Lawrence D. Green

Curriculum Vitae


B.A. Rhetoric, University of California, Berkeley, 1969

M.A. Rhetoric, University of California, Berkeley, 1971

Ph.D. Rhetoric, University of California, Berkeley, 1975

Tenure Track Appointments

Professor of English, University of Southern California, 1996-

Associate Professor of English, University of Southern California, 1983-1996

Assistant Professor of English, University of Southern California, 1975-1983

Visiting and Other Appointments

Professor of English, University of California, Irvine, 2006, 2004, 2002

Lecturer, Department of Rhetoric, University of California, Berkeley, 1975-1976

Consultant, Bay Area Writing Project, Berkeley, 1975

Instructor, Department of Rhetoric, University of California, Berkeley, 1973-1975

Teaching Asst, Department of Rhetoric, University of California, Berkeley, 1969-1972


(In preparation). Aristotle’s Rhetoric in the Renaissance, Toronto: Pontifical Institute for Medieval and Renaissance Studies.

2006. Renaissance Rhetoric Short-Title Catalogue 1460-1700, with J.J. Murphy, London: Ashgate Publisher.

1986. John Rainolds’s Oxford Lectures on Aristotle’s “Rhetoric.” Newark, London, and Toronto: University of Delaware Press.


2017. “Renaissance Commentaries on Aristotle’s Rhetoric,” Commenter la Rhétorique d’Aristote, de l’Antiquité à nos jours, Leiden: Brill Publ. 2018 (in press).

2015. “Rhetoricall Daunsinge: Pronunciatio and Actio in Renaissance Rhetoric,” inRhetorical Arguments, pp. 353-62. Hildesheim, Zürich, New York: Georg Olms Verlag.

2014. “Ethical and Political Commentary on Aristotle’s Rhetoric during the Renaissance,” in Éthique, Politique et Rhétorique dans les traités et leurs commentaires, de l’Antiquité à la Renaissance. Orient et Occident. (CNRS, Paris), pp. 51-70. Beirut, Lebanon: Mélanges de l’Université Saint-Joseph, LXV.

2012. “Cultural Contexts of Renaissance Commentary on Aristotle’s Rhetoric.”Papers on Rhetoric XI, pp. 81-93. Perugia: Editrice Pliniana.

2011. “Retórica del Ars Renacentista y del Ars Epistolographica: Retórica para el Hombre que Trabaja. Retórica y Argumentación: Perspectivas de estudio,” pp. 161-74. Mexico City: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México: Instituto de Investigaciones Filológicas.

2010. [in Bulgarian] “Scriptural Elocutio in Seventeenth-Century England,” in New Chapters in the History of Rhetoric. Bulgaria (in Cyrillic).

2010. “Renaissance Views of Aristotelian Topoi.”Papers on Rhetoric X. pp. 127-39. Rome: Herder Editrice.

2009. “Si può ancora difendere e praticare la retorica?: The Global Study of Rhetoric,” in Discorsi alla prova. n.s. 1 pp. 585-99. Naples: Università degli Studi di Napoli.

2009. “Scriptural Elocutio in Seventeenth-Century England,” in New Chapters in the History of Rhetoric, International Studies in the History of Rhetoric. Vol. 1. pp. 537-48. Leiden: Brill.

2008. [In Chinese] “The Global Study of the History of Rhetoric.” Vol. 11. Social Sciences in China Publishing House: Rhetoric Collection.

2008. “Rhetoric: the European Renaissance,” in The International Encyclopedia of Communication. (Wolfgang Donsbach, Ed.). pp. 4249-53. Vol. 9. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing.

2008. [in Chinese] “Renaissance Controversies about Aristotle’s Rhetoric: Crossing Cultures in Communication Theory,” in Broadening the Horizon of Rhetoric. pp. 113-125. Fuzhou, Fujian: Literature and Art Publishing House.

2007. [In Chinese] “The Global Study of the History of Rhetoric.”Journal of Jianghan University. Vol. 26 (1), pp. 74-78.

2007. [In Chinese] “Controversies about Aristotle’s Rhetoric in the Period of the Renaissance: Making Sense of Theories of Communication in Crossing Culture.”Journal of Fujian Normal University (Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition). No. 143, pp. 47-53.

2005. “The Reception of Classical Pathos in Renaissance Rhetoric,” in Pontes III: Die antike Rhetorik in der europäischen Geistesgeschichte. pp. 203-13. Innsbruck, Vienna, Bozen: Studien Verlag.

2005. “The Encyclopedic Impulse: Laudatio Thomae Sloanis,” in Advances in the History of Rhetoric. pp. 211-16. College Park, Maryland: American Society for the History of Rhetoric.

2004. “Reynolds or Rainolde, Richard,” in New Dictionary of National Biography. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

2004. “Demosthenes, Cicero, and Philip of Spain,” in Advances in the History of Rhetoric. pp. 139-50. College Park, Maryland: American Society for the History of Rhetoric.

2003. With Feingold, M. “John Rainolds,” in Dictionary of Literary Biography; Vol. 281: British Rhetoricians and Logicians 1500-1600. pp. 249-59. Gale Press (Scribner’s).

2003. “French Letters and English Anxiety in the Seventeenth Century.”Huntington Library Quarterly. Vol. 66, pp. 263-74.

2002. “Melanchthon, Rhetoric, and the Soul,” in Melanchthon und Europa, vol 2: Westeuropa. pp. 11-28. Stuttgart: Jan Thorbecke.

2001. “Rhetoric,” in Tudor England: An Encyclopedia. (Arthur F. Kinney and David W. Swain, Ed.). 598-602. New York City, NY: Routledge. Also articles on “Rainolde, Richard,”pp. 581-82; “Logic,”pp. 439-41; “Ciceronianism,”pp. 137-39.

2001. “Pathos,” in Encyclopedia of Rhetoric. (Thomas O. Sloane, Ed.). 554-69. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

2000. “Aristotelian Lexis and Renaissance Elocutio,” in Rereading Aristotle’s “Rhetoric.” pp. 149-65. Carbondale, IL: Southern Illinois University.

1999. “Grammatica Movet: Renaissance Grammar Books and Elocutio,” in Rhetorica Movet: Studies in historical and modern Rhetoric in honour of Heinrich F. Plett. pp. 73-116. Leiden: Brill.

1998. “Aristotle’s Rhetoric and Renaissance Conceptions of the Soul,” in “La Rhétorique” d’Aristote: Traditions et commentaires, de l’antiquité au XVIIe siècle. pp. 283-97. Paris: Vrin.

1997. “Aristotle’s Rhetoric Made Methodical,” in Autour de Ramus: Texte, théorie, commentaire. pp. 135-73. Quebec: Nuits Blanches.

1996. “Scholasticism,” in Encyclopedia of Rhetoric and Composition: Communication from ancient times to the information age. (Theresa Enos, Ed.). 655-57. New York City, NY: Garland.

1995. “Aristotle’s Enthymeme and the Imperfect Syllogism,” in Rhetoric and Pedagogy: It’s history, philosophy, and practice. pp. 19-41. New York City, NY: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

1994. “The Reception of Aristotle’s Rhetoric in the Renaissance,” in Peripatetic Rhetoric After Aristotle: Rutgers University Studies in Classical Humanities. pp. 320-48. Oxford and New Brunswick NJ: Transaction Publishers.

1994. “Canonicity and the Renaissance Cicero,” in Composition in Context. pp. 17-27. Carbondale, IL: Southern Illinois Univ Pr.

1994. “Aristotle’s Rhetoric and Renaissance Views of the Emotions,” in Renaissance Rhetoric. (Peter Mack, Ed.). pp. 1-26. London: Macmillan.

1991. “The Scope of Eloquence: Texts and Contexts of Rhetoric after the Renaissance.”Clark Library Newsletter: Bulletin of the UCLA Center for 17th- and 18th-Century Studies. Vol. 20, pp. 4-5.

1991. “Stance Perception in Sixteenth-Century Ethical Discourse,” in Rhetoric and Ethics: Historical and Theoretical Perspectives. pp. 59-80. Lewiston, NY: Edwin Mellon Pr.

1990. “Rhetoric, Dialectic, and the Traditions of Antistrophos.”Rhetorica: A journal of the history of Rhetoric. pp. 5-27.

1989. “Rhetoricat the Clark.”Clark Library Newsletter: Bulletin of the UCLA Center for 17th- and 18th-Century Studies. Vol. 17, pp. 5-6.

1986. “Classical and Medieval Rhetorical Traditions in Traversagni’s Margarita Eloquentiae.”Quarterly Journal of Speech. Vol. 72, pp. 185-96.

1984. “‘We’ll Dress Him Up in Voices’: The Rhetoricof Disjunction in Troilus and Cressida.”Quarterly Journal of Speech. Vol. 70, pp. 23-40.

1983. “Comment and Response” (debate on theories advanced in my article in College English, 1980). College English. Vol. 45, pp. 509-17.

1981. “Modes of Perception in the Mirror for Magistrates.”Huntington Library Quarterly. Vol. 44, pp. 117-33.

1980. “Enthymemic Invention and Structural Prediction.”College English. Vol. 41, pp. 623-34.

1972. “‘Where’s My Fool?’—Some Consequences of the Omission of the Fool in Tate’s Lear.”Studies in English Literature 1500-1900. Vol. 12, pp. 259-74.

Book Reviews

2008. Georgius Trapezuntius: Rhetoricum libri quinque, ed. Luc Deitz. Renaissance Quarterly. pp.1214-15.

2000. Charta of Greek Printing: The contribution of Greek editors, printers and publishers to the Renaissance in Italy and the West, by Konstantinos Sp. Staikos. Renaissance Studies. pp.244-48.

1997. Essays on Aristotle’s “Rhetoric,” ed. Amélie Oksenberg Rorty. Quarterly Journal of Speech. pp.493-95.

1996. Renaissance-Rhetorik / Renaissance Rhetoric, ed. Heinrich F. Plett. Rhetoric and Philosophy. pp.451-58.

1993. Aristotle “On Rhetoric”: A theory of civic discourse, tr. George Kennedy. Rhetoric and Philosophy

1992. A Short History of Writing Instruction, ed. J. J. Murphy. Rhetoric Review. pp.221-26.

1992. The Elizabethan Courtier Poets, by Stephen May. Huntington Library Quarterly. pp.643-45.

1989. Hermogenes “On Types of Style,” tr. Cecil B. Wooten. Quarterly Journal of Speech. pp.502-505.

1986. “Rhetorical Approaches to Shakespeare” (review essay of several books). Rhetorica: A Journal of the History of Rhetoric. pp.295-301.

Lectures delivered

“Making Use of Aristotle … and Others,” University of Warwick, UK, Jun 2018

“Renaissance Synoptic Commentaries on Aristotle’s Rhetoric,”Plenary Address, Asociación Argentina de Retórica, Tucumán Argentina, Sep 2017

“Compendious Aristotle,” International Society for the History of Rhetoric, Queen Mary University of London, Jul 2017

“CommentariesonAristotle’sRhetoricintheRenaissance,” École Pratique des Hautes Études (Sorbonne), Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Paris, Jun 2016

“Homogenizing Renaissance Rhetorical Theory,” Renaissance Society of America,Boston, MA, Mar 2016

“Synoptic Aristotle,” International Society for the History of Rhetoric, Tübingen, Germany, July 2015

“Emotional Turmoil in Rhetorical Theory,” Renaissance Society of America, New York, NY, Mar 2014

“Rhetoricall Dauncing,” International Society for the History of Rhetoric, Chicago, IL, July 2013

“Renaissance Controversies about Aristotle’s Rhetoric,” Il Congresso Brasileiro de Retórica, Keynote Lecture, Belo Horizonte, Brazil , Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Aug 2012

“Les commentaires à la Rhétorique d’Aristote à la Renaissance,” Éthique, politique et rhétorique dans les traités et leurs commentaires, depuis la période hellénist, Paris, France, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Jun 2012

“Renaissance Debates about Aristotelian Deliberative Rhetoric,” Abschlußsymposion des Historischen Wörterbuchs der Rhetorik, Blaubeuren, Germany, Universität Tübingen, Heinrich Fabri Institut, May 2012

“Aristotle and the Culture of Rhetorical Literacy,” Renaissance Society of America, Washington, DC, Mar 2012

“De sui ipsius et multorum ignorantia,” International Society for the History of Rhetoric, Bologna, Italy, Università di Bologna, July 2011

“Renaissance Commentaries on Aristotle’s Rhetoric,” International Society for the History of Rhetoric, Bologna, Italy, Università di Bologna, July 2011

“Aristotle and the Index Rerum Memorabilium,”In Honour of Kees Meerhoff,Haarlem, NL, Royal Holland Society of Sciences, May 2011

“Classical Stoicism and Renaissance Rhetoric,” Chinese RhetoricSociety of the World, Keynote Lecture, Hong Kong, China, Hong Kong Institute of Education, July 2010

“Stoic Residues in Renaissance Rhetoric,” American Society for the History of Rhetoric, Keynote Lecture, Minneapolis, MN, May 2010

“Appropriating Aristotle,” Renaissance Society of America, Venice, Italy, Apr 2010

“Renaissance Views of Aristotelian Topoi,” International Society for the History of Rhetoric, Montreal, Canada, Université McGill, July 2009

“Aristotle and the Status of Emotion in Renaissance Rhetoric,” Renaissance Society of America, Los Angeles, CA, Mar 2009

“International Contexts for Studies in the History of Rhetoric,” Orientaciones Actuales de la Retórica, Plenary Lecture, Mexico City, Mexico, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM), Mar 2009

“Renaissance Ars Rhetorica and Ars Epistolographia: Rhetoric for the Working Man,” Segundo Coloquio Internacional de Retórica, Plenary Lecture, Mexico City, Mexico, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM), Mar 2009

“The Persistence of Aristotle’s Rhetoric: The Renaissance,” National Communication Association, San Diego, CA, Nov 2008

“Scriptural Elocutio in Seventeenth-Century England,” Renaissance Society of America, Chicago, IL, Apr 2008

“L’histoire de la rhétorique trente ans après,” International Society for the History of Rhetoric, Plenary Lecture, Strasbourg, France, Université Marc Bloch, July 2007

“Patterns of Publication in Classical Rhetoric, 1460-1700,” International Society for the History of Rhetoric, Strasbourg, France, Université Marc Bloch, July 2007

“RhetoricEast and West,” Fuzhou Forum on Rhetoric, Seminar, Fuzhou, China P.R.C., Fujian Normal University, May 2007

“The Renaissance Union of Rhetoricand Letters,” Fuzhou Forum on Rhetoric, Keynote Lecture, Fuzhou, China P.R.C, Fujian Normal University, May 2007

“Towards a Cultural History of Letter Writing,” Renaissance Society of America, Miami, Florida, Mar 2007

“Renaissance Controversies about Aristotle’s Rhetoric: Crossing Cultures ,” Public Lecture, Wuhan, China P.R.C., Jianghan University, Nov 2006

“Renaissance Controversies about Aristotle’s Rhetoric: Crossing Cultures ,” Public Lecture, Beijing, China P.R.C., Peking University, Nov 2006

“Rhetoric in the Western Tradition,” 13th Biennial International Rhetoric Conference, Seminar, Wuhan, China P.R.C., Rhetoric Society of China, Nov 2006

“The Epistolarion and Rhetorica of Korydalleus,” American Society for the History of Rhetoric, San Antonio, TX, National Communication Association, Nov 2006

“The Study of the History of Rhetoric as it is Conducted around the Globe,” 13th Biennial International Rhetoric Conference, Keynote Lecture, Wuhan, China P.R.C., Rhetoric Society of China, Nov 2006

“Si può ancora difendere e practicare la retorica?,” Discorsi pronunciati, discorsi ascoltati: contesti di eloquenza tra Grecia, Roma ed Europa, Plenary Lecture, Napoli and Santa Maria di Castellabata, Università degli Studi di Napoli (Federico II), Sept 2006

“Aristotle’s Rhetoric and Renaissance Epistolography,” International Society for the History of Rhetoric, Strasbourg, France, Université Marc Bloch, July 2006

“The Age of Rhetoric,”Rhetoric Society of America, Memphis, TN, May 2006

“Dictaminal Aristotle,” Renaissance Society of America, Cambridge, UK, Apr 2006

“Aristotle’s Rhetoric and Renaissance Theory of Letter Writing,” American Society for the History of Rhetoric, Boston, MA, National Communication Association, Nov 2005

“Quintilian, Pseudo-Quintilian, and Declamation in the Renaissance,” International Society for the History of Rhetoric, Los Angeles, CA, University of Southern California, July 2005

“The History of Rhetoric in International Contexts,” American Society for the History of Rhetoric, Plenary Lecture, Chicago, IL, National Communication Association, Nov 2004

“The Encyclopedic Impulse,”Rhetoric Society of America, Austin, TX, May 2004

“Renaissance Controversies about Aristotle’s Rhetoric,” Renaissance Society of America, New York City, NY, Apr 2004

“Quintilian in the Renaissance,” National Communication Association, Miami Beach, FL,Nov 2003

“The Reception of Classical Pathos in Renaissance Rhetoric,” Pontes III: Die antike Rhetorik in der europäischen Geistesgeschichte, Innsbruck, Austria, Universität Innsbruck, Sept 2003

“Renaissance Controversies about Aristotle’s Rhetoric,” International Society for the History of Rhetoric, Presidential Inaugural Lecture, Madrid, Spain, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, July 2003

“Lettres à la française et l’inquiétude à l’anglaise,” La Rhétorique épistolaire sous l’Ancien Régime, Winnipeg, Canada, University of Winnipeg, Apr 2003

“Demosthenes, Cicero, and Philip of Spain,” American Society for the History of Rhetoric, New Orleans, LA, National Communication Association, Nov 2002

“Scriptural Elocutio in the Renaissance,” Calahorra, Spain, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, July 2002

“Renaissance Controversies about Aristotle,”Rhetoric Society of America, Las Vegas, NV, May 2002

“Figuration in Scripture,” National Communication Association, Atlanta, GA, Nov 2001

“New Directions in Renaissance Rhetoric,” American Society for the History of Rhetoric, Atlanta, GA, Emory University, Oct 2001

“The Pathetic Renaissance,” International Society for the History of Rhetoric, Warsaw, Poland, Uniwersytet Warszawski (University of Warsaw), July 2001

“Renaissance Grammar and the English Literary Imagination,” Neo-Areopagus Society, Los Angeles, CA, University of California at Los Angeles, Mar 2001

“Research in Rhetoricfor the New Millenium,” Universität Essen, Essen, Germany, Oct 2000

“French Letters: Penetration, Resistance, and Contamination,” Krakow, Poland, Uniwersytet Jagiellonski (Jagiellonian University), July 2000

“English Dictamenal Relations with France,” Renaissance Society of America,Florence, Italy, Mar 2000

“Melanchthon, Rhetoric, and the Soul,” Tagung Melanchthonhaus, Bretten and Heidelberg, Germany, Sept 1999

“Renaissance Grammar and Elocutio in England,” International Society for the History of Rhetoric, Amsterdam, Netherlands, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, July 1999

“Shakespeare, Elocutio, and Phigures of Grammar,” Shakespeare Association of America, San Francisco, CA, Apr 1999

“Trends in English Renaissance Letter-Writing,” Renaissance Society of America, Los Angeles, CA, Mar 1999

“Rhetorical Elocutio in Renaissance Grammar Books,” National Communication Association, Chicago, IL, Nov 1997

“Aristotle’s Rhetoric Made Methodical,” International Society for the History of Rhetoric, Saskatoon, Canada, University of Saskatchewan, July 1997

“Archival Research in Renaissance Dictamen,” Conference on College Composition and Communication, Phoenix, AZ, Mar 1997

“Renaissance Rhetoric and Conceptions of the Soul,” International Society for the History of Rhetoric, Edinburgh, UK, University of Edinburgh, July 1995

“Sur l’influence du De anima sur la lecture de La Rhétorique à la Renaissance,” Colloque sur La Rhétorique d’Aristote: traditions et commentaires, de l’antiquité au XVIIe siècle, Aix-en-Provence, France, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, July 1995

“Inventing, Arranging, and Delivering the Memory of Caesar -- with Style,” Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies, Los Angeles, CA, University of California at Los Angeles, Feb 1994

“Aristotelian Lexis and Renaissance Elocutio,” International Society for the History of Rhetoric, Turin, Università degli Studi di Torino, July 1993

“Seventeenth- and Eighteenth-Century Rhetoric,” Eugene, OR, University of Oregon, Nov 1992

“Cicero and Renaissance Criticism,” Modern Language Association, San Francisco, CA,Dec 1991

“Aristotle’s Rhetoric in the Renaissance,” Conference on The Disciplines of Persuasion: A Symposium on Rhetoric from Classical Times to the Present, Knoxville, TN, University of Tennessee, Oct 1991

“The Reception of Aristotle’s Rhetoric in the Renaissance,” Peripatetic Rhetoric After Aristotle, Sponsored by Project Theophrastus, New Brunswick, NJ, Rutgers University, Sept 1991

“Making Sense of Aristotle’s Rhetoric and Renaissance Views of the Emotions,” The Significance of Renaissance Rhetoric, Coventry, UK, University of Warwick, July 1991

“Situating Aristotle’s Enthymeme in the 1990s,” Conference on College Composition and Communication, Boston, MA, Mar 1991

“Rhetoricand the Clark Collections,” The Scope of Eloquence: Texts and Contexts of Rhetoricafter the Renaissance, Los Angeles, CA, William Andrews Clark Memorial Library, Dec 1990

“The Search for Conclusive Forms of Reasoning in the Renaissance,” Speech Communication Association, Chicago, IL, Oct 1990

“The Ethics of Rhetoric in Historical Perspective,” Conference on College Composition and Communication, Chicago, IL, Mar 1990

“TheRhetorical Bases of Aristotelian Dialectic,” International Society for the History of Rhetoric, Göttingen, Germany, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, July 1989

“Aristotle’s Enthymeme in Rhetorical Research,” Göttingen, Germany, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, July 1988

“Taking Aristotle at His Word,” Conference on College Composition and Communication, St. Louis, MO, Mar 1988

“Rhetorica 1354al: If you can’t crack an old nut, bury it,” Philological Association of the Pacific Coast, Davis, CA, University of California at Davis, Nov 1987

“Dialectic is the Antistrophe of Rhetoric,” International Society for the History of Rhetoric, Tours, France, Université François-Rabelais, July 1987

“Ancient and Medieval Rhetorical Traditions in theMargarita Eloquentiae [by Laurentius Traversanus of Savona],” International Society for the History of Rhetoric, Oxford, UK, St.John’s College, Oxford University, Aug 1985

“Discovery by Constraint in the Enthymeme,” Conference on College Composition and Communication,Minneapolis. Minnesota, Mar 1985

“Tudor Rhetorical Theory,” International Society for the History of Rhetoric, Florence, Italy, Università degli Studi di Firenze, Jun 1983

“Troilus and the Rhetoric of Disjunction,” Eugene, Oregon, University of Oregon, Feb 1983

“Rhetoric at Elizabethan Oxford,” Eugene, Oregon, University of Oregon, Jan 1983

“Rhetorical Concerns at Elizabethan Oxford,” Sheffield, UK, University of Sheffield, Mar 1982

“Complex Enthymemes in Argumentation,” Conference on College Composition and Communication, Dallas, Texas, Apr 1981

“Enthymemic Invention and Structural Forecasting,” Conference on College Composition and Communication, Minneapolis, MN, Apr 1979

“Predication and Prediction,” Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association, Phoenix, AZ, Oct 1978

“The Rhetoric of Hyperbole,” Rocky Mountain Conference on British Studies, Tempe, AZ, Oct 1978

“Structural Rhetoric in Tamburlaine, Part I,” Los Angeles, CA, University of Southern California, Dec 1977

“The Rhetorics of Renaisssance Drama,” Philological Association of the Pacific Coast, Los Angeles, CA,Nov 1977

“Intention and Interpretation,” National Endowment for the Humanities, Seminar on Rhetoric, Reading, and Writing, Los Angeles, CA, University of Southern California, Jun 1977

“Magistrates and Their Mirrors,” Columbia, Missouri, University of Missouri, Jan 1976

Other Presentations

“Chair, moderator, discussant, or respondent,” at more than 50 scholarly meetings in Europe, North America, South America, and Asia, 1978-2015

Conferences Organized

Organizer and moderator, “Lysias and Logography,” San Antonio, TX (three-day seminar for the Rhetoric Society of America, featuring Professor Michael Edwards, Roehampton Univ, United Kingdom, May 2014.

Organizer and moderator, “Epideictic Rhetoric in Antiquity,” Philadelphia, PA(three-day seminar for the Rhetoric Society of America, featuring Prof. Laurent Pernot, University of Strasbourg, France), May 2012

Organizer and moderator, “Classical Epideictic Rhetoric,” Minneapolis, MN (three-day seminar for Rhetoric Society of America), May 2010

Organizer and moderator, “History of the Loci Communes,” Seattle, WA (three-day seminar for Rhetoric Society of America, featuring Prof. Marc van der Poel of Nejmegan University, Netherlands), May 2008

Organizer and moderator, “Aphthonius and the Progymnasmata,” Memphis, TN (three-day seminar for Rhetoric Society of America, featuring Dr. Manfred Kraus of Tübingen University, Germany), May 2006

Organizer, International Society for the History of Rhetoric, Los Angeles and San Marino, CA, (week-long international biennial congress at USC and the Huntington Library, with 400 scholars from 34 countries presenting papers in six languages), July 2005