Durham Manor Board of Directors Meeting
July 27, 2011
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Durham Manor
Board of Directors Meeting
July 27, 2011
A regular meeting of the Board of Directors forDurham Manor Homeowners’ Association was held on July 27, 2011, at 7:00 p.m. at the home of Russell Crosby.
Russell Crosby, President, called the meeting to order at 7:15 p.m. Matthew Dozier represented the management company, Timmons Properties, Inc.
A quorum was established with the following directors present:
Russell Crosby
David Harlan
Jim Powlus
Don Harlan
Phillip Ferrara
After a discussion concerning voting on Board of Director positions, a motion was made by Jim Powlus to elect Russell Crosby as president, David Harlan as treasurer, Don Harlan as vice president, Jim Powlus as secretary, and Phillip Ferrara as director at large. A second to the motion was made by David Harlan and it was unanimously approved.
A motion was made by Jim Powlus to accept the meeting minutes dated March 29, 2011. A second to the motion was made by Don Harlan and the motion was unanimously approved.
The Board reviewed the annual meeting minutes dated May 5, 2011, but was not able to approve them.
A motion was made by David Harlan to accept the financial report for the period ending June 30, 2011. A second to the motion was made by Phillip Ferrara and the motion passed unanimously.
The Board had several questions concerning delinquent accounts in the community. The Board requested that Mr. Dozier research those questions and report back to the Board with his findings.
Mr. Dozier asked permission from the Board to write off the bad debt concerning lot 101. A motion was made by Don Harlan to allow Mr. Dozier to remove the remaining balance from lot 101 off of the books. A second to the motion was made by Phillip Ferrara and the motion passed unanimously.
Proofs of notices sent out over the previous month were reviewed by the Board. A copy of the letter that Mr. Dozier sent to the Board outlining several major issues that needed resolution was included in the packet.
- The Bivacca’s had a small social event in the community in the previous month. Approximately 20 homeowners attended the event.
- Russell Crosby continues to keep the association’s website updated.
- Applications for 2446 Durham Manor Dr., 2450 Durham Manor Dr., 2454 Durham Manor Dr., and 2240 Grey Cliff Dr. were reviewed by the Board. Approval or disapproval notices were sent out to the notices and were included in the packet for review.
- The Board discussed the possibility of landscaping the area around the retention pond. A proposal from LSI was reviewed by the Board as well as a proposal from Mike Hayes Landscaping, a landscape design company that David Harlan has personally used.
- The Board reviewed a landscape maintenance schedule from LSI and expressed some concerns they had over the service they were getting. Specifically, the Board was concerned over a lack of a proactive response from LSI and that several things they asked LSI for help on were not completed. The main request being a long term landscape plan for the community. The Board was also concerned about the poor condition of the common area turf. David Harlan is scheduling a meeting with Mike Hayes Landscaping to walk the property and he invited other Board members to attend the meeting. A decision was not made to approve any plans at the time of the meeting.
The Board continued the debate of allowing or not allowing dog pens in the community. A motion was made by Jim Powlus to not allow dog pens in the community. A second to the motion was made by Russell Crosby. Phillip Ferrara voted no, Don Harlan voted no, and David Harlan voted no. The motion did not pass. Jim Powlus then expressed his concern over the Board members who voted against the motion not respecting the clear wishes of the association based on a vote at the annual meeting to not allow dog pens in the community. Jim turned in his resignation to the Board over the issue based on principle.
With Jim’s resignation, a motion was still needed that would allow dog pens to be installed in the community. A motion was made by David Harlan to allow for dog pens in the community. A second to the motion was made by Phillip Ferrara. Don Harland voted no and Russell Crosby voted no. The motion was struck down. A formal rule has not been adopted by the Board that would allow or not allow dog pens in the community.
With no further business brought before the Board of Directors, the meeting was properly adjourned at 9:30 p.m. The next scheduled Board Meeting will be announced at a later date.
President SignatureDate
Secretary SignatureDate