2017 Randolph College Summer Soccer Official Rules
All team managers will be responsible for teams adhering to rules, any violation for team will be addressed with managers only
Each player will be required to pay a $40 league fee; player will be ineligible to play until the fee is paid
A maximum of 25 players can be registered on one team, male or female, all players must be 14 years or older
All players must be registered with the team with waivers and picture on file before playing any games, any new players must have this information added to the team file prior to anyone playing at any point
All players are required to have a uniform number on jersey. It must be a different number than anyone on their team and this will remain your number for the entire season.
Player headshots will be taken by league staff prior to the first games; any player added to roster after the initial games will be required to have their picture taken before they will be eligible to play
If team is found to be using a player not listed on their roster they will be issued a red card for the game, if the player is identified after playing the first half then that team will forfeit the game
Any players under the age of 18 must have a parent consent form filled out and signed along with all other team forms
League information will be on the website such as standings, cancellations, and contact information
All teams are required to make their team game times, failure to meet this rule will result in forfeiture of the game after 15 minutes of start time, if a team forfeits more than twice they are done for the remainder of the season without refund, any minutes lost before the 15 minutes are up will not be added to the half. Any team that is ten minutes late will be down one goal.
Games will not be canceled because of rain, weather such as lightning will delay the game play for 30 minutes from last strike while time permits, any other conditions that could cancel games will be conveyed by text and or email as per team captain contacts, website will be updated as well
To begin all games teams must have at least 7 players at the start of the game and at the start of the second half
Game balls will be provided for each match, please make sure they are returned to the scorer’s tent after each match
Shin guards are to be worn as per players liking, but are not mandatory
Game times will consist of two 35 minuteperiods with no overtime and only 5 minute half time
There is no slide tackling allowed, this is the officials discretion
There will be a 2 or 3 referee system, they are an extension of the College and will enforce all rules of the game as well as conduct around the field and in parking areas
Players who receive 2 yellow cards equaling a red or a straight red will be sent off for that game and miss the next game
Players who receive 5 yellows during the season will sit out the next game, any player who receives 3 red cards will be expelled from the league, this includes regular season as well as playoffs
Depending on the number of teams in the league, the league/playoff format will be determined once the final number has been established, team captains will be notified before the season begins on both formats
Tie breaking procedure will be by the following order, division, points, head-to-head, wins, goal differential (max 5 per game), goals against
All wins will be awarded 3 points and ties 1 point
All teams will follow all rules in accordance of Randolph College rules of conduct and use of the field
All games will be played on the turf field at WildCat Stadium, no other areas are open for use at any time
Field is off limits except for game days
All teams will use parking spaces as assigned by the league, any violators will be towed if this rule is not followed, do not park at the boiler room area
All spectators are asked to sit in the stadium seats or the grass hill, at no time are chairs or any coolers allowed on any area of the track
All teams must clean up any trash produced after each game, please use trash cans around the stadium, no glass bottles are allowed on track or field areas – Fines may be assessed to team managers for continued trash being left behind
Restrooms will be open above the stadium seating, please do not go anywhere else other than these restrooms
All team uniform colors will be first come first served, once your team has registered then that color will be reserved, bring white shirts as back-up for each match, or opposite from your color, Light/Dark
During playoffs, if game is tied there will be 2 halves of 5 minutes played, no sudden death, if still tied penalty kicks will take place after that best of 5 format and then one and one until winner is determined
A site coordinator will be present at all matches, they have final say on all rules and regulations, if a player is asked to leave by the site coordinator it is the managers responsibility to see that happens, this includes team spectators as well
Rosters can be added on to at any point during the season, but any players added will be required to pay $40 fee regardless of when they join team
Players can only play on one team in the league
It is the discretion of the league officials to expel any team that continues to break league rules, the team fees would be non-refundable
Let’s have a great, fun, competitive atmosphere at all games!