In the spring of 2006, the state adopted a model policy on academic acceleration, including subject acceleration, whole grade acceleration, early entrance to Kindergarten and first grade, and early graduation. In accordance with state law and ODE rules, Southwest Licking adopted its own policies incorporating the elements mandated by law. These can be found in district policies numbered 5112, 5409, 5410, and 5464.

Policy Highlights

Who can be accelerated?

  • Anyone who demonstrates an advanced academic need regardless of gifted identification.
  • Four year olds may enter Kindergarten.
  • Five year olds may skip Kindergarten and enter 1st grade.

Who may make a referral for acceleration?

  • Parents
  • Teachers and Administrators
  • Students
  • Physicians and Psychologists
  • Special note – if referral is for Early Kindergarten and the child will be 5 after January 1 of the Kindergarten year or if the referral is for early 1st grade and the child will be 6 after January 1 of the 1st grade year, referral must come from an educator or medical professional.

Who decides if acceleration occurs?

  • A committee including the gifted teacher(s), gifted coordinator, building administrator, sending and receiving teachers, and parents make the final decision together.
  • Decision is based on information gathered on the Iowa Acceleration Scale.

What is the process?

  • Referral is made and forwarded onto the building principal specialist.
  • The building principal obtains permission to test from the parents.
  • The gifted coordinator administers a cognitive abilities test. If the score is below 115, review ends. If above 115, the process continues.
  • The gifted coordinator administers normed achievement tests for the grade to be skipped in any subjects appropriate. (Single subject test for single subject acceleration; all subjects for grade acceleration.)
  • The building principal or designee talks with teachers and parents to complete the Iowa Acceleration Scales (IAS).
  • IAS scores are tallied and a recommendation is made.
  • The committee meets to determine best placement.
  • If acceleration will occur, a written acceleration plan is developed to guide the transition.

What is the Iowa Acceleration Scale?

  • Rating scale for acceleration reviews.
  • Considers academic, cognitive, motivational, physical growth, and social maturity elements.

Other notes:

  • One person cannot make a decision to accelerate or not accelerate.
  • Decisions may not be made on the basis of available transportation.
  • Subject accelerated students will take the OAT at the level of instruction unless no OAT exists in the higher grade level. (For example, a 3rd grader in 4th grade math will take the 4th grade math OAT. An eighth grader in HS geometry will not take a math OAT.).
  • Appeals may be made to the Superintendent within 30 days of the placement decision.

Southwest Licking Local Schools

Referral for Acceleration Assessment

Child’s Name ______Date of Birth://



School:Grade:Referred By:

Please consider the above student for the following type of acceleration

Whole Grade Acceleration from Grade _____ to Grade _____

Subject Acceleration from Grade ____ to Grade _____ in:




Social Studies

Early Entrance to Kindergarten

Early Entrance to First Grade

Early Graduation

Reason for referral:









SignatureRelationship to ChildDate

Please return to your building principal.

Southwest Licking Local Schools

Permission for Acceleration Assessment

Child’s Name ______Date of Birth://



School:Grade:Referred By:

Your child has been referred as a potential candidate for academic acceleration. Assessments are required for identification purposes. The following assessments may be administered to your child:

OtisLennonSchool Ability Test

Iowa Test of Basic Skills

Woodcock Johnson Achievement Tests

Iowa Acceleration Scale

No assessment will be done without your written permission. Please read the information below and return this form to school as soon as possible. If you have questions, please contact: ______, Coordinator of Gifted Services at 740-349-6094.


I understand that if I grant permission, my child will receive assessment(s) by designated school personnel and that the information may be shared with teachers, principals, and other appropriate school personnel. I will be notified of the decision making process and meeting to determine the appropriate placement for my child based on this assessment.

Permission is given to conduct the assessment(s)

Permission is denied

SignatureRelationship to ChildDate

Please return to your child’s teacher by ______.