Blacological Chronology

Blacological Chronology





A. Honor and Praise to Our Ancestors 3

B. When You Go Back In Time 5

C. Evolution and Creationism 6

D. 3.5 Million Years Ago 8

E. Portrait of the Eternal Culture 11

F. Deified and Scared Race 12

G. An Array of Nahlej 15


A. A Point of demarcation 16

B. Origin of the identity of Blackz 17

C. Stages of Black Identity 19

D. BlacStoriography 23

E. Blacological Thought 25

F. Origin of the Word “Blacology” 25

G. Blacology a Natural Propensity 27







A. Bibliography 48

B. Bibliography 50

C. Bibliography 54

D. Bibliography 57

“Blacologically speaking, I refuse to accept the ideal… that, the presence of the Eurological Scholars makes the BlacZcholarz morally incapable of reaching up for the BlacNahlej that forever confronts them.”

Blacologist: Prof. W. Cross

11- 14- 02


The purpose of this paper is to elaborate the topic Blacological Chronology. I will cover the following subjects: The Eternal Culture, Chronology of the Term Black, Origin of Blacology or Blacological Thought, and Stages of BlacCulture. This paper will be a chapter in my Dissertation Blacology 1962 – 2005: A case Study on the Evolution of BlacAfrican Ntalextuwl Cultural ZcyNzz in the Diaspora of the United States. This paper will show the evolution of the acceptance, utilization and identity of term Black as a people and a culture into the evolution of the Cultural ZcyNzz of Blacology


In the establishment of the Cultural ZcyNzz of Blacology, one may be able to distinguish a Blacological Research or Blacology by the capitalization of the first letter of all words that are associated with Blacology (i.e. Black People, Black Culture, Black Woman, Black Man, Black Youth, Blacology, and Blacological etc). It is done to give honor, respect, and importance to these words. In the Eurological Culture, BlacPeople have been taught to hate everything Black and African. BlacPeople have been taught to hate themselves. The Cultural ZcyNzz of Blacology is to undo this type of self-hatred by giving importance to all that is Black and African. So then, it is proper and fitting to capitalize the first letter in all words that are of BlacAfrican Culture. This is also a way to acknowledge and identify a Blacological Research and the Ntalextuwl Cultural ZcyNzz of Blacology. Blacology may also consist of its own Cultural Linguistics or Ebonics. In addition, it is not restricted to the Eurological Language Arts. This gives Blacology its own significant identifiable writing form. In the ongoing research and study of Blacology the more you research the more authentic the ZcyNzz become. Blacology is beginning to take on its own identifiable words and definitions. These words and definitions are taken from the research and study of eight years of unofficial indirect research and 20 years of direct subjective/observation institutional research and study in the Historical Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU’s), BlacCommunity and BlacMedia and predominantly white institutions. This research has been conducted for over 32 years. It has been said by BlacZcholarz that one day there would come a cultural science from the evolution of BlacAfrican People. This cultural ZcyNzz would eliminate the maginalization of the BlacNtalextuwls by Eurological Scholars in this country and the world. It also would liberate the Innovative Authentic Monolithic Ntalextuwl Creative Genius (IAMNCG) of BlacAfrican People and their culture for the utilization and perpetuation of Cultural Ntalextuwl Equality. (See Explanation of Definitions and Blacological words for update in spellings.)


A. Honor and Praise to Our Ancestors

Blacologically speaking, we want to start by giving honor and praise to our Ancestorz. Who were revealed to us by their creative, productive, talents and gifts? Which were giving to them from the Creator who is the God of all things. It is our Ancestorz who have given us the source of culture that is essential to our lives. Just to name all of those who have given us our culture would take a life time. This task we hope to accomplish in our obligation to our culture. We have been taught that the seed we sow is the one we will reap. Sow, as a culture there is no insurmountable goal. Our goal is to redevelop Blacologically a culture that is scientific in itself. Blacologically we want to honor our ancestors, especially those who gave their lives during captivity and bondage in order that our culture would not go blowing in the wind. They gave of themselves no matter what it cost them. These Brothers and Sisters did not let our culture die. They found all kinds of ways to maintain some of our traditional ways of living. They were able to translate the language of the oppressor into the tongue and manners of their own culture. They were able to take songs and make messages that would lead them to freedom. These Brothers and Sisters always kept a dedication to the culture. There would always be a subtle but vigilant in the struggle for freedom. So, than as a culture we must be thankful for every BlacMan and BlacWoman, those who were killed and those who lived to be reproductive with life. If being reproductive was the only thing they could do to endure the suffering of captivity and bondage then, that deed was as great as any. It is because of our ability to multiply and replenish the earth, that our blessings became unequaled in their comparisons. This is a feat that we must accomplish in these times of BlacMale endangerment.

The BlacCulture is known in many localities and has many names. Of which, if we must agree are extinctions of the original culture. Let us give recognition to those of which we have utilized and accepted. We must always keep in mind that we as a culture will return to our rightful order and calling. So, than we must be thankful for every ideal, philosophy, theory, and concept that has come to us from the children of our culture in order that we are able to reach redemption and cultural redevelopment. Whether we agree with all that has been taught or told is not significant. Only the fact that we have been blessed by gifted and talented of Brothers and Sisters who bring us natural resources to accomplish the task that is before us. Every one of our Ancestorz has brought us something that will take us back to our original focus as a people. So, then we need to give honor to those blessings, resources and children of our people. Not only those who have contributed and gone on, but who are living among us today. They found all kinds of ways to maintain some of our traditional ways of living. They were able to translate the language of the oppressors into the tongue and manners of their own culture. This is a feat that we must accomplish in these times of Cultural Deprivation.

To the Brothers and Sisters of the Historical Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU) whom the newspapers and media have degraded and belittled, we are to hold them up as true resources to the BlacCulture. They are to the BlacCulture what other youth are to their cultures. We must admit that these Professors and Students were considered by the Euro-American culture as the least of our culture, to be second class, null and void. They would never amount to anything. Because of the dedication and love for their culture. They have proven to be that which make our culture survive. The students of the Black Colleges were in control of our culture and were doing the defining of our direction and purpose. Those who are in control of our culture determine who is and who are not making contribution to the redevelopment of our cultural vision. The Brothers and Sisters of the Black Colleges and University have become equaled in their comparisons to all other students so, then we need to give honor to those blessings, resources and children or people. Not only those who have contributed and gone on, but those who are living among us today. The Brothers and Sisters of the Black Colleges and Universities and all others we must teach the spirit of Brotherhood and Peoplehood. Blacologically speaking, we have no need to argue with each other but, to reason with one another and arrive at Cultural Solidarity. We must develop a new culture with out an end.

B. When You Go Back In Time

Let us take a look at the Eternal Culture. There is only one culture on the earth which can claim to be the Eternal Culture. Even eurological scholars have said it. This is not Cultural Supremacy. So, that you won't say that I am making it up. There is only one culture, when you go back in the time in the study of Archaeology, Paleontology, Anthropology, and the Study of History by eurological scholars. That you find there is no beginning for. It's always been here. So, any image that has ever been shown through out the existence of humanity in the early days before Europeans came into power. Was always that of a BlacMan or a BlacWoman in a culture of God worshiping and God loving people.

Blacologically speaking, we believe that the creator is beyond all men. He is all knowing. He can not be boxed into one mans ideals. As a culture and a people, we have come to understand that whenever God has appeared to us. He has presented himself to us in a form that we can understand. He has always come to us in the image of a BlacMan or a BlacWoman. If this had not been so, we would not have been able to except him because of our finite thinking, due to our belief that God made us in his image. It is a belief he revealed himself to us as a BlacMan or BlacWoman because, according to BlacZcholarz for so long on this planet there were nothing but BlacMen and BlacWoman or BlacPeople. [1]Cheikh Anti Diop in his book, “African Origin of Civilization” said, “That for thousands of years, hundreds of thousands of years, there was nothing on earth that resembled a European. The only time we run into any creature that resembled a European. The only time that we run into some creature that gave some indication of likeness for the European is during the ice age. The Fourth glacial Period, after the fourth ice age, which took place in Europe, North America, parts of Asia, but never touched Alkebulan. The BlacCulture never knew an ice age. The existence of the BlacCulture was in the tropics. Diop tells us that every one of the white scholars tell us this fact. L. S. B. Leaky, one of the outstanding Eurological scholars in the field of Anthropology and Paleontology, an English man. He was ostracized by the National Geographic Society, because, he put a whole in the theory that the original man started in Germany or in Asia or china. Leaky said, no matter what we have found so far dates back according to the carbon fourteen test, 1.8 million years ".

C. Evolution and Creationism

We find in the hart land of BlacAfrica in the Olduvai Gorge, in Tanzania, is the first BlacMan or man of the Black Coast. Leaky says, “This is the first Man we know of to use tools. What leaky does not say is that this is a BlacMan. But we know that in this area 1.8 million years ago was nothing but BlacPeople. This also establishes the oldest BlacCulture, which spread all over the world. This BlacMan was the only one who knew anything about ZcyNzz or how to use it ". Now Leaky, comes form the perspective of the Theory of Evolution. It is said to be theory because that is what it is. Nothing is a science until it is a proven fact, until it becomes a natural law. The word science comes from the Latin word theory, which means to know. It is a Theory that man came from an ape it is not a fact. I do not think that is the way the BlacMan came to be. That is a theory that is taught in schools as a science. This is not true. It can not be proven. If this theory was true then why did not all the apes turn in to men? What has been done with the “Theory of evolution” is to say, that BlacPeople are in the subhuman stage and that white or Europeans have evolved to the higher stage. According to Dr. Ishakamusa Barashango, even when you study the theory of evolution, you can see where the process of evolvement took place and culture began in ancient Africa or the original name is Alkebulan. That is the theory of evolution. BlacZcholarz are talking about in the beginning was the BlacCulture and its people. If we take a journey through this portrait of the Eternal Culture we must start at the beginning. We must start with almighty God. BlacZcholarz have said God has revealed himself to the Ancients as a BlacMan or BlacWoman. That is because, the scriptures says, " Daniel 7:9, be held until thorns was sat in place, and the Ancient of Days did exist. Whose garments was white as snow and the hair of his head was like pure wool. His thrown was like the fiery flame and his feet as burning fire. Daniel said, " when I saw the Ancient of Days. When I saw the creator of heaven and earth ". He had hair like lambs wool and fire all around him ". Ezekiel said, 1:26‑28, When I saw him, Daniel. I saw him as the color of amber. That is how I saw him. Jeremiah said, “I know you had a vision Daniel and Ezekiel. But, I had one too. When I saw him he was like the pit of as oven, surrounded by dark clouds.

In the Bible, in the Koran and other scared writings, (religious writings) it's record of the theory of creationism which says, “that instead of evolving from a tadpole, ameba, amphibian, a lizard, a monkey, baboon, an ape and finally into man. BlacTheologianz say that man was maid by God. As Cultural ZcyNtist Blacological Research has revealed that BlacPeople belief that the BlacMan and the BlacWoman was maid directly by the hand of almighty God. Even though I personally agree with Dr. Ishakamusa Barashango and studied the Theory of Creationism. It is still a theory because; it is not something that we can not prove with out a doubt, although I studied that theory. According to Dr. Barashango one should not argue belief. Never argue belief that is personal. Do not mess with belief, it is scared. Even the Theory of Creationism As recorded in the [2]Genesis book in the Bible, gives the name of the first man, as Adam. That word Adam as written in the Bible it has been translated so many times. When you go back to the original language, according to Dr. Barashango that is the Arcadian language in which the word came out of. We find the word, Adumah. What does it mean? Child of Black Clay, is what it means. Why of course, the only earth there is, which could make up a man is the Black Earth. It is the Black Earth that has all the chemical elements that is needed to make up the human body, potassium, magnesium, all the minerals that go into the human body, are found in the Black Dirt. It comes out of the dark earth. You do not find it in sand. You do not find it in red clay. You have to go to the good old Black Earth. Any farmer will tell you that the best earth is the Black Earth. That is a fact of life. That is a fact of science.