Pre-Placement Calendar

Using a blank calendar format, write in the activities that the child will do with his/her new mom and/or dad to transition to their permanency home. Use stickers or simple drawings to help the child understand what is going to happen on each day. Additionally, use

different colored inks to help the child easily distinguish between the two sets of parents/homes. Noting any major holidays or school events (where appropriate) will

help the child understand the time line, also.

A SAMPLE narrative of a pre-placement plan for an eight-year-old boy who has experienced four abrupt moves in care follows:

Day One: Picnic at park with foster parents caseworker to meet new mom and dad

Day Two: Lunch with foster mom and new parents at my home

Day Three: New mom and dad pick me up for dinner at their home; caseworker picks me up and takes me home

Day Four: New dad picks me up for all day visit; home by 8:00 PM

Day Five: New mom and dad call me in the evening

Day Six: New mom picks me up for dinner at new home; new dad takes me home by 8:00 PM

Day Seven: Caseworker visits; foster parent takes me to new home for overnight visit

Day Eight: Church with new parents; spend day at new home

Day Nine: New mom and dad call me after dinner

Day Ten: New mom picks me up for a two-day visit with overnights

Day Eleven: At new home

Day Twelve: At new home; new dad takes me back to foster parent’s home by 8:00 PM

Day Thirteen: Caseworker takes me to lunch; new mom picks me up in late afternoon for overnight visit

Day Fourteen: Spend day fishing with new dad; back to foster parents by 8:00 PM

Day Fifteen: Begin packing with foster mom and new mom; take some things to new home and spend the night

Day Sixteen: Last night in foster home; say “good-byes” to neighbor friends

Day Seventeen: FINAL MOVING DAY - caseworker comes in late afternoon to foster home for final good-byes and celebration with foster family and new parents; go with new parents to new home


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Central California Training Academy Handout 24