Present:John Saunders - Chairman STC
Andy Guest - Devon & Somerset
David Hickling - BPS, Langar
Trevor Dobson - Target Skysports
Carl Williams - Silver Stars
Barrie Buck - JSPC (N)
Dave Wood - RAFSPA
Tim Andrewes - Border
Dane Kenny - Pilgrims
Phi Cavanagh - Black Knights
Pat Walters - Tilstock
Mike Bolton - Midland Skydiving
Pete Sizer - Headcorn
Chris Lyall - NLPC
Tony Knight - UK Parachuting
Paul Applegate - Riggers
Apologies:Ian Cashman, (Ian nominated Barrie Buck to represent him at
the meeting), Karen Farr, Dennis Buchanan, Nick Johnston, Brian Dyas, Taff Davies, Maggie Penny, John Fisher, Dave Emerson,
Mick Nealis.
In Attendance:Dr John Carter-BPA Medical Advisor
Tony Butler-Technical Officer
John Hitchen-NCSO
Chris Allen-Chairman BPA
Trudy Kemp-Assistant to NCSO/TO
Observers:A. Bentley, Eddie Robertson, Geordie Page, John Harding,
Bernadette Whitaker, Richard Wheatley, Colin Fitzmaurice,
The Chairman advised those present that on Page 8, Item 9, of the previous minutes (Use of Oxygen for Exit Altitudes over 15,000ft AGL at BPS – Langar) contained a minor error. He stated that number 5 of the ‘Conditions…’ should have read: ‘Pilots must be on oxygen above 10,000ft AMSL, and all parachutists must be on oxygen above 10,000ft AMSL when taking part in HAJs.’
The Chairman also advised those present that on Page 11, Item 11 (g) of the previous minutes (Permissions). Mr Guest’s request should have stated that this permission was for one particular display, which was for a water jump.
It was proposed by David Hickling and seconded by Andy Guest that the Minutes of the STC Meeting of the 8th June 2000 with the above amendments be accepted as a true record.
Carried Unanimously
Page 1, (Item 2 - Incident/Injury Reports Resume). The Chairman advised the Committee that the Panel of Inquiry formed to look at the various aspects of the Tandem incident would report to STC when they had completed their findings.
Page 1, (Item 2 - Qualifications for Radio Talk Down). Because of the number of items on the Agenda for this meeting, Tony Knight had agreed to put off his proposal until a later date.
Page 2, Item 2 – Permissions (k). The Chairman advised those present that Skippy Morris had now decided to hand in his Instructor ratings.
Page 2, (Item 4 – Fatal Accident). Following the Board of Inquiry Report, the Panel of Inquiry had now been formed, and would report to STC when they had completed their report.
Page 3, Item 5 – Incident/Injury Reports-Resume. The Committee was advised that the parachutist involved in the incident at RAPA had now regained consciousness and was progressing very slowly. The Committee wished him a continued and speedy recovery.
Page 9, (Item 10 – Permissions (a). It was agreed that a Working Group would get together to look into this subject of foreign AFF/Tandem instructors. The Group consists of David Hickling, Dane Kenny, Steve Apps, the Chairman STC and the T.O. A meeting would hopefully be arranged before the next STC meeting.
Page 9, (Item 10 – Permissions (c). The Committee was advised that when Pete Sizer made his request for Headcorn jumpers to be permitted to make their annual jumps into Bewl Reservoir, his letter of request left out the currency jump requirements. This was clarified with the T.O. before the jumps took place.
Page 10, (Item 10 – Permissions (e). The Chairman advised those present that the jumper concerned had withdrawn his request for permission to attend an Tandem Instructor Course.
8TH JUNE 2000
There being no matters arising, it was proposed by Paul Applegate and seconded by Pat Walters that the Minutes of the Riggers Sub-Committee Meeting of the 8th June 2000 be approved.
Carried Unanimously
Paul Applegate gave the meeting details of that evening’s Riggers meeting, advised those present that the Riggers Committee had discussed and accepted a request
From the RAF Detachment Headquarters, for some of their personnel to jump equipment packed by their Safety Equipment Fitters, until 31st March 2001. On the basis that this request had been permitted twice in the past.
The Committee was advised that the Chairman of STC, in consultation with the TO had permitted a group to jump such equipment during an exercise in Northern Ireland, shortly after the last STC meeting. Therefore it was requested that STC ratified that decision:
It was proposed by Dane Kenny and seconded by Pete Sizer that the above decision be ratified.
Carried Unanimously
A copy of the request from the RAF Detachment HQ was circulated to those present and required ratification by STC.
It was proposed that RAF instructors and selected specialized troops be permitted to jump equipment packed by RAF Safety Equipment Fitters, under the following conditions:
- Nominated Drop Zones in UK (Pontrilas, Weston, Netheravon, SPC – NI).
- Registered BPA parachutists with 200+ descents (blue ‘D’ licence holders).
- Personnel placed ‘on duty’ whilst participating.
- Programmes that conform in every respect to BPA rules and regulations.
- Parachutes holding a current military record of inspection sheet.
- Military Fury/Raven/Racer systems fitted with AADs.
- Operations up until 31 March 2001.
Dane Kenny stated that item ‘b’ of the conditions should actually read; “Category 8 (red ‘A’ licence holders)”.
Following further discussion on this item, it was proposed by Tim Andrewes and seconded by Carl Williams that the request from RAF Detachment Headquarters be accepted with the above amendment.
Carried Unanimously
The Committee was advised that the RAF Detachment Headquarters intended to put forward a more detailed request that would go out with the Agenda for discussion at the next meeting.
Paul Applegate informed the Committee that Riggers had also accepted the use of soft links on specific Performance Designs reserve canopies.
Mr Applegate advised those present that in 1982 the Riggers Committee had agreed that the use of soft links on reserves was not acceptable. He stated that as technology had advanced since that time it had become necessary to review that decision.
Paperwork from Performance Designs had been received regarding their soft links and would be circulated with the Minutes for information.
It was therefore proposed by Paul Applegate and seconded by Pete Sizer that the use of soft links (SR1) on the following Performance Designs reserve canopies (PR-113/126/143/160/176/193/218/235/253) be accepted.
Carried Unanimously
The Chairman advised those present that a fatal accident occurred at the Headcorn Parachute Club on the 21st July. Nigel Thomas an Experienced Parachutist with 264 jumps was making a solo Skysurfing jump, his 54th. There were 15 parachutist on board the LET 410 aircraft, including 4 Tandems.
The aircraft climbed to approximately 12,000ft AGL and made a ‘jump run’ across the Dropping Zone (DZ) above the Parachute Landing Area (PLA). Three solo parachutists exited the aircraft followed by the Nigel. The remaining parachutists exited on the same ‘run in’ in four separate groups.
Nigel was not seen in free fall until approximately 1,500ft. He appeared to be tumbling out of control. Shortly after, at approximately 1,000ft his reserve parachute was seen to deploy.
Once the reserve parachute had deployed it was seen to be turning quickly and continued to turn until the Nigel was lost from view, just prior to impact. Shortly before being lost from view a number witnesses stated that they saw the Nigel’s skysurfing board release.
A Board of Inquiry convened, the members being the Chairman of STC and the Technical Officer.
The Conclusions of the Board were: that at some stage after exiting the aircraft Nigel lost stability and control whilst in free fall, which he was unable to regain. At approximately 1,000ft AGL the reserve parachute deployed, either by the Nigel himself, (by pulling the Reserve Static Line (RSL), or the reserve ripcord housing), or because some part of his body or equipment contacted with part of the reserve deployment mechanism.
Once the reserve parachute deployed, it deployed with severe twists in the rigging lines, (probably due to an unstable deployment) and started to rotate quickly. No attempt appeared to be made to stop the rotation, either because Nigel was trying to release the skysurfing board or because he was unconscious. The skysurfing board was probably released at approximately 50ft AGL, either by the Nigel himself or because the board ‘foot’ bindings had loosened at some stage during the descent.
The Board do not know why the skysurfing board was not released during the free fall part of the jump, but it is possible that Nigel did activate the ‘board’ release mechanism at a high altitude, but that his feet remained in the bindings. The release pad and cable was not found with him, or anywhere near by. It is also possible that the Nigel felt that he could regain stability and control, or he may have lost consciousness due to the possible effect of spinning uncontrollably. The Board believes that it is not possible to know precisely what happened during this jump.
The Recommendations of the Board are to remind parachutists of the inherent dangers of jumping with equipment such as skysurfing boards.
The Chairman asked those present if anyone had any questions regarding the Board of Inquiry Report and also stated that a Panel of Inquiry consisting of Tony Goodman, Martin Williams and Carl Williams had been formed to look into the peripheral aspects of he Board of Inquiry Report.
The Chairman stated that the Board of Inquiry Report required acceptance by STC.
It was therefore proposed by Phil Cavanagh and seconded by Dane Kenny that the Board of Inquiry Report is accepted.
Carried Unanimously
i)There had been 49 Student injuries since the last meeting, 25 male and 24 female. Three Students dislocated their shoulders, one during a ‘practical’ malfunction lesson (this Student – Phillip Wakely had signed a Self-declaration knowing that this was a recurring problem) and two whilst in free fall. The rest of the injuries were landing injuries, including one Student rolled out of the aircraft door, grabbed the lines about 2ft above the risers and hung on all the way to the ground, spiralling. He broke his arm on landing. 33 of the injuries were on ram-air canopies and 13 were on round/conical canopies.
ii)There had been 14 injuries reported to Intermediate or Experienced Parachutists since the last STC. 12 male and 2 female.
iii)Since the last meeting there had been 18 Student Parachutist Malfunctions/Deployment Problems reported. 15 male and 3 female. 17 were on ram-air canopies and most were malfunctions or where the Students thought they had a malfunction. One Student had twists jumping an Aeroconical and deployed her reserve.
iv)There had been 36 reports of Malfunction/Deployment Problems to Intermediate or Experienced Parachutists since the last meeting. 31 male and 5 female. One of the reports concerned a jumper who had a pilot chute in tow, because the packer had left his closing tool in the loop. This was not picked up by the jumper, or on any ‘checks’ prior to jumping. The CCI had taken appropriate action.
v)There had been 13 Tandem incident reports received since the last meeting. Five were minor injuries, Seven were malfunctions and one was where a Tandem pair were about to exit and a loose static line got caught around the instructor’s leg. The jump was aborted whilst the static line was removed and the aircraft had to go around.
vi)Three reports had been received of AAD firings. One involved a Category 10 parachutist who opened low (approx 1700ft) had a snivelling canopy (Stiletto) and as it fully deployed the CYPRES went off. Another was on a display where the CYPRES went off at approximately 15000ft. The other involved a Category 7 parachutist who opened low and her FXC fired.
vii)There had also been a number of other ‘display misfire’ reports received. Including a few off landings, malfunctions and team member injuries.
viii)There had also been a few of reports received of canopy entanglements.
ix)A report had been received where a Student’s helmet came off in free fall. The helmet landed without further incident on the PLA.
This item was discussed ‘in camera’ and all observers were therefore asked to leave the meeting.
The Chairman of STC advised those present that a copy of the Panel of Inquiry Report regarding Student training at Eaglescott had previously been sent to all CCIs.
He also advised the Committee that Jeff Chandler, Craig Hughes and Mike Kelly had not indicated that they wished to appeal against the recommendations.
A letter from David Hickling opposing the recommendations of the Panel had been
received and was circulated to those present.
Mr Hickling also pointed out a number of errors in the Report:- On the front cover Pete Sizer (Member) had been put down as an Examiner. On page 3 (Findings) the second paragraph should have read “…contrary to Section 5 sub para 5.1 of the BPA Operations Manual 1998”. On page 5, the paragraph following paragraph C a word had been omitted and should have read “…is perfectly clear however…”.
The Chairman read out the Recommendations of the Panel, which required acceptance by STC:
“a)That the Chairman of STC writes to Craig Hughes reminding him of his responsibilities as a BPA Instructor and that in the future any students under his instruction must be trained in accordance with the BPA Operations manual.
b)That the Chairman of STC also writes to the CCI, Jeff Chandler, reminding him of his responsibilities. In addition, to make certain that instructors training students under his care must do so in accordance with the BPA Operations manual, and part of that duty as a CCI is to confirm that any instructions given to instructors, verbally or written, are adhered to.
c) That both the above recommendations be kept on file. Should either of the above be investigated in the three years commencing 23rd October 1999, this report must then be taken into account by whoever is making recommendations.
The Panel also recommended that should Mike Kelly ever attempt to affiliate to the BPA in the future as a drop zone operator, have a financial interest or in any other capacity where he makes decisions over those who train students, then this incident should be brought to Council's attention.”
Following a great deal of discussion on the Panel’s Report, it was the general feeling of those present that the Recommendations of the Panel were somewhat inadequate and that STC should perhaps consider changing some of the Recommendations.
Following further discussion it was proposed by Pete Sizer and seconded by Chris Lyall that the Panel of Inquiry Report and its Recommendations be accepted.
A counter proposal was put forward by David Hicking and seconded by Dane Kenny that the Panel of Inquiry Report be accepted, excluding a) – c) of the Recommendations, but including the paragraph referring to Mike Kelly.
For: 12Against: 2Abstentions: 0
A lengthy discussion then ensued and members present considered a number of changes to the Panel’s Recommendations.
It was proposed by Dane Kenny and seconded by Dave Wood that the Recommendations concerning Jeff Chandler and Craig Hughes a) – c) be changed as follows:-
`That Mr Chandler’s Advanced Instructor rating be withdrawn for a period of 12 months and that to re-qualify he must attend a Pre-Advanced Instructor Course and Advanced Instructor Course in the normal manner and that he will be required to pay £400 towards the total cost of conducting the Panel investigations. This recommendation be kept on file and should he be investigated in the three years commencing 23rd October 1999, the Panel’s report must then be taken into account by whoever is making the recommendations.
That the Chairman of STC writes to Craig Hughes reminding him of his responsibilities as a BPA Instructor and that in the future any students under his instruction must be trained in accordance with the BPA Operations Manual. Also he will be required to pay £200 towards the total cost of conducting the Panel investigations. This recommendation be kept on file and should he be investigated in the three years commencing 23rd October 1999, the Panel’s report must then be taken into account by whoever is making the recommendations.`