2016-2017 Student Expectations
Señora Lifrieri - Spanish II
¡Bienvenidos a la clase de español! The following is a list of things for you to be aware of in order to be successful as a student in Spanish II.
Daily Supplies
1. 3 ring binder
2. Folder
3. Small marble composition notebook
4. pen/pencil
Classroom Regulations
1. Speak in Spanish as much as possible since the more you speak the faster you will learn!
2. Arrive to class ON TIME every day with the daily supply requirements and completed homework. Hall passes will NOT be issued to go to lockers.
3. Be in your seat, ready to begin working when the bell rings.
4. No food or drinks will be consumed in class. To learn another language effectively one must speak. It is very difficult to speak (and for others to understand you) when there is food in your mouth!
5. The use of any personal electronics in class is prohibited and will be subject to the penalties specified in the student handbook.
6. Raise your hand and wait to be called on before speaking.
7. The end of the period is determined by the teacher. Remain in your seat and wait for the teacher to dismiss you.
8. Respect yourself, your peers, me, and the classroom.Please sit quietly and listen when someone else is speaking. Raise your hand when you wish to speak. When I am speaking you are listening attentively. Please do not touch anything that does not belong to you.
The learning of another language is cumulative. Therefore, it is important for you to keep your binder neat, organized, and complete. You will be expected to keep your binder organized with all handouts, homework, and class notes in the order at which the information is given to you.
At the beginning of the period you are expected to come in, sit down, and start working on your journal activity. You will be given a journal activity every day that you will answer in your marble composition notebook that you will bring with you to every class. You must write down the activity, along with the date every class period. In your journal only Spanish is accepted. At the end of each marking period we will collect your journal. Your journal will be waited the worth of a quiz.
Grading policy
1. Grades will be determined as follows:
Tests / 40 %Quizzes/Projects / 30 %
Homework / 15 %
Class Participation / 15 %
2. Quizzes will not always be announced. However, tests will always be announced several days in advance. Please beprepared for pop quizzes at all time.
1. Homework will usually be either collected or checked at your seat.
* Each completed assignment will receive a 100.
* Each partial assignment will receive a 50.
* Each missing assignment will receive a 0.
2. In order to earn full credit for a homework assignment, it must be NEAT and COMPLETE with your name and the date.
If you are absent, it is YOUR responsibility to see me regarding the assignment(s) and/or check my website. To receive credit for a missed assignment, you must turn it in the following day. If you have been absent for several days, please see me to arrange a mutually agreeable schedule.
If you are absent the day a homework assignment is collected, you should hand it in upon returning to school. It is YOUR responsibility to show me the work at the beginning of class. It is NOT to be completed during class time.
If you are absent the day a quiz or test is given, you will be expected to make it up the day you return. If you are absent for several days, you will have one week to make it up. Please see me to arrange a time.
Class Participation
It is very important that you practice speaking Spanish. You are expected to use the language as often as possible, speaking to your peers and to me in Spanish. I know it can be scary to speak a foreign language and make mistakes, but practice really does help!
Academic Integrity
Cheating will not be tolerated. Cheating on homework, quizzes, tests, projects, and/or any other assignments will result in a zero and a phone call home. Copying of any kind is considered cheating; this includes the use of an online translator. Iexpect all of your work to be your own.