MSS 25

Mary Hewitt Loveless


1. Loveless, M.,
Gastric acidity and acid therapy in allergy,
J. Allergy, 7: 2-5-223, 1936.

2. Stull, A., Glidden, N., and Loveless, M.,
Protein content of human serums,
J. Allergy, 7: 333-336, 1936.

3. Cooke, R.A., Stull, A., Hebald, S., Loveless, M.H., and Sherman, W.B.,
A Preliminary report on the preparation and use of modified (denatured) extracts in the treatment of allergic conditions,
J. Allergy, 8: 276, 1937.

4. Cooke, R.A., Loveless, M.H., and Stull, A.,
Studies on immunity in a type of human allergy (hay fever): serological response of non-sensitive individuals to pollen injections,
J. Exper. Med., 66:689, 1937.

5. Loveless, M.H., Dorfman, R., and Downing, L.,
A Statistical evauation of the leucopenic index in allergy,
J. Allergy, 9: 321-344, 1938.

6. Loveless, M.H.,
Immunological studies in pollinosis, I. The presence of two antibodies related to the same pollen-antigen in the serum of treated hay fever patients,
J. Immol., 38: 25-50, 1940.

7. Loveless, M.H.,
Humoral antibody and tissue tolerance induced in pollen sensitive individuals by specific therapy,
S. Med. J., 33:869-878, 1940.

8. Loveless, M.H.,
Immunological studies in pollinosis, II. Passive sensitization of man through transfusion, J. Immol., 41: 15-34, 1941.

9. Loveless, M.H., and Baldwin, H.,
"Coli Metabolin: therapy in hay fever: psychogenic benefits,
J.A.M.A., 118: 451-453, 1942.

10. Loveless, M.H.,
Immunological studies of pollinosis, III. Fluctuations in antibody titer of normal individuals. Subcutaneously and intravenously injected with pollen-extract over protracted periods,
J. Immunol., 44: 1-8, 1942.

11. Loveless, M.H.,
Technique for preparing allergenic solutions,
Amer. Profess. Pharmacist,
Sept. & Oct. issues of 1942.

Mary Hewitt Loveless

Publications (cont.)

12. Loveless, M.H.,
Immunological studies of pollinosis, IV. The relationship between thermostable antibody in the circulation and clinical immunity,
J. Immunol., 47: 165-180, 1943.

13. Loveless, M.H.,
Immunological studies of pollinosis, V. The Enhanced response in hay fever,
J. Immunol., 47: 283-292, 1943.

14. Loveless, M.H.,
Immunological studies of pollinosis,
J Allergy, 14: 498-500, 1943.

15. Loveless, M.H.,
Penetration of allergens into the human skin,
N.Y. State J. Med., 44: 2455-58, 1944.

16. Loveless, M.H.,
Immunological studies in pollinosis, VI. Shortening the treatment of hay fever,
J. Allerg, 15:3-23, 1944 (awarded the Marcelle Prize).

17. Loveless, M.H.,
Conjunctival test as a guide to clinical immunity in hay fever,
Ann. Allergy, 3: 333, 1945.

18. Loveless, M.H.,
Coexistence of two antibodies for crystalline inculin in human serum,
Federation Proceedings, Part II, Vol. 5, no. 1, page 25c, 1946.

19. Baldwin, H., and Loveless, M.,
Chapter on preventive aspects of allergic conditions,
In: Preventive medicine and public health / by Wilson G. Smilie,
The MacMillan Company, New York, 1946.

20. Eagle, H. and Loveless, M.H.,
Evidence for the neutralization of antigen by reagin,
Federation Proceedings, 6: , 1947.

21. Loveless, M.H.,
Immunological studies of serum disease: 1. Fluctuations in the precipitin nitrogen during four months following an acute serum reaction,
Federation Proceedings, 6: 429, 1947.

22. Loveless, M.H.,
An evaluation of the therapeutic and side effects of pyribenzamine and benadryl, a review of 26 reports in the literature,
Am. J. of Med., 3: 296-308, 1947.

23. Loveless, M.H., and Brown, H.,
Desirable and undesireable effects of pyribenzamine and benadryl,
New Eng. J. of Med., 237: 501-504.

Mary Hewitt Loveless

Publications (cont.)

24. Loveless, M.H.,
Application of immunologic principles to the management of hay fever, including a preliminary report on the use of Freunds's adjuvant,
Am. J. Med. Sci., 214: 559-567, 1947.

25. Brown, H., and Loveless, M.H.,
Effect of ultraviolet irradiation of dwarf ragweed extract on the skin reactivity,
Ann. Allergy, 6: 7-10, 1948.

26. Loveless, M.H.., and Dworin, M.,
Six antihistamine antagonists in hay fever with a review of the literature,
J. Am. Med. Women's Assn., 4: 105-111, 1949.

27. Loveless, M.H.., and Best, R.,
Allergenic fraction of ragweed pollen prepared by electrophoresis-convection (Nielson-Kirkwood cell),
Federation Proceedings, 8: 407, 1949.

28. Loveless, M.H.,
Antigens of ragweed pollen: 1. Pollen prepared by electrophoresis-convection (Nielson-Kirkwood Apparatus),
1st International Congress of Biochemistry, Cambridge, England, Aug. 8-10, 1949.

29. Loveless, M.H., and Dworin, M.,
Allergy and antihistamine therapy,
Bull. N.Y. Ac. Med., 8: second series, 25, 473-487, 1949.

30. Loveless, M.H.,
Cottonseed protein vs. cottonseed oil sensitivity, IV. An objective approach to the diagnosis of food-allergy as applied to cottonseed atopy,
Ann. Allergy, 8: 15-22 & 125, 1950.

31. Loveless, M.H.,
Influence of ultraviolet irradiation of pollen-sensitizing serum to prevent transfer of homologous serum jaundice,
Fed. Proceedings, April 1950

32. Loveless, M.H.,
Ultraviolet irradiation of pollen-sensitizing serum to prevent transfer of homologous serum jaundice
Fed. Proceedings, 9: 386, 1950.

33. Loveless, M.H.
Milk allergy: A Survey of its incidence: Experiments with a masked ingestion test,
J. Allergy, 21: 489-499, Nov. 1950.

34. Loveless, M.H.,
Allergy for corn and its derivatives: Experiments with a masked ingestion test for its diagnosis,
J. Allergy, 21: 500-509, Nov. 1950

Mary Hewitt Loveless

Publications (cont.)

35. Loveless, M.H., Wright, I. and Ryan, A.,
Allergic fractions of low ragweed pollen, II. Some immunologic, electrophoretic and chemical characteristics of diffusates,
J. Allergy, 22: 120-45, March 1951.

36. Loveless, M.H.,
The Influence of ACTH on the sensitizing and immunizing antibodies of inhalant allergy, Bull. N.Y. Acad. Med., 27: 495-509, August 1951.

37. Loveless, M.H.,
Stability of sensitizing and "blocking" antibodies in allergic serum following ultraviolet irradiation,
J. Immunol., 69: 539-48, Nov. 1952

38. Loveless, M.H.,
Shortening the immunization procedure in pollen allergy: Experiments with 101 Ragweed-sensitive subjects during 13 years,
Bull. N.Y. Acad. Med., 28: 538, 1952 (abstract).

39. Reichlia, S., Loveless, M.H., and Kane, G.,
Loeffler's Syndrome following pencillin therapy,
Ann. Int. Med., 38: 113-120, 1953.

40. Loveless, M.H., and Cann, J.R.,
Distribution of allergic and "blocking" activity in human serum proteins fractionated by electrophoresis-convection,
Science, 117: 105-8, Jan. 1953.

40a. Abstract,
6th Intl. Congress Microbiol., 2: 4, Sept. 1953.

41. Cann., J.R. and Loveless, M.H.,
Distribution of sensitizing antibody in human serum proteins fractionated by electrophosesis-convection,
J. Immun., 72: 270-281, April 1954.

42. Lovelss, M.H. and Cann, J.R.,
Distribution of "blocking" antibody in human serum proteins fractionated by electro-phoresis convection,
J. Immunol., 74: 329-339, May 1955.

42a. Abstract
Fed. Proc., 14: 471, March 1955.

43. Loveless, M.H., Strahan, A. and Eagle, N., Evidence for the neutralization of antigen by skin-sensitizing antibody,
Quarterly Rev. Allergy, 9:, 81-93, March 1955.

44. Loveless, M.H. and Timasheff, S.N.,
Fractionation of ragweed extract by semi-continuous electro-phoresis-convection,
Arch. Biochem. and Biophys., 58: 298-317, October 1955.

Mary Hewitt Loveless

Publications (cont.)

45. Loveless, M.H.,
A Means of estimating circulating insulin in man,
Quart. Rev. Allergy and Applied Immunol., 10: 374-385, Sept. 1956.

46. Loveless, M.H., and Fackler, W.R.
Wasp venom allergy and immunity,
Ann. Allergy, 14: 347-366, Sept.-Oct. 1956.

47. Loveless, M.H.,
Repository immunization in pollen allergy,
J. Immunol., 79: 68-79, July. 1957.

48. Cann, J.R. and Loveless, M.H.,
Biophysical characterization of allergic and blocking sera.
J. Allergy, 28: 379-91, Sept. 1957.

49. Loveless, M.H.,
Streamlining the preventive management of inhalant allergy, with special reference to pollen and housedust,
J. Am. M. Women's A., 12: 383-390, Nov. 1957.

50. Loveless, M.H.,
Treatment of emergencies in allergy,
N.Y. J. Med., 57: 3797-3807, Dec. 1957.

51. Loveless, M.H. and Wright, I.M.,
Influence of pH of extractant on the electrophoretic and antigenic composition of low ragweed extract,
Ann. Allergy, 16: 393-490, July-Aug. 1958.

52. Loveless, M.H.,
Immunologic studies of insulin in man,
Diabetes, 7: 278-82, July-Aug. 1958.

53. Zylberberg, B. and Loveless, M.H.,
Preliminary experiments with ionized air in asthma,
J. Allergy, 31: 370-374, July-Aug. 1960.

54. Loveless, M.H.,
Recent advances in repository therapy of allergy,
J. Amer. Med. Women's Assn., 15: 955-964, Oct. 1960.

55. Loveless, M.H.,
Immunization by means of water-in-mineral oil emulsions,
Proc. 8th Intl. Congress Hematology, 735-742.

56. Loveless, M.H.,
Single injection therapy with emulsified venom in wasp-sting allergy,
Fed. Proceedings, 20: 2800, March 1961.

Mary Hewitt Loveless

Publications (cont.)

57. Loveless, M.H.,
Immunization in wasp-sting allergy through venom repositories and periodic insect stings,
J. Immunl., 89: 204-216, August 1962.

58. Loveless, M.H.,
Mineral oil emulsions: Today and tomorrow,
3rd Intl. Cong. of Allergology, N.Y., 1962, Pergamon Press, Oxford, England.

59. Loveless, M.H.
Use of polistes venom repositories to immunize yellow jacket allergic patients,
Fed. Proceedings, 21: No. 2, 271, March-April 1962 (abstract)

60. Loveless, M.H.,
Immunology involved in insect sting allergy,
N.Y. St. J. Med., 62: 3563-65, November 1962.

61. Loveless, M.H. and Nall, T.M.,
Use of polistes venom in petrolatum: Arlacel repositories to immunize against yellow jacket wasp-sting allergy,
J. Immunol., 94: 785-793, June 1965.

62. Loveless, M.H.,
Reagin production in a healthy male who forms no detectable B2A immunoglobulins,
Fed. Proceedings 23, 2: 403, March-April 1964.

63. Loveless, M.H.,
Summer Hazards: Insect stings,
Current Med. Digest, 31: 733-37, Aug. 1964.

64. Loveless, M.H.,
Antibodies of atopy anmd serum disease in man,
Annual Rev. of Pharmacology, 6: 309-26, 1966.

65. Loveless, M.H., Yost, W.L. and Lazarus, J.,
Safety and effectiveness of 7-N-hexyloctadecane as a vehicle in pollen repositories against hay fever,
Ann. Allergy, 26: 70-79, Feb. 1968.

66. Editorial letter: Wasp sting and single-visit immunization,
J.A.M.A., 197: 598-599, Aug. 1966.

67. Loveless, M.H.,
Immuniz. native, incriminated wasp venom in sting allergy: 12-yr. study of the safety and effectiveness of a single visit, yearly course,
Fed. Proceedings. 27, No. 2, 368, March-April 1968.

68. Loveless, M.H.,
Prevention of anaphylactic reactions to insect stings,
Sandoz Panorama, 7:12-19, Sept.-Oct. 1969.

Mary Hewitt Loveless

Publications (cont.)

69. Ibid.,
Maintaining protection vs. venom allergy through periodic insect bites,
Fed. Preoc. 30, No. 2, p. 412, March-April 1971.

70. Loveless, M.H.,
Wasp-venom allergies,
Current Diagnosis 3, p. 1025, (Conn, H. and Conn, R.B. Eds.), W.B. Saunders Co., Phila., 1971.

71. Loveless, M.H.,
One-day yearly treatment with culpable wasp's venom in sting allergy: a 17-year evaluation of safety and efficiency,
Fed. Proc., 31, no. 2, p. 933, March-April 1972.

72. Loveless, M.H.
The Sting: prophylactic,
Modern Medicine, p. 54-57, May 15, 1976.

73. Loveless, M.H.
A 1-day preseasonal treatment to replace perennial injections in pollen allergy,
Fed. Proc. 36, No. 3, p. 933, Mar. 1, 1977.

73a. Loveless, M.H.,
Development of a one-day yearly preseasonal treatment for mold-spore and pollen allergies,
Final report to the Office of Naval Research on Contract N00014-76-C-0228.

74. Loveless, M.H.,
Once in a lifetime venom injection therapy in bee allergy,
Fed. Proc. 37, No. 6, May 1, 1978.

74a. Loveless, M.H.,
Triple stings by captive wasps to appraise and to booster immunity in venom allergy,
Abstract of talk at Amer. Congress of All and Immun., Mar. 1, 1977, N.Y. City.

75. Loveless, M.H.,
1-day preseasonal therapy in pollinosis: a tale of 2 antibodies,
J. ALlergy and Immun., 63:216, March 1979.

76. Loveless, M.H.,
Use of scratch test in lieu of ocular instillation test to select dosage schedule for 1-day, once yearly immunization,
J. Allergy and Immun., 65: 202, March 1980.