BDSAC Study Tour and Immersions Policy 2014
Drafted: May 2014
Ratified: To be ratified
Review: 2017
Study tours and immersion experiences provide an opportunity for collegial and individual learning, personal and professional formation, community building and/or service in areas of strategic importance and mission for Catholic education in the Diocese of Ballarat.
This policy provides the context within which the Catholic Education Office Ballarat (CEOB) will plan, conduct and review study tours and immersion experiences for staff, governing authorities and parent leaders in the Diocese of Ballarat.
Professional and personal growth of staff, governing authorities and parent leaders in Catholic education is essential to the growth of the system and is a shared responsibility between individuals, schools and system. Study tours and immersion experiences for staff, governing authorities and parent leaders in the Diocese of Ballarat are offered as one element of the strategic and planned leadership formation and professional learning approach across Catholic education.
Study Tour (or educational tour): a planned professional learning experience with colleagues which involves a combination of study, educational visits, professional reading, conference participation, dialogue and/or travel. It may be within or outside the diocese/country.
Immersion experience: a planned event/tour/immersion in another culture which is primarily for a religious or spiritual or social justice purpose. It may involve elements of pilgrimage, scripture study, theological formation, outreach and/or mission.
1.Each person has a responsibility for their own professional and personal growth, which will be supported by the Catholic Education Office and/or school where appropriate.
2.Study tours and immersion experiences are planned in areas of importance for Catholic education as determined by the BDSAC and/or CEOB Vision and Strategic Directions.
3.Study tours and immersion experiences are usually made available to participants on the basis of shared cost – one-third participant, one-third employer (school or CEOB), one-third system (BDSAC/CEOB).
4.Study tours are usually co-led by a member of the CEOB and a school-based leader or governing authority.
5.Study tours and enrichment experiences may be considered as full or part fulfilment of contractual leave arrangements such as enrichment leave.
1.Planning/support for Study Tour and Immersion Experiences will include:
a.Annual mapping by the CEOB Leadership Team of possible study tour and immersion experiences alongside other leadership and professional learning opportunities available in the diocese.
b.Initial planning and approval (of proposal, planning, budget and risk assessment) by the Director of Catholic Education, ideally in the year prior to the event
c.Detailed planning and preparation, including critical incident considerations
d.Prior to departure
e.Flight arrangements
f.Arrival arrangements
g.Accommodation details
h.Formation and group dynamics
i.Follow up and debrief
2.An appropriate member of the CEOB staff will be designated as tour leader/organiser. This person will be responsible for ensuring the effective administration of the event (as per the Appendix), participant preparation, leadership throughout the event and evaluation/follow up/debrief.
3.A school-based leader and/or governing authority will usually be designated as co-leader.
4.Detailed event planning must be approved by the Director or Deputy Director of Catholic Education.
5.An invitation will be issued by the Director of Catholic Education outlining the rationale/purpose/timing, criteria for selection of participants, expressions of interest closing date, tour leadership and indicative costs approximately six months prior to the event.
6.Expressions of interest will be considered by the tour leader and co-leader (or another panelist as appropriate).
7.Participants will be notified in writing of their success and advised at that time of the costs involved and the expectations of participants in preparing for the event.
8.A critical incident management plan will be prepared by the tour leader and approved by the Director or Deputy Director of Catholic Education.
Stage / Tasks / Responsibility
a. Annual mapping of possible study tour and immersion experiences / ·Identify needs/gaps/possibilities alongside other leadership and professional learning opportunities
· Priority list of proposed study tours and immersion experiences
· Reach consensus on events to be supported in following year / CEOB Leadership Team
b. Initial Planning and Approval / Year Prior
· Develop rationale/goals, targeted participants, proposed itinerary, nominal budget
· Seek support from CEOB Leadership Team
· Allocate budget
· Obtain copy of previous event report (if held) & examine recommendations. If appropriate, discuss with past tour leader.
· Budget considerations:
o obtain written quotes where possible
o include participant preparation & debrief costs
o allow some contingency funds
· Timeline for tour/immersion, invitations, expressions of interest, participant prep, etc.
Six months prior
· Identify co-leader(s) & specific roles/responsibilities
· Check bona fides of travel organization (if using) – commercial registration, insurance, etc.
· Invitation to potential participants / Initiating CEOB leader in liaison with past tour leader, CEOB Leadership, ADFA
c. Detailed Planning & Preparation / Details for participants
· Expectations of participants on return (action, reporting, follow up, etc)
· Detailed itinerary
·Detailed budget
· Timelines for payment, deposits
· Inclusions/exclusions, private expenditure
· Carrying money, spending money
·Travel & health insurance arrangements (compulsory) & excesses
· Reimbursement arrangements
· Cost for single supplement
· Medical records & release form
· Passport details required
· Statement about tour variations & costs
· Code of behavior, expectations, dress, etc for various locations
· Dates for preparation meetings
· Planned gifts for hosts
Emergency planning
· Summary contacts card for all participants
· Medical records & releases storage
· Critical incident planning
· Communication between tour leader & CEOB
· Consider potential risks & plan to minimize – maladjustment, illness/disease, violence, harassment, terrorism, political unrest, natural disaster, etc
· First aid considerations / Tour leader
d. Prior to departure / Attention to:
· Role/authority of leaders
· Records filed with CEOB – medical, passport/visa, insurance, contact details
· Where to assemble at departure point
· Baggage allowance, marking
· Group check in arrangements
· Currency issues
· Departure & arrival arrangements
· In-country transport arrangements
· Finalizing accommodation arrangements
· Cultural briefing & preparation / Tour leader
e. Flight arrangements / Attention to:
· Customs & immigration
· Assembly at departure/destination
· In flight health / Tour leader with travel agent
f. Arrival Arrangements / Brief participants about:
· Clearing immigration & customs
· Baggage collection & assembly for transport
· Purchase of local currency
· Porterage & tipping
· Daily itinerary & departures / Tour leader
g. Formation & group dynamics / Depending on the type of tour/immersion, prior to departure consider:
· Group/team building
· Spiritual preparation
· Reflection and/or journaling
· Professional reading
During the tour/immersion, attention to:
· Debriefing as required
· Attention to group dynamics, collegial environment, etc
· Reflection and/or journaling
· Professional dialogue / Tour leaders with appropriate support
h. Follow up and de-brief / · Formal evaluation and final costs
· Seek feedback from participants, leaders, hosts, etc
· Formal debrief for participants
· Evaluation against rationale/goals by CEOB
· Summary report to CEOB Leadership Team
· Short report for Annual Report by a participant

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