A. General Information about Austria:


·183  „Living & Working“ in Austria is a comprehensive and very useful pdf brochure published by EURES and the Austrian Public Employment Service (AMS). It contains information on the following topics:

1  General Information

2  Arriving in Austria

3  Living Conditions

4  Seeking Employment in Austria

5  Terms and Conditions of Employment

6  Recognition of Foreign Diplomas and Licences

7  Taxes

8  Social Security

9  Living with children

10  Eductation

11  Check-list for the relocuation to Austria

12  European Employment Service (EURES) Advisors in Austria

B. Migrating to Austria:


On this homepage, which is run by the the Austrian foreign ministy, you will find all the neccessary information concerning migrating to Austria. It is targeted at EU- and EEA-citizens, third-country nationals as well as their families. It contains infomation on the following topics:

1. Types of migration

2. Living and Working in Austria

3. Services and links

C. Looking for a job in Austria:


If you are looking for a job in Austria, you might want to look at the English homepage of the Austrian Public Employment Service AMS.


The EURES page is always a great place to look for information.

D. Representation of Employees:


The Austrian Trade Union Federation is the only organization representing the interests of workers based on a voluntary membership. The ÖGB has a major function in the development of new laws: it initiates the drafting of bills and provides political reviews of and comments on bills submitted by other bodies which are then incorporated in the decision-making process.

Trade union members are entitled to legal advice and legal representation in court as well as many other benefits. They profit from the host of collective agreements negotiated by the ÖGB trade unions at industry level.

Trade unions within the ÖGB:

·183  GPA-djp: Union of Salaried Private Sector Employees and Printors,

·183  Journalists and Paper Workters

·183  vida: Transport ans Service Union:

·183  GPF: Union of Postal and Telecommunication Wortkers:ÖD: Union of Public Sector:

·183  GdG-KMSfB: Union of Muncipial Employees, Art, Media, Sport and Freelance Workers:

·183  GBH: Union of Construction ans Woodworkers:

·183  PRO-GE: Union of Production Workers:



·183 The Austrian Chamber of Labour is the legal representation of the Austrian employees and consumers. Membership is compulsory for all employees working in Austria, and it is thus not to be confused with Austrian unions, where membership is voluntary and which are organized in an