CU-Denver Math 1120-002
College Trigonometry Spring 2010
Monday & Wednesday 1:00 p.m.-2:15 p.m. Room: SI 2104
Recitation: Monday & Wednesday 12:00-12:50 Room: NC 1602
Instructor: Gary Olson / Math Department OfficeOffice: CU-Denver Building Room 642 / CU-Denver Building. 6th Floor
(1250 14th St.) Across Speer Blvd.
Phone: 303-556-3487 / Phone: 303-556-8442
Email Address: / Web Address:
Math 1120 Office Hours:
T/TH: 15 Minutes After Class in MERC-NC 4015 Approximately 9:50-10:05
M/W: 15 Minutes After Class in MERC-NC 4015 Approximately 2:20-2:35
T/TH: 10:30-11:30 CU-642
M/W: 10:30-11:30 CU-642
Other Times Available by Appointment / Fax: 303-556-8550
(Please put my name on all faxes)
Course Captain:
Gary Olson
Please Email the Course Captain Before the Associate Chair for any Course Concerns.
Dept. Associate Chair:
Lynn Bennethum
CU-Bldg., Rm. 638
Phone: 303-556-4810
A good understanding of advanced algebra, including the characteristics of the elementary functions and the solutions to equations, is required to successfully complete a college trigonometry course. Exposure to a graphing calculator will be assumed.
Required Text Book:
Algebra and Trigonometry Enhanced with Graphing Utilities (5th Edition) by Sullivan and Sullivan. An eBook is available and recommended for purchase since we will be utilizing the associated MyMathLab software. If you purchased the MyMathLab software for College Algebra at the University of Colorado Denver within the last year, you can gain access to the Trigonometry eBook for free.
You can purchase the software and the text by going to . Under the Students tab click on Register. You would like to ‘Get Access to a New Course’. You will need your University email address (which you check regularly), the Course ID which is: olson85633 and either a student access code or a valid credit card. If you purchased the text new at the bookstore it will have a student access code which gives you access to the homework software. I would recommend just using a credit card and purchasing the software because it will also give you access to an eBook which you can use for the class. The total cost for the software and eBook is approximately $72.
Note: The text is very readable and the software is INCREDIBLE. The software gives you immediate feedback and tutoring on the homework problems and greatly helps to increase your understanding of the algebra concepts.
Graphing Calculator:
All students will need a graphics calculator for this class. The recommended calculator is one of the TI-83/84 Calculators. The TI-89 will be a sufficient calculator, however the operating system is very different from the TI-83/84 and we will not be utilizing the TI-89 in class. The TI-86, TI-85, TI-82, and the TI-81 are not sufficient since they are outdated and do not handle data collection and data analysis. You should bring your calculator to class every day, as it will be an integral part in our instruction. You also have access to the computer program DERIVE that is available in the MERC (NC 4015) for free and can serve as a graphing calculator on your computer.
Exam Schedule and Grading Policy:
Tests: There will be three in-class exams and a comprehensive uniform common final exam. The in-class exams will count a total of 40% toward your grade and the uniform final exam will count a total of 20% toward your final grade. The dates of the tests and final exam are:
Exam #1: Wednesday 2/17
Exam #2: Wednesday 3/17
Exam #3: Wednesday 4/28
Final Exam: Saturday, May 8th 2010 (9:00-12:00)
Homework Assignments: Homework assignments will come in two forms. The first will be assigned over MyMathLab (CourseCompass) and will be automatically graded by the computer. With this software you have unlimited attempts at a problem so you have every possibility of attaining a 100% on each of these assignments!
The second portion of the assignment will be a short set of problems from the text for you to write-up and hand in. This portion of the weekly assignment will give you an opportunity to write up problems and receive feedback on your final answers before the exams. I will count your best 10 written and best 10 online homework assignments throughout the course of the semester and the combined total will be weighted 25% toward your final grade.
Assignments are due each Monday by the start of class at 1:00. Late assignments will be accepted over MyMathLab up to one week following the due date. Any late assignment will receive a 5 point penalty. No assignments will be accepted after the beginning of class the following Monday. Written assignments cannot be accepted late except for extreme unforeseen circumstances (death in the family, car accident, etc. and will require written proof). Please follow these guidelines when turning in the written homework assignments:
1. All assignments are to be done on engineering paper. Engineering paper can be purchased at the bookstore. Please use only one side of the paper when doing assignments.
2. Show all work neatly since messy papers may not be graded.
3. Staple your papers together. (Very Important. Points will be deducted for loose papers that are not stapled together).
4. Make sure you do the assigned problems since no credit will be given for the work on an incorrect problem.
You are able to work together on homework assignments, however, copying someone’s assignments will not be tolerated. If this occurs, all students involved will receive no credit on the assignment.
Trig Application Problems: Four problems will be assigned during the semester that will be an extension to the homework assignments. These problems will often require the use of a graphing calculator. You will have approximately two weeks to complete each problem and the combined total will count 5% toward your final grade.
Grade Weightings:
Exams: 40%
Final Exam: 20%
Homework Assignments 25%
Recitation Attendance/Exam Grade 10%
Trig Application Problems 5%
Grading Policy:
Your Final grade will be determined according to the following grade scale:
A: 92-100% C: 70-77.99%
A-: 90-91.99% D: 60-69%
B+: 88-89.99% F: Below 60%
B: 82-87.99%
B-: 80-81.99%
C+: 78-79.99%
Incompletes: The incomplete policy of the department and college is strictly enforced: incompletes are given only in situations in which a student who has been in good standing all semester, is prevented from completing a course assignment (for example, the final exam) by circumstances beyond his/her control (for example, hospitalization, death in the family.)
Cheating: Cheating of any kind will result in a course grade of F and possible expulsion from the University. So don’t do it.
Missing an Exam: If circumstances arise that prevent you from attending an exam, please contact me ahead of time as I will be much more lenient. Unexplained absences will require hard evidence such as a death certificate, hospital paperwork, etc.
NOTE: I reserve the right to change the syllabus throughout the course of the semester.
Spring 2010 Semester -- Key Dates
JANUARY 19, 2010: First day of Class
JANUARY 24, 2010:
· Last day to be added to a wait list using the SMART system.
· Last day to add a course using the SMART system.
JANUARY 25, 2010:
· Wait Lists are dropped. Any student who was not added to a course automatically from the wait list by this date and time MUST complete a drop/add form to be added to the class. Students are NOT automatically added to the class from the wait list after this date and time. If your name is not on the official student roster, you are not registered for the course.
JANUARY 26, 2010: First day instructor may approve request to add a student to a full course using a Schedule Adjustment Form. Independent study, internship, thesis and dissertation credit, and candidate for degree may be added with required signature approvals using a Special Processing Form.
JANUARY 26-February 3, 2010: Students are responsible for verifying an accurate spring 2010 course schedule via the SMART registration system. Students are NOT notified of their wait-list status by the university. All students must check their scheduled prior to February 3, 2010 for accuracy.
FEBRUARY 3, 2010 at 5 PM:
· Last day to add structured courses without a written petition for a late add. This is an absolute deadline and is treated as such. This deadline does not apply to independent study, internships, project hours, thesis hours, dissertation hours, and late-starting modular courses.
· Last day to drop a spring 2010 course with a tuition adjustment minus the drop charge and no transcript notation – this includes section changes. Drops after this date will appear on your transcript. This is an absolute deadline and is treated as such.
· Last day to completely withdraw from all spring 2010 courses with a tuition adjustment and no transcript notation. Drop charge applies. Drops after this date will appear on your transcript. This is an absolute deadline and is treated as such.
Last day to request pass/fail option for a course.
Last day to request a no credit option for a course.
MARCH 22-28, 2010: Spring Break.
APRIL 2, 2010 at 5 PM: Last day for non CLAS students to drop or withdraw from all classes without a petition and special approval from the student’s academic Dean. This is treated as an absolute deadline.
APRIL 16, 2010 at 5 PM: Last day for CLAS students to drop or withdraw from all classes without a petition and special approval from the student’s academic Dean. Students still need signatures from the faculty and Dean. This is treated as an absolute deadline.
After April 16, 2010 all schedule changes require a petition. Petitions are available in NC 4011.
No schedule changes will be granted once finals week has started. There are NO exceptions to this policy.
May 15, 2010: Last day of spring semester.
The following is a “tentative” schedule for the semester
Week / Topic/Reading / Notes1/18/10 / Syllabus; Group Activity / Monday is Martin Luther King Day so No Class.
1/25/10 / 7.1, 7.2
2/1/10 / 7.3; 7.4 / Application Problem #1
2/8/10 / 7.5; 7.6
2/15/10 / Review; Exam #1 / Exam #1-Wednesday
2/22/10 / 7.7; 7.8 / Application Problem #2
3/1/10 / 8.1; 8.2; 8.3
3/8/10 / 8.4; 8.5
3/15/10 / Review; Exam #2 / Exam #2-Wednesday
3/22/10 / Spring Break / No Class!!
3/29/10 / 8.7, 8.8 / Application Problem #3
4/5/10 / Finish 8.7 & 8.8, then 9.2; 9.3
4/12/10 / 9.1; 9.4; 10.1
4/19/10 / 10.2; 10.3 / Application Problem #4
4/26/10 / Review; Exam #3 / Exam #3-Wednesday
5/3/10 / Review and Catch-Up
5/8/10 / Final Exam / Saturday 9:00-12:00
College Trig Survey
1. Name:
2. Major:
3. Email Address: (In Case of Emergencies)
4. Total number of hours you are taking this semester:
5. Briefly explain your background in mathematics. When and where did you take your last math course?
6. How much mathematics is required for your major? How much do you plan to take?
7. What, if any, experience do you have with graphing calculators?
8. Did you already try to take the placement exam to get into Calculus?
9. Anything else you want to tell me about yourself?