A TradersYard group is a page created for an organization or business with the purpose of promoting activities. Users can join the group, post their thoughts on a wall and interact through the chat.
Filter settings are located to the left of the window. For a better performance, the user can set the display settings.
- All: you can view all groups
- My: view only groups in which you participate
- Own: view only your own groups
In order to create a new group, please follow these steps:
- Click the CREATE button to the left of the window:
In the dialog window that opensup, please fill in all forms and click on theCREATE button:
- Name: type the name of your group
- Category: select the category for your group
- Privacy: select the privacy setting for your group (Public: all users can join your group; Private: only the owner has the right to invite people to join the group; Protected: group participants can invite users)
- Description: type a description for your group
How to use
Each group member has their own role with specific rights.
Listener:Only allowedConversations chat sharing. Can only consume: Video, Desktop, Chat, Analysis. Cannot view participant list.
Owner: Group owner. Can use Chat, Video, Analysis sharing. Has the right to change all roles and approve PreTrader sharing.
Presenter: Group presenter. Can use Chat, Video, Analysis sharing. Has the right to change roles (except admin role) and approve PreTrader sharing.
Executive:Moderator. Can use Conversations chat, Video, Analysis sharing. Has the right to change roles (except admin role) and approve PreTrader sharing.
Trader: Can use Conversations chat, Video, Chat, Analysis sharing. Views participant list.
PreTrader: Can use Conversations chat, Video, Desktop, Chat, and Analysis sharing only in accordance with the Presenter, Executive and Owner.
The Group menu is very similar to Accounts; however, it also has several additional features. You can find more details on the Accounts page.
The Group conversation in the TimeLine tab lets you chat, share photos, videos, and documentswith all group members. Simply type your message in the input field and click the button.
Lets you attach a photo.
Lets you attach a video.
Lets you attach a document.
The Invite tab lets you invite friends:
MY FRIENDS allows you to invite people from your friend list. To find a friend, typethe friend’s nameinto the search bar at the top of the page and click on the Edit button.
MY GROUP: Invite all members from your group. Select the Group from which you wish to add participants and click on the invite button.
MEMBERS OF MY GROUPS: Invite selected people from your group. Similar to Add friends.
Important!To become a group participant, theinvited person needs to confirm your Invitation.
INVITE VIA EMAIL: Allows you to invite people via email.Using the ADD button, you can send an invitation to several email addresses. The Remove button will remove the selected email address from the list. To send an invitation,click on the SEND INVITATION button.
Participant list
This contains the group members’icons, trading performances and likes.
Enabled when the group is protected. Only members with the role Owner, Executive, or Presenter have the right to accept or reject requests.
You can find more details on the Accounts page.
This section is only enabled for users with the roles:
- Owners: full access
- Executives: all except ROLE MANAGEMENT
- Presenter: all except ROLE MANAGEMENT
Contains the main group settings. You can find details in the Create Group section.
In development
In this tab, the Owner caninvite new users and manage their roles.
To find a member of a group, please type the person’s nameinto the search bar at the top of the page and click on the Edit button.
Then you can change the user’s role.
For each role, you can invite any person – just click on the invite button. You can find details on the Invite tab page.
Important!Only the Owner has access to this tab.
In this tab, you can block individual TradersYard users. First, click on the search button. Then type the user name in the search bar and click the Block button opposite the user name. Blocked people have no access to the group.