
IowaState Association of Counties

Fall School of InstructionGeneral Session

Coralville Marriott Hotel and ConferenceCenter, 300 East 9th Street, Coralville, Iowa52241

Phone: 319.688.4000

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

President Marjorie Pitts called the meeting to order at 3:00 pm.

The invocation was given by Burlin Matthews, Clay County Supervisor. President Pitts led the membership in the pledge of allegiance.

Marge introduced the ISAC Executive Committee. Wayne Walter introduced the ISAC Board of Directors.

Marge introduced ISAC Executive Director Bill Peterson. Bill recognized the conference sponsors, preferred vendors and exhibitors. Bill introduced the special guests that were attending: Dan Chadwick and Michele Sherrer of Idaho; Cheryl Fleck and Jennifer Bock from Wisconsin; and Emily Landsman from NACo. Dan Chadwick gave a brief presentation and a gift for President Pitts. Bill then introduced 1st Vice-President Wayne Walter.

Wayne Walter described the Golden Eagle recognition and introduced Lt. Governor Kim Reynolds. Lt. Governor Reynolds was selected as the 2011 Golden Eagle. Lt. Governor Reynolds made brief comments and thanked ISAC for the recognition. Wayne introduced ISAC 2nd Vice-PresidentDarin Raymond.

Darin presented the 2012 ISAC Legislative Priorities to the membership. The top priorities are Disability Service Redesign and Funding, Property Tax Reform, Road Funding, and Preservation of County Services. Holly Fokkena, ButlerCounty, moved to approve the 2012 ISAC Legislative Priorities, Objective and Policy Statements as presented. Burlin Matthews seconded. The motion carried.

President Pitts gave a speech outlining her perspectives on her term of office. Marge then introduced the 2012 ISAC President Wayne Walter. Wayne presented his goals for the next year and introduced the members of the 2012 ISAC Executive Committee. Wayne presented Marge with a plaque recognizing her year of service.

President Pitts introduced 3rd Vice-President Harlan Hansen. Harlan introduced NACo President Lenny Eliason. President Eliason gave an update on NACo and his goals during the upcoming year as NACo President.

President Pitts asked Bill Peterson to give final announcements. Bill introduced members of the ISAC Staff and asked members to recognize them for their hard work.

President Pitts adjourned the meeting at 5:00 pm.