08:30 am
Present: Vicki Bennett (VB), Denise Crowe (DC), Deborah Ng (DN), Lee Millar (LM), Seija Graham (SG), Marijke Uebergang (MU), Natalie Birt (NB), Louise Hodgman (LH).
Apologies: Jenny Elliott, Joan Barnham, Gloria Spyropoulos, Jonnette McDonnell, Katrina McKenzie, and Elizabeth Moss.
Confirmation of Previous Minutes
Previous minutes confirmed by DC and LH.
Current Business
1.1 HIMAA Website ACT Branch.
VB attended last month's board meeting, where the issue was
raised about the timeliness of updating the branch website, which is current non-existent. It was agreed that the branch would update the website it's self and pass the file on to HIMAA to be uploaded. Thanks went to Trent King for his work on updating the website.
1.2 Student Placements: MU to write to all the East Coast
universities to enquire about student placements and to invite students to come to the ACT as we are keen to have students here.
1.3 E-Newsletter: The length of the newsletter was discussed at the
Board meeting and changes will be made from now on to ensure that the length of the newsletter decreases rather than increases. Many members have stated that the newsletter was becoming too long to read through and they did not have enough time to read it's content.
1.4 The Easter BBQ went very well, and was agreed that another
BBQ should be held later on in the year. Thanks also went to
the boys for cooking the BBQ.
1.5 Treasurer's Report
Capitation payment deposited on the 12/04/2003.
Postal address for the branch has now been changed to the Canberra Hospital. Both at the bank and with all other contacts.
Monies needed for the future:
- Sponsor someone for the HIMAA conference in August
- Reimbursement to VB for flight to HIMAA Board Meeting in April.
- Reimbursement to MU for BBQ in April.
VB is still to follow up on weird deposit that appeared in our account in July? last year.
1.6 Update on ACT Health Certified Agreements Negotiation - CPSU
Proposal. Denise Crowe
The agreement has been finalised. There is now a two week period in which staff will have time to read the new agreement and make comment. At the end of the two weeks there will be a voting session, for staff so that they can agree or disagree to the new EBA. Voting times have been sent to all relevant staff by e-mail.
DC asked that a HIM for TCH please join her on the Allied Health Committee of the CPSU. Extra representation is needed to ensure that all HIMs in the ACT are have their issues heard. Our representation at the union has become more important since the DOH agreed to review the pay parity issues of allied health professionals in the ACT. This review is due to be completed by October.
New Business
1.2 Update on the Current Status of the HIMAA Conference - Natalie Birt
The HIMAA Conference begins on the 08/04/2003. They are currently experiencing financial difficulties and having difficulties finding sponsors for their social events.
The ACT has been asked how it is promoting the HIMAA Conference:
· JJMH has agreed to put a notice on their electronic Notice Board.
· TCH and Calvary have agreed to post some fliers on their notice boards. NB to Arrange for fliers.
2.2 Careers Days
The HIMAA Board has been approached by the Universities who have asked what HIMAA is doing to help promote the profession to students in their communities.
The ACT Branch has agreed to have a stall at the next Careers Expo day to be held in Canberra. NB to find out the details and Report back at the next meeting.
2.3 Board Report
VB attended the most recent board meeting and the following were reported on at the meeting
· A review of the financial position of the HIMAA is being undertaken currently. Changes in the type of activities undertaken by HIMAA may need to be considered to maintain the future viability of the organisation.
Next Meeting
Tuesday 1st of July, Lunchtime at JJMH.