EEO Plan, Standard 2, Bullet C
Equal Employment Opportunity Plan
Purpose: To describe the Department's Equal EmploymentOpportunity Plan.
A. The City abides by, and supports, all elements of theEqual Employment Opportunity Act. The City ensuresequal opportunities for employment and employmentconditions for minority persons and women.
B. Annually, the Commander of the Staff ServicesDivision, in cooperation with the Personnel Officer,is to analyze the Department's existing employmentpolicies, practices and procedures relevant to theireffective impact on the employment and utilization ofminorities and women.
A. The City of Springdale is an Equal Employment Opportunity Employer. It is thepolicy of the City not to unlawfully discriminate against any qualified employee,qualified applicant for employment, or eligible beneficiary of services on the basis ofrace, color, religion, sex, national origin, disability, or veteran's status regarding thefollowing:
1. Recruitment
2. Selection
3. Placement
4. Testing
5. Training
6. Promotions and transfers 12. Tangible program service and benefits
7. Layoff and recall B. The City Manager and department heads shall maintain responsibility for 8. Termination their actions
9. Disciplinary action in regard to affording equal opportunities to each City employee or job
10. Social and recreational programs applicant.
11. Employee benefits and compensation
B. An employee who feels he or she has been discriminated against because of race,creed, color, sex, age, national origin, or other non-merit factors or physical/mentaldisability may seek redress internally by filing a complaint with the employee’ssupervisor or the Personnel Officer. If the employee’s supervisor or the PersonnelOfficer is the source of the alleged discrimination, the complaint may be filed withthe City Manager. If the complaint is not addressed through the internal grievanceprocedure, an employee may file a charge with the Ohio Civil Rights Commission orthe Equal Employment Opportunity Commission as appropriate.
C. The City shall make reasonable accommodations for qualified individuals as requiredby regulations issued under the Americans with Disabilities Act.
D. In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, the City has appointed an
ADA Coordinator and has undergone a self-evaluation of its employment practices,accessibility to programs, services and buildings, and has developed complaintresolution procedures. The City seeks to assure that no employee entitled toparticipate in any program is inadvertently excluded from the benefits, services,programs or activities offered by the City of Springdale. Employee input,particularly that of individuals with disabilities and all employees solicitrepresentative organizations to assist in identifying potential barriers to participationand to ensure full and equal enjoyment of programs and services. Continued input isencouraged and desired from all who are interested.
Chapter 1 Recruitment
Affirmative Action Plan
Equal Employment Opportunity Plan
EEO Complaint Procedure
Recruitment Practices
Chapter 2 Police Officer Selection
Police Officer Selection Process
Written Examination
Supervisor’s Interview
Oral Interview
Pre-offer Polygraph Examination
Background Investigation
Oral Interview with Chief of Police
Psychological Examination
Medical Examination
Post-offer Polygraph Examination
Lateral Entry
Chief’s Interview
Chapter 3 Oral Interviews
Candidate Oral Interviews
Chapter 4 Promotions - Non-exempt
Lieutenants and Sergeants Examination
Announcing Promotional Opportunities
Written Examination
Psychological Evaluation
Assessment Center
Oral Interviews
Eligibility List
Probationary Period
Review and Appeal Process
Chapter 5 Promotions - Exempt
Chief of Police Selection Process
Chapter 6 Summaries
Police Officer Selection Process
Sergeants and Lieutenants Selection
Chief of Police Selection Process
The Recruitment/Selection/Promotional Manual was created to provide aneasy to follow guideline of the recruitment, selection and promotionalprocess for various positions within the Department. All of theprocesses contained in this manual are within the City and PoliceDepartment guidelines.
The second section of this manual outlines the selection of patrolofficers by the method of ranking candidates to develop an eligibilitylist. This list is based on their performance on a written test andother criteria. In the event that a police officer is to be soughtthrough lateral entry, no written test need be given and the list willbe prepared based on the remainder of the criteria.
The third section of this manual describes interview methods forcandidates which provides general criteria and guidelines.
The fourth section of this manual describes the selection process forPolice Sergeant and Police Lieutenant positions. These positions areselected by ranking on an eligibility list based on performance on awritten test, oral interview, psychological testing, and assessmentcenter if applicable.
The fifth section of this manual describes the selection of the Chiefof Police. The Chief of Police is selected under guidelines chosen bythe City Personnel Officer and the City Manager.The sixth section consists of capsule summaries of the recruitment,selection and promotional process.
The final section is a collection of departmental policies andprocedures as well as City Personnel Orders and the CityCharter.
I. Recruitment
II. Patrol Officer Selection
III. Oral Interview Criteria
IV. Promotion - Non-exempt
V. Promotion - Exempt
VI. Summaries
VII. Applicable Policies
A task as important as the recruitment and selection of lawenforcement personnel must be approached from a positive viewpoint.
The Springdale Police Department identifies and employs the bestcandidates available and does not merely eliminate the leastqualified. The benefits of positive recruitment and selectionpolicies are manifested in a lower rate of personnel turnover, fewerdisciplinary problems, higher morale, better community relations andmore efficient and effective services.
The Springdale Police Department is an equal opportunity employer.
Through its equal employment opportunity plan the Department strivesto remove the barriers which prevent people of all protected classesfrom being treated fairly for employment purposes.
Affirmative action and EEO are related but distinctly differententities. Where EEO envisions fair and equal opportunities for allpeople, affirmative action involves proactive steps that will be takento encourage members of under-represented groups to seek employmentopportunities.
Purpose: To provide a ratio of minority employment that isrepresentative of the minority make-up of the community.
To establish the agency's affirmative action plan.
Affirmative Action Plan: This policy establishes an Affirmative
Action Compliance Program, composed of specific steps that will beundertaken to implement the plan. This plan will be implemented atany time that minority group employees do not approximate inproportion to the make-up of the available work force in thecommunity, recruitment policies and an Affirmative Action Plan will beimplemented in the Department.
♦In order to meet the provisions of "approximate proportion"indicated above, any time there is a minority representationof 3% or more in the City as indicated by the census, and the
Department is not represented by a proportionate number ofminority officers, the Affirmative Action Plan must beimplemented.
♦At any time the ratio of women police officers to male officersin the Springdale Police Department falls below the ratio ofwomen police officers to male officers overall in police agenciesof similar size within the Miami Valley, recruitment policies andan Affirmative Action Plan shall be initiated.
Ratio of Minority and Females to Approximate Population: This policeagency shall engage in positive efforts to employ ethnic minoritygroup members and women by taking affirmative action to achieve aratio of minority group employees in approximate proportion to themake-up of the service area and in appropriate level of femaleemployees.
Implementation of Methods: In seeking to employ qualified ethnicminority members and women, this agency may conduct research, developand implement specialized minority and female recruitment methods.
These methods may include, but not necessarily be limited to:
♦Application form and related pre-employment inquiry forms arein compliance with applicable federal, state, and local EEO laws.
♦Position descriptions are reviewed periodically to properlyidentify job related requirements.
♦Liaison with local minority community leaders to emphasizepolice sincerity and encourage referrals of minorityapplicants to the police agency.
♦Active cooperation and utilization of the minority media, aswell as the general media, in minority recruiting efforts.
♦Regular personal contact with the minority or femaleapplicant from initial application to final determination ofemployment.
♦Increase overall recruitment efforts with special attentionto inner-city neighborhoods and college campuses.
♦Periodic review of the entire selection process to ensure itis non-discriminatory. No standards are used which have theeffect of eliminating from consideration a significantlyhigher percentage of minorities or women than of non-minoritiesor men.
♦The encouragement of minority and women employees to referfriends to the agency for potential employment.
♦Become involved with and provide notification to localminority organizations, women's organizations, communityaction groups, and community service programs, at the time ofrecruitment.
♦The agency encourages minority and women employees to participate incommunity programs.
♦An evaluation of the agency's Affirmative Action Plan shallbe performed periodically by the Commander of the StaffServices Division in order to:
- measure the plan's effectiveness;
- determine the degree to which the objectives and goalshave been achieved;
- indicate any need for additional action.
Budget: The funds needed to undertake the Affirmative Action Planwill come from the accounts specified for the particular expenditure(i.e., printing, travel expense, etc.).
The Springdale Police Department provides equal employmentopportunities (EEO) to all employees and applicants for employmentwithout regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age,handicap or disability in accordance with applicable federal laws. Inaddition, the Springdale Police Department complies with applicablestate and local laws governing non-discrimination in employment. Thispolicy applies to all terms and conditions of employment, including,but not limited to, hiring, placement, promotion, termination, layoff,recall, transfer, leaves of absence, compensation and training.
To further the principal of equal employment opportunity for all,Springdale Police Department has developed affirmative action plansfor minorities and women and the Springdale Police Departmentexpressly prohibits any form of unlawful employee harassment based onrace, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, handicap, ordisability. Improper interference with the ability of employees toperform their expected job duties is not tolerated.
The Police Department has specific policies which prohibit sexualharassment and outline reporting procedures. These policies can befound in General Order 26.1, Section 26.1.2.
Each member of management is responsible for creating an atmospherefree of discrimination and harassment, sexual or otherwise. Further,employees are responsible for respecting the rights of their coworkers.If you experience any job-related harassment based on your sex (referto General Order 26.1, Section 26.1.2 for specifics on sexualharassment), race, national origin, disability, or another factor, orbelieve you have been treated in an unlawful, discriminatory manner,promptly report the incident to your supervisor, who will investigatethe matter and take appropriate action. If you believe it would beinappropriate to discuss the matter with your supervisor, you maybypass your supervisor and report it directly to your division head orthe Chief of Police who will undertake an investigation. Yourcomplaint will be kept confidential to the maximum extent possible.
If it is determined that an employee is guilty of harassing anotheremployee, appropriate disciplinary action will be taken against theoffending employee, up to and including termination of employment.
The Springdale Police Department prohibits any form of retaliationagainst any employee for filing a bona fide complaint under thispolicy or for assisting in a complaint investigation. However, if,after investigating any complaint of harassment or unlawfuldiscrimination, it is determined that the complaint was not bona fideor that an employee has provided false information regarding thecomplaint, disciplinary action may be taken against the individual whofiled the complaint or who gave the false information.
The Springdale Police Department aggressively recruits women andminority group members. The goal of this recruitment is to haveminority group and female employees in the sworn ranks in approximateproportion to the makeup of the available work force in the City ofSpringdale.
Recruitment practices include, when available, the use of women andminorities. The Department advertises outside of its service area inan effort to attract viable women and minority law enforcementcandidates. Job announcements are made in minority newspapersthroughout the state, encompassing cities of Cincinnati, Lima, Toledo,Columbus and Dayton. The Department utilizes, when available,minority and women employees at job fairs.
The Springdale Police Department also recruits applicants by postingjob announcements and advertising at colleges and universities ofprimarily minority enrollment. The Department also posts jobannouncements with minority and female civic and special interestgroups.
Police Officer Selection Process
The candidate selection process consists of nine or ten steps, (depending upon the written exam). The first step consists of a writtenexamination (when deemed necessary by the chief of police). Uponcompletion of the examination (70% passing), candidates will be notifiedof the score on the test and their acceptance or rejection forcontinuation to the next selection step. If a candidate is permitted tocontinue to the next step, he/she will be placed on an eligibility list,which is certified by the human resource manager. The chief of police,with approval of the city manager, may waive individual steps of theselection process for certain non-sworn positions (e.g. custodial and ITmanager).
The top candidates on the eligibility list will then proceed to the nextstep - an oral interview. After this step, candidates are evaluatedbased on the oral interview scores and qualifications. The topcandidates proceed to the next step in the selection process.The next step is a supervisor’s interview. The supervisor begins apreliminary investigation into the applicant’s background. This isaccomplished by a face-to-face interview primarily consisting of a druginquiry form.
The subsequent step is a pre-offer polygraph examination.
Candidateswho successfully complete this step continue in the process. The nextsteps in the process are a thorough background investigation (which mayprecede the polygraph). Based upon results of the polygraph andbackground investigations, thecandidate may continue forward to aninterview with the chief of police.
The chief of police then meets with the candidates of his/her choice.If the chief makes a tentative job offer, the candidate passes to thenext step.
The next step, if the candidate has successfully passed all interviewsand exams, is a psychological and a physical examination. If thecandidate successfully completes these two steps, he/she advances onto apost-officer polygraph examination. It will then be the chief of policeafter a final interview who will make the recommendation to the citymanager for appointment.
The city manager will then make the final appointment of candidates tothe position.
All steps in the selection process are conducted under the guidelines ofthe City's Personnel Orders, City Charter and departmental policies andprocedures.
Written Exam (when given)
The first step consists of a written examination designed to identify anapplicant's potential for police work. This exam is conducted andadministered by the human resource manager in conjunction with the chiefof police. The written test currently used is the InternationalPersonnel Management Association (IPMA) Police Officer Examination A-2.
The test is administered in accordance with provisions acceptable withIPMA. The minimum exam score (generally 70%) may be established andwill be announced prior to the exam. The exam is a pass/fail exam andthose who fail will be disqualified from the remainder of the selectionprocess. The test site will also be announced with confirmationnotifications sent to all candidates so as to ensure accessibility toall candidates. If study guides are supplied, they will be accessibleto the candidates at least thirty days prior to the written examinationannouncement.
Administration and scoring of exams is conducted by thecity personnel officer. Candidates will be notified of their score onthe test and their acceptance or rejection for continuation to the nextselection step. All candidates passing the examination will be placedon an eligibility list in descending order based on score. Thiseligibility list is certified by the city human resource manager.
Oral Interview
Following the successful completion of the written examination, the topcandidates will be interviewed by the Interview Board. The InterviewBoard will consist of, at a minimum, a command officer and anothersupervisor. The Board may be supplemented by the human resource managerand/or a trained entry-level member from the respective division. Theinterview is to be conducted in a standardized manner in order to beeffective and impartial. The same list of questions is to be asked ofeach candidate. Interviewers may ask the candidate to clarify orexpound upon an answer. After successfully completing this step, thetop candidate(s) will proceed to the next step in the selection process.
Supervisor’s Interview
Candidates passing the oral interview will be assigned to a supervisorfor an interview. This interview consists of a drug inquiryquestionnaire. Candidates pass onto the next phase based upon thesergeant’s recommendation.
Pre-Offer Polygraph Examination
The next step in the process is the polygraph examination. Thisexamination will be conducted in accordance with provisions of GeneralOrder 32.2.
Background Investigation
The next step in the process for the successful candidate is the backgroundinvestigation. Psychological evaluation may be conducted priorper direction of the chief of police. Police investigators conduct acomplete and thorough investigation of each candidate's backgroundutilizing an outline (attached) to determine suitability for employmentas a police officer.
Prior to pre-offer polygraph examination, upon being so notified that abackground investigation is to be conducted, the police investigator isto contact the respective candidate and have him/her contact theinvestigator where the following is to occur: a long-form applicationis to be completed and returned within two working days; review ofpolygraph questions (General Order 32.2, Section 32.2.4); fingerprintand photograph and other items to be conducted/ obtained in accordancewith provisions of General Order 32.2.