Q. No.1. / MA C Ps Stands for ……………………..Ans. / Modified Assured Career Progression Scheme (Authority: RBE 101/2009)
Q. No.2. / MA C P Scheme introduced in the Railways ….
Ans. / With effect from 01.09.2008 (Authority: Para -8 of RBE 101/2009 )
Q. No.3. / How many maximum financial up-gradation benefits (grade pay ) can be granted under MA C P Scheme ?
Ans. / Three (Authority: Para -1 of annexure of RBE 101/2009 )
Q. No.4. / Whether the benefit of financial up-gradation under MA C P Scheme is admissible to regular group ‘A’ and ‘B’ Employees?
Ans. / Yes. (Authority: Para -3 of RBE 101/2009 )
Q. No.5. / How many members in Screening Committee are nominated for giving benefits of Financial Up-gradation under MA C P Scheme?
Ans. / Three (Authority: Para -4 of RBE 101/2009 )
Q. No.6. / Mr. X is a clerk in PB-1 5200-20200 with Grade pay Rs. 1900 and eligible for benefit of Financial Up-gradation under MA C P Scheme after completion of 10 years regular service. Which grade pay will be admissible to him?
Ans. / Rs. 2000/- (Authority: Para -2 of annexure of RBE 101/2009 )
Q. No.7. / Is benefit of Financial Up-gradation under MA C P Scheme admissible to an employee on completion of 10 years regular service in a grade pay ?
Ans. / Yes. (Authority: Para -1 of annexure of RBE 101/2009 )
Q. No.8. / Whether the benefit of 3% increment is admissible to a Railway Employee on his regular promotion while he has already taken benefit of Financial Up-gradation under MA C P Scheme?
Ans. / No. (Authority: Para -4 of annexure of RBE 101/2009 )
Q. No.9 / A case of minor penalty charge sheet ( SF-11) is pending against a Railway Employee. Will he be eligible for benefit of Financial Up-gradation under MA C P Scheme?
Ans. / Yes (Authority: Para -18 of annexure of RBE 101/2009)
Q. No.10 / Whether the benefit of grade pay earned as Financial Up-gradation under MA C P Scheme will be taken in to account while granting HouseBuilding advance to a Railway Employee?
Ans. / Yes (Authority: Para -16 of annexure of RBE 101/2009 )
Q. No.11 / What is Bench Mark prescribed for granting Grade pay Rs. 5400 as benefit of Financial Up-gradation under MA C P Scheme ?
Ans. / Good. (Authority: Para -17 of annexure of RBE 101/2009 )
Q. No.12 / Whether period of sanctioned study leave (deputation /foreign service) will be considered as regular service while granting benefit of Financial Up-gradation under MA C P Scheme.?
Ans. / Yes. (Authority: Para -11 of annexure of RBE 101/2009 )
Write True/False in bracket
Q. No. 13 / A Railway Employee can give an option for fixation of his pay under MACP Scheme from his next increment .(Authority: Para -7 of annexure of RBE 101/2009) / True
Q. No. 14 / The benefit of financial up-gradation under MA C P. Scheme is not admissible to regular group ‘A’ and ‘B’ Employees. (Authority: Para -3 of RBE 101/2009 ) / False
Q. No. 15 / Promotions earned in the post carrying same grade pay in the promotional hierarchy as per recruitment rules shall be counted for the purpose of MACPS
(Authority: Para -8 of annexure of RBE 101/2009) / True
Q. No.16. / The benefit of 3% increment will not be admissible to a Railway Employee on his regular promotion while he has already taken benefit of Financial Up-gradation under MA C P Scheme. (Authority: Para -4 of annexure of RBE 101/2009 ) / True
Q. No.17. / The Casual Labour period on absorvation in regular employment will not be accountable for granting benefit of Financial Up-gradation under MA C P Scheme.
( authority : Para-2 of RBE 215/2009) / False
Q. No. 18. / In MACPS Screening Committee, one member should be of reserved community.
Authority: RBE 101/09 Annexure Para 19 / False
Q. No. 19 / Reservation of 15 % for SC and 7.5% for ST will be applicable in MACPS .
Authority: RBE 101/09 Annexure Para 19 / False
Q. No. 20 / An Employee who refused his regular promotion before becoming entitled to a financial up-gradation under MACPS shall not be eligible for financial up-gradation. (Authority: Para -25 of annexure of RBE 101/2009 ) / True
Q. No. 21 / A Group ‘C’ Employee is not eligible for getting the grade pay more than Rs. 4600.
Eligible as per authority : (Authority: Para -2 of annexure of RBE 101/2009 ) / False
Q. No. 22 / No stepping of pay and pay band or grade pay would be admissible with regard to junior getting more pay than the senior on account of pay fixation under MACPS.
(Authority: Para -9 of RBE 101/2009 ) / True
Q. No. 23 / A Railway Employee against whom a case of Major Penalty Charge Sheet ( SF-5) is pending will be eligible for benefit of Financial Up-gradation under MA C P Schem. (Authority: Para -18 of annexure of RBE 101/2009 ) / False
Multiple choice questions.
Q. No. 24 / After giving benefits of Financial Up-gradation under MACPS, pay of a Clerk has been fixed Rs. 10590 + 2000 (G.P.) on 05.02.09. Tell what pay will be fixed on his regular promotion on 07.07.09 ?(A)10590 + 2800 / (B)10590 + 2400
(C)10740 + 2800 / (D)10740 + 2400
Ans / 10590 + 2800 (Authority : RBE 101/2009 )
Q. No. 25 / Highest Grade Pay which can be granted under MA C P Scheme ?
(A)5400 / (B)4800
(C)12000 / (D)6600
Ans / (C) 12000 in Pay Band-4 (Authority : Para 3 of annexure of RBE 101/2009 )
Q. No. 26 / A Law Assistant has been appointed in grade Rs. 1600-2660 on 01.03.1987 subsequently has been promoted in grade 2000-3200 on 08.08.1991 and in grade 7450-11500 on 04.04.98. How many Financial Up-gradation under MACPS should be admissible to him?
(A)None / (B)01
(C)03 / (D)02
Ans / ( D) 02 (Authority : RBE 101/2009 )
Q. No. 27 / Mr. X is a regular employee in PB-2 9300-34800 with Grade pay Rs. 5400 and eligible for benefit of Financial Up-gradation under MA C P Scheme after completion of 10 years regular service. Which grade pay will be admissible to him?
(A)5400 in PB-2 / (B)6600 in PB-3
(C)5400 in PB-3 / (D)None of these
Ans / ( C) 5400 in PB-3 (Authority : Para 8.1 of RBE 101/2009 )
Q. No. 28 / An Officer eligible for grade pay Rs. 7600 as financial up-gradation under MACPs , what benchmark will be applicable for assessing his suitability?
(A)Very Good / (B)Good
(C)Out standing / (D)None of these
Ans / ( A) Very Good (Authority : Para 17 of annexure of RBE 101/2009 )
Q. No. 29 / What percent of casual labour with temp. status followed by regularised qualifying service period will be counted while giving benefit of financial up-gradation under MACPs?
(A) 75 % / (B)50%
(C)100% / (D) 30 %
Ans / ( B) 50 % (Authority : Para 2 of RBE No. 215/09)
Q. No. 30 / Screening Committee will meet twice in a financial year in the first week of following months for finalizing financial up-gradation to eligible staff under MACPs?
(A) April & August / (B)June & December
(C)January & July / (D)None of these
Ans / ( C) January & July (Authority : Para -6 of RBE-101/2009)
Fill in the Blanks
Q. No. 31 / Organized Group ‘A’ service …………… be covered under MACP Scheme..Ans / Will / Will Not (Authority: Para -3 of RBE 101/2009)
Q. No. 32 / In MACPS Screening Committee , the Chairperson should generally be a grade…….. the members of the committee.
Ans / Above / equal to (Authority: Para -4 of RBE 101/2009)
Q. No. 33 / The Financial Up-gradation under MACPS would be admissible up to highest Grade pay of Rs. …………… in PB……..
Ans / 5400 in PB-3 / 12000 in PB -4 (Authority: Para -3 of annexure of RBE 101/2009)
Q. No. 34 / In MACPS past service rendered by a Railway Employee in Public sector Organization, before appointment in the Railway shall ………………..towards regular service.
Ans / Not be counted / be counted (Authority: Para -10 of annexure of RBE 101/2009)
Q. No. 35 / For financial Up-gradation under MACPS, the “Regular Service” shall include ……………
Ans / Only sanctioned LAP/ All Kind of Sanctioned Leave
(Authority: Para -11 of annexure of RBE 101/2009)