIMary IElizabeth I
4Bourbons of FranceHenry IVMarie de’ MediciCardinal Mazarin
5Bourbons of FranceLouis XIIICardinal RichelieuLouis XIV
6RomanovsMikhailPeter the GreatCatherine the Great
Religion / Importance: (Accomplishments/ Failures/ Most Noted for…) / Ties to other CountriesRuling Family:
Person #1:
Person #2:
Person #3:
- Sketch Ruling Family relationships by using a family tree to other main family members.
- Make notes for other groups ruling families.