The goals for the education are:
- Develop understanding of basic Bible knowledge and the application to their lives.
- An understanding of Jesus as their Savior and example.
- Develop personal daily Bible study and prayer.
- Memorize meaningful scripture for their lives.
- Attend class and have a desire to bring their Bible to class.
- Strengthen his/her faith, love and trust in God.
- Develop friendship among class members
The Bible classes consist as follows:
Sunday Morning and Wednesday Evening:
The 1st grade and younger classes will be studying curriculum written by West End members using Old Testament and New Testament stories, and eventually in the 2nd-5th grade doing a survey of the whole Bible by the time they graduate into the youth group. On Sunday and Wednesday we will encourage the children in 1st grade and younger to attend class, bring their Bible, read or have read Bible stories or the Bible, memory work (if they have one)and bring a friend. Those in 2nd –5th grade will also be encouraged to bring their Kids4Christ folder, bring a can of food, read their Bible, bring their Bible and to do their weekly memory verse for the Hall of Fame memory work. Children in K-5th grade will receive bonus points for doing their work and once a quarter will have a bonus awards dinner or activity.
T.L.C. (Teaching Little Children) is a time of worship for children age 3-6 during the sermon time on Sunday morning.
C.B.H. (Children’s Bible Hour) is a Sunday evening Bible class for 1st grade and younger. This class consists of a Bible lesson, puppet show, songs, and crafts.
C.U.C. (Christians Under Construction) is a Sunday evening Bible class that uses a hands-on curriculum to support service and skills that they can use when they get in the youth group. Starting in December we will begin the study for our annual area wide K4C Bible Bowl. We encourage the children to bring their Kids4Christ folder, Bible, can of food, to follow their Bible reading calendar, do a prayer log and bring friends each week to C.U.C. Each child has scheduled Bible reading calendar and prayer log that is located in their Kids4Christ folder. The children receive bonus points for completing their assignments. The children bring food each week for 25 families for Christmas.
The 2nd-5th grade have the opportunity to participate in the Hall of Fame. This is a memory work club. The children learn blocks of scripture. They will have the opportunity to recite verses each week in the Sunday morning, Wednesday evening, and C.U.C. class. Each student has a Kids4Christ folder with his or her path to the Hall of Fame. They must complete each step on the path to become a member of the Hall of Fame. A banner is placed in the building with their names and it will remain there for other children to see from year to year. A Hall of Fame Dinner takes place in April to give recognition to the children for their accomplishments. They receive a Hall of Fame trophy with their name on it. A child who memorizes at least one verse or fact will receive some type of award. Any version of the Bible may be used; we use the NIV when we review it in the classroom. Please no paraphrase Bibles for memory work.