Dear Parents:
We would like to take this opportunity to acquaint you with the general policies of the school in order to establish a positive school and home relationship. All policies have been established for the welfare of all students.
We want our schools to be warm, caring and safe places in which children and parents feel comfortable and successful. Our staff members believe that all our students can be successful. We hold high expectations that each student will receive a solid academic foundation and will reach his/her maximum potential. While our emphasis is on an academic program of excellence, we also enrich our students socially and emotionally as we attempt to build a school wide sense of community.
The intent of the Student-Parent Handbook is to promote positive communication between the school and home while outlining the general school policies that help insure a safe, clean, respectful and orderly atmosphere in which all children can learn. Please read and discuss the rules and regulations in this handbook with your child.
If at any time you have questions or concerns related to the Student-Parent Handbook, please feel free to contact your child’s principal. We welcome your comments and appreciate your continued support.
Thank you for taking time to review this handbook with your child. Please give special attention to the areas dealing with enrollment policies (pages 4-9), bus transportation (10-11), student behavior (pages 12-14), and medication regulations (pages 24-25).
The bottom portion of this page and any sign and return forms you will find inserted in this handbook should returned to your child’s school within the next five (5) days. Your signature, date, and the child’s homeroom class need to be clearly indicated.
Hoover, Rene Hammock / Richard Kane, Shelly WhiteJane Phillips, Sandra Kent / Wayside, Ken Copeland
Ranch Heights, Kevin Brown / Wilson, Tammie Krause
I/We have read the entire Bartlesville Elementary Student-Parent Handbook and any additional inserts included from our home school.
I/We understand what expectations, policies and procedures will affect our child/children throughout the school year including my child’s information and photograph for use in a directory [see pages 22 and 23 (FERPA)].
Date: ______
Child's/Children's Name(s)
Class (es): ______
Signature of Parent or Guardian
District Vision
To be the best school system in the United States
District Mission
To provide the challenge and support to develop each student
to his or her maximum potential.
District Goals
1.Utilize & further improve a diverse curriculum that is written, taught and assessed based on rigorous standards. The curriculum will emphasize achievement in core areas while retaining the flexibility to meet the needs of all students as they prepare to live in a technological society. Student achievement will be measured through tests results, progress in obtaining specific knowledge in core subjects and post-secondary success.
2.Continually improve graduation and drop out rates, based on Bartlesville district criteria.
3.Recruit, develop and retain competent and caring teachers and other employees.
4.Communicate effectively to: 1) give all district stakeholders the information they need and want about school performance and activities, and 2) solicit, obtain and effectively utilize public input.
5.Provide and maintain district facilities so as to best support student performance and protect the public’s investment.
6.Maintain an 8% (minimum 7%) capital position and a consistent millage rate of 15-20 mills.
Important School Events /Date
Staff Orientation / August 13-14First Day of School / August 15
Labor Day / September 3
End of 1st Quarter (42 days) / October 12
Professional In-service Day / October 17
Fall Break / October 18-19
Elementary Parent/Teacher Conferences / October 25-26
Thanksgiving / November 21-23
End of 2nd Quarter (42 days) / December 19
Winter Vacation Begins / December 20
Classes Resume / January 2, 2013
Martin Luther King Day (no school) Professional In-Service Day / January 21, 2013
End of 3rd Quarter (48 days) / March 8, 2013
Elementary Parent/Teacher Conference / March 14-15, 2013
Spring Break / March 18-22, 2013
Classes Resume / March 25, 2013
End of 4th Quarter (49 days) / May 23, 2013
School Commencement / May 24, 2013
Professional Day / May 24, 2013
4 inclement weather days included
If 1 goes unused / No school on May 17
If 2 go unused / No school on May 10
If 3 go unused / No school on May 3
If 4 go unused / No school on May 23 (last day May 22)
If 1 more is used / Last day May 24, (Prof Day May 28)
If 2 more are used / Last day May 28, (Prof Day May 29)
If 3 more are used / Last day May 29, (Prof Day May 30)
If 4 more are used / Last day May 30, (Prof Day May 31)
Board Approved: May 5, 2011
Enrollment and Age Requirements:
A child must be four years of age on or before September 1, to be eligible for pre-kindergarten.
A child must be five years of age on or before September 1, to be eligible for kindergarten.
A child must be six years of age on or before September 1, to be eligible for first grade.
The following are required for students enrolling in pre-kindergarten, kindergarten, or first grade:
1)Birth Certificates
2)Up-to-date Immunization Records
3)Proof of Residency
3)Social Security Number
Vision Screening Requirements in Oklahoma:
Parents/guardians of each student enrolling in kindergarten
Oklahoma law requires that you provide certification to District personnel that your child passed a vision screening within the previous 12 months or during the school year. Please provide the elementary school principal with a copy of your child’s certification no later than September 22, 2012.
Parents/guardians of each student enrolling in the first or third grade
Oklahoma law requires that you provide certification to District personnel within the first 30 days of the school year that your child passed a vision screening within the previous 12 months. Please provide the elementary school principal with a copy of your child’s certification no later than September 22, 2012.
This “vision screening” is different than a comprehensive eye exam. The State Department of Health has established standards for the vision screening. It has also compiled a registry of screeners qualified to conduct vision screenings. We suggest you check the Oklahoma State Department of Health website – – for more information.
Reference: Title 70, Section 1210.274 of the Oklahoma Statutes
Immunization Requirements in Oklahoma:
All students admitted to Bartlesville Public Schools must comply with state immunization requirements as set forth in State Statute 1210.191.
The requirements for the 2012-2013 school year are:
Pre-K / K though 12th grade4 DTaP / 5 DTP/DtaP/Td/Tdap
3 Polio / 4 Polio
1 MMR / 2 MMR
3 Hep. B / 2-3 Hep. B
2 Hep. A / 2 Hep. A
1 Varicella / 1 Varicella
This table lists the immunizations currently required by the state of Oklahoma for school attendance. There are other immunizations recommended for some students such as Gardasil, Menactra, and a second Varicella vaccine that are not yet required. There are also some exceptions. If you have questions, consult your health care provider, the Washington County Health Department, or your school nurse. You may also call the Immunization Service at 1-800-234-6196 or visit their website at
- Children in childcare must be up-to-date for their age for the vaccines listed.
- All measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) and varicella vaccine doses must be administered on or after the child’s first birthday or up to 4 days before the birthday to be counted as valid doses.
- If the 4th dose of DTP/DTaP is administered on or after the child’s 4th birthday then the 5th dose of DTP/DTaP is not required.
- Beginning Jan. 1, 2003, 5th doses of DTaP must be given on or after the 4th birthday or within 4 days before the birthday.
- If the 3rd dose of Polio is administered on or after the child’s 4th birthday then the 4th dose of Polio is not required.
- Hepatitis A vaccine must be administered on or after the child’s second birthday or within 4 days before the birthday.
- Hepatitis B may be administered in a two (2) dose series to children 11 thru 15 years of age. All other age groups will receive the three (3) dose Hepatitis B series.
- A parental history of a child having varicella (chickenpox) disease is acceptable in lieu of varicella vaccine.
- Hib vaccine is not required for students in pre-kindergarten or kindergarten through grade twelve, but is required for children in childcare.
- Longer than recommended time periods between doses of multi-dose vaccines do not diminish the effectiveness of these vaccines. It is not necessary to restart the series of any vaccine due to longer than recommended time periods between doses.
- Children may be allowed to attend school if they have received the first dose in the series of any multi-dose vaccine but must complete the series on schedule. These children are “in the process of receiving” immunizations.
- Pneumococcal vaccination (PCV or PPV) is not required for school or childcare.
- Doses administered 4 days or less, before the minimum intervals or ages, will be counted as valid doses; applies to all children including those already enrolled.
For further immunization information please call the Immunization Service, Oklahoma State Department of Health, at 405-271-4073
No student will be admitted until immunization requirements are met and properly documented.
If you have any questions, you may contact:
Julie Jackson, B.S.N., RN, District Nurse, 336-3311 ext 5035
Washington County Health Department, 335-3005
Oklahoma Compulsory Laws require all elementary students to be in regular school attendance. Success in school depends on this regular attendance. Students should be in school unless they are ill or if there is an unavoidable circumstance approved by the principal. The Board of Education policy allows no more than ten (10) absences per semester. Excessive absences impact the student’s academic progress and are a consideration for promotion to the next grade. If a student exceeds the allowed ten (10) days due to a serious illness or injury, the administrator in charge of attendance must concur that the illness or injury is serious enough to prevent the student from attending school. A doctor’s note will be required to verify these absences.
Tardiness interferes with individual progress and classroom procedures. Students should arrive at school no later than 8:45 a.m. each morning. Students arriving after 8:50 a.m. will be reported as tardy.
State regulations define the school day for attendance purposes. The elementary school day is divided into two (2) parts. The morning session is 8:50 a.m. until 12:00 noon, and the afternoon session is 12:30 p.m. until 3:35 p.m. Lunch periods are 30 minutes in length and are not counted as part of the school day. In order for a student to be counted present all day, he/she must be present a minimum of two (2) hours in both sessions. For example, a student would not be able to leave the afternoon session before 2:30 p.m. without receiving a half-day absence for the afternoon session.
Poor attendance and chronic tardiness have been found to be factors, which can lead to a student dropping out of school prior to graduation. Students with chronic truancy/tardiness problems may be referred to the Truancy Action Team to assist the family in finding a solution. This team is composed of members of family service organizations (i.e. Youth and Family Services and DHS) from the Bartlesville community. The principal or his/her designee heads the team. The purpose is to meet with families whose child is experiencing excessive attendance and/or tardiness and work together to find a solution which dramatically improves the child’s attendance and keeps him/her in compliance with the state laws and Board of Education policy of the school district. As always, we encourage all students to develop and maintain good attendance habits as they have a high correlation with success in school.
Reporting Absences:
Parents must call the elementary office before 9:00 a.m. to report an excused student absence due to the following:
1)Injury, illness or emergency suffered by the student
2)Serious injury or illness in the immediate family
3)Attendance at a funeral or memorial service
4)Pre-arranged agreement with the attendance office
5)Religious holy days
All other student absences will be recorded as unexcused. Vacation and days off for pleasure are not acceptable excused absences. Parents should schedule doctor and/or dental appointments after school hours whenever possible. Any student leaving during school hours must be checked out from the office by a parent. A student should request make up work from his/her teacher when returning to school.
School Hours:
PreK-58:50 a.m. to 3:35 p.m.
Any unexcused absence from school is considered truancy. Although this is commonly thought of as an absence of which the parents are unaware, certain absences of which parents are aware will be treated in the manner of truancies. The principal of the elementary school shall be the designated attendance officer. It is the policy of Bartlesville Public Schools to notify parents when their child is absent a total of 4 or more days within a four week period or when a child’s pattern of absences puts them at risk of exceeding 10 absences. Students with chronic truancy problems may be referred to the district’s Truancy Action Team to assist the family in finding a solution.
Change in Address, Phone Number(s) or Emergency Contact Information:
Please notify the school office immediately of a change in your address, home, work or cell telephone numbers, or emergency contact information. This information will help us manage an emergency involving your child in an efficient manner.
Student use of Telephone:
The school phones are for business purposes and are available to students for emergency situations. Students are not allowed to use the phone for forgotten school items or to get permission to go home with a friend. Arrangements to stay after school for any activity must be made before arriving at school.
Parent-Teacher Communication:
Please feel free to contact your child’s teacher, as you are an important part of the education process. Teacher hours are 8:30 a.m. – 3:45 p.m. If you call during class time, a message may be left on voicemail for a reply at the teacher’s earliest convenience.
Teachers are encouraged at all grade levels to contact parents if there is a concern about their child’s progress. Written progress reports are issued for grades 3-5 at the midway point of each grading period. Report cards are issued four (4) times a year, at the end of each nine (9) week period. Regular parent-teacher conferences are scheduled at the end of the first and third nine-week periods. Parents are encouraged to contact their child’s teacher at any time they have questions or concerns about their child’s progress.
Powerschool is a web-based program that parents of students in grades 3-5 can use to access their child’s attendance and academic progress. Please see your school’s attendance secretary for access information.
The district also has a FaceBook account and uses this as a way to communicate information such as when school is closed or special events. In addition, you can check at your individual school site as many school sitesalso have their own FaceBook account.
Please be sure to provide the school office with your email address as this is a great way for us to communicate with you.
Arrival at School:
Students are allowed to enter their classrooms at 8:45 a.m. Students arriving before 8:45 a.m. will be required to remain in an assigned area until 8:45 a.m. unless they are eating breakfast. Parents of students who consistently arrive too early will be contacted and asked to make other arrangements for the care of their children. Students arriving after 8:45 a.m. are to go directly to their classrooms.
School Age Care – Before, During and After:
Before and after school day care is available on a fee basis at each Bartlesville Elementary site for all students enrolled in that school. Before school day care will be 7:15 a.m. to 8:50 a.m., and after school day care will be 3:35 p.m. to 6 p.m. Please check with your child’s school to find out if School Age Care is offered in the morning or afternoon at his/her site.
Authority to Release Students:
Students are not permitted to leave the school grounds without supervision at any time during the school day. Parents requesting release of their child for dental, doctor, and other such appointments or emergencies must make the request through the principal's office. Only the principal or official designee has the authority to release children from school. We ask that the person picking the child up from school stop at the office and sign the child out of school. If requested, this person should be prepared to show some form of photo identification (i.e. driver’s license.) If the child is returning to school after an appointment, we ask that the child or parent stop at the office and sign in.
Students who become ill or injured must be released to the parent or an authorized reliable adult if the parent is not available. Every effort will be made to contact the parent in all cases.