Module 1 Summative Assessment
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Personal Health -Module 1
Part 1 – Health Vocabulary
Read each phrase at the left and match it to theword on the right. Write the correct letter on the line.
1.______different from anyone or anything elsea. stress
2.______the way the body reacts to strong feelingsb. feelings
3.______ways to feel, such as happy or sadc. special
4.______when you do not mean to do something wrongd. mistake
5.______treating others nicely and with respecte. polite
Part 2 - Feelings
Look at the face below. Answer the following questions using this face.
- This person feels ______
- Tell about a time when you felt like this person.
I felt this way when____
Part 3 – Healthy Living
- Which of the following sentences is NOT true?
ⒶExercise makes your heart, lungs, and muscles strong.
ⒷPlaying video games is not a good kind of exercise.
ⒸYou should keep playing even if you feel pain.
ⒹSleep gives your body energy to run and play.
- Which is the best thing to do when you are angry?
ⒶThrow something.ⒷYell at someone.
ⒸTalk to someone you trust.ⒹCall someone names.
10. Which person is showing respect to classmates?
ⒶTodd laughs at kids who wear glasses.
ⒷSammi tells others that their drawings look nice.
ⒸJanet tells mean jokes about her classmates at lunch.
ⒹMike takes the basketball and won’t pass it to others.
11.Put an X next to the name of the person you would choose as a friend.
___ Bryan is smart and good at sports. Sometimes he laughs at kids who make mistakes or can’t play sports well.
___Jan is good at many things, but she doesn’t show off. She offers to help with math problems.
___Lisa always tries to be funny. Sometimes she goes too far and hurts people’s feelings.
___Mike is quiet, but he is kind. He often shares his dessert. Mike likes to skateboard.
Tell why you made your choice.
12. How can you fight germs? Fill in all possible answers.
ⒶWash hands before meals.
ⒷWear your glasses.
ⒸTake a shower or bath.
ⒹGet enough sleep.
13. Draw a picture that shows a way family members can work together. Create a caption for your picture
14. Underline each sentence that tells a way that family members can show love for one another. (You can have more than one answer.)
*When I was sick, my dad took care of me.
*On my sister’s birthday I made her a card.
*When my brother and I disagree about a TV show, we just yell louder.
*At dinner time, I helped my grandma set the table.
BCPS Office of Health Education –Revised 2014 Grade 2, Module 1
Module 1 Summative Assessment
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Answer the following questions using the menu above and what you know about food groups.
15. Which side dish is a vegetable?
16.Which dessert from the menu would be a healthier choice?
17.Which food group from “My Plate” is missing from the menu?
18.Which two drinks belong in the dairy group?
BCPS Office of Health Education, -Revised 2014
Grade 2, Module 1